#EspanhaNoMéxico / #SpainInMexico
Felipe e Letizia iniciaram no dia 29, uma visita de Estado de 3 dias ao México (eu não sei quanto a vocês mas eu tenho a sensação que no último ano todos visitaram o México e o México visitou toda a gente).
Felipe and Letizia began on the 29th, a state visit of three days to Mexico (I do not know about you but I have a feeling that last year all royals visited Mexico and Mexico visited everyone).
Felipe and Letizia began on the 29th, a state visit of three days to Mexico (I do not know about you but I have a feeling that last year all royals visited Mexico and Mexico visited everyone).
O casal chegou no dia 28 ao país da América do Norte, naquela que foi a segunda visita de Estado do casal real e a primeira a um país da Comunidade Ibero americana.
The couple arrived on the 28th to the North American country in what was the second state visit of the royal couple and the first to a country of the Ibero American Community.
The couple arrived on the 28th to the North American country in what was the second state visit of the royal couple and the first to a country of the Ibero American Community.
Á chegada ao final do dia a terras mexicanas, a Rainha Letizia optou por um descontraído vestido HUGO BOSS.
Upon arrival at the end of the day on Mexican land, the Queen Letizia opted for a relaxed dress by HUGO BOSS.
Upon arrival at the end of the day on Mexican land, the Queen Letizia opted for a relaxed dress by HUGO BOSS.
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Dia 1 / Day 1
A agenda oficial começou no dia seguinte com a deposição de uma coroa de flores no Monumento de los Niños Héroes.
The official agenda began the next day with the laying of a wreath at Los Niños Héroes Monument.
The official agenda began the next day with the laying of a wreath at Los Niños Héroes Monument.
Los Reyes, en la ofrenda floral ante Monumento de los Niños Héroes. Viaje de Estado a México. http://t.co/rtqREumnlA pic.twitter.com/VlM1EUni7J
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 29 junho 2015
Felipe e Letizia foram depois recebidos oficialmente no Campo Marte pelo Presidente do México Enrique Peña Neto e pela Primeira-Dama, Angélica Rivera.
Felipe and Letizia were then officially received at Campo Marte by the President of Mexico Enrique Peña Neto and the First Lady, Angélica Rivera.
Felipe and Letizia were then officially received at Campo Marte by the President of Mexico Enrique Peña Neto and the First Lady, Angélica Rivera.
Os Reis de Espanha reuniram mais tarde com o Chefe de Governo da cidade do México, Miguel Ángel Mancera. Felipe e Letizia foram honrados com as chaves da cidade e nomeados "Distintos Visitantes". Felipe referiu que tanto ele como Letizia "estavam emocionados com esta honra de receber esta nomeação e as chaves desta grande cidade tão rica em história e vitalidade humana, tão imensa e apaixonante e que caminha com força, projectando-se para o futuro".
The Kings of Spain met later with the Head of the Mexico City Government, Miguel Ángel Mancera. Felipe and Letizia were honored with the city keys and were named "Distinguished Visitors". Felipe said that he and Letizia "were thrilled with this honor to receive this appointment and the keys of this great city so rich in history and human vitality, so immense and passionate which walks with strength, projecting itself into the future."
The Kings of Spain met later with the Head of the Mexico City Government, Miguel Ángel Mancera. Felipe and Letizia were honored with the city keys and were named "Distinguished Visitors". Felipe said that he and Letizia "were thrilled with this honor to receive this appointment and the keys of this great city so rich in history and human vitality, so immense and passionate which walks with strength, projecting itself into the future."
Letizia escolheu um vestido verde-água, ao que tudo indica o mesmo que usou na primeira comunhão de Leonor, que combinou com um blazer tweed FELIPE VARELA e acessórios nude.
Letizia chose a sea-green dress, very similar to the dress she used in Leonor's Holy Communion, which combined with a tweed blazer FELIPE VARELA and nude accessories.
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Similar FELIPE VARELA blazer |
Mais tarde o casal real voltou a encontrar-se com o casal presidencial para um almoço e reunião no Palácio Presidencial los Pinos.
Later the royal couple joined the presidential couple for a lunch and meeting at the Presidential Palace los Pinos.
Encuentro en el Palacio Presidencial de Los Pinos. Viaje de Estado de los Reyes a México http://t.co/rtqREumnlA pic.twitter.com/UNxuBCAJP1
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 29 junho 2015
Para esta ocasião a Rainha de Espanha voltou a usar o conjunto bege FELIPE VARELA já usado na Visita de Estado a França.
For this occasion the Queen of Spain reuse the beige outfit from FELIPE VARELA already used in the State Visit to France.
For this occasion the Queen of Spain reuse the beige outfit from FELIPE VARELA already used in the State Visit to France.
À noite o Presidente do México e a sua esposa foram os anfitriões de um Jantar de Estado oferecido em honra do casal Real. ALERTA: No
In the evening the President of Mexico and his wife were the hosts of a State Dinner held in honor of the Royal couple.
In the evening the President of Mexico and his wife were the hosts of a State Dinner held in honor of the Royal couple.
Letizia voltou a escolher uma cor que muito a favorece - vermelho. O vestido de cocktail assimétrico em três tons de vermelho e adornado com cristais Swarovski concentrou todas as atenções. Um look tipicamente espanhol, tipicamente VARELA. Surpreendentemente aborrecido na minha opinião.
Letizia returned to pick a color that favors her a lot - red. The asymmetrical cocktail dress in three shades of red and adorned with Swarovski crystals call all the attention. A look typically Spanish, typically VARELA. Surprisingly boring in my opinion.
Letizia returned to pick a color that favors her a lot - red. The asymmetrical cocktail dress in three shades of red and adorned with Swarovski crystals call all the attention. A look typically Spanish, typically VARELA. Surprisingly boring in my opinion.
Dia 2 / Day 2
No segundo dia de visita, Letizia reuniu com representantes da Aliança Ibero americana de Doenças Raras (ALIBER), onde foi informada das principais conclusões de III Congresso da Organização celebrado na localidade mexicana de Guadalajara.
On the second day of visit, Letizia met with representatives of Ibero American Alliance for Rare Diseases (ALIBER), to be informed of the main findings of the III Congress of the organization celebrated in the Mexican town of Guadalajara.
On the second day of visit, Letizia met with representatives of Ibero American Alliance for Rare Diseases (ALIBER), to be informed of the main findings of the III Congress of the organization celebrated in the Mexican town of Guadalajara.
Mais tarde Felipe e Letizia, acompanhados do Presidente Peña e da Primeira-Dama inauguraram o Encontro Empresarial México-España.
Later Felipe and Letizia, accompanied by the President Peña and First Lady inaugurated the Mexico-Spain Business Meeting.
Later Felipe and Letizia, accompanied by the President Peña and First Lady inaugurated the Mexico-Spain Business Meeting.
As actividades continuaram com uma visita ao Senado, numa Sessão Solene, onde o Rei Felipe VI discursou.
The activities continued with a visit to the Senate, in a Solemn Session, where King Felipe VI spoke.
No segundo dia de visita ainda houve tempo para um almoço na embaixada espanhola, onde os Reis se encontraram com várias personalidades da sociedade mexicana.
On the second day of visit there was still time for lunch at the Spanish Embassy, where the Kings met several personalities of Mexican society.
Letizia voltou a tirar da mala das visitas de estado o conjunto vermelho NINA RICCI que usou em França, também na visita ao Senado. A completar um casaco oversize também NR.
Letizia returned to take of the state visits suitcase the red NINA RICCI set that she used in France, also on the visit to the Senate. For a complete an oversize coat also from NR.
Mais tarde Felipe e Letizia estiveram presentes para a celebração de um acordo de implementação do Serviço Internacional de Avaliação da Língua Espanhola no antigo Colégio de San Ildefonso, numa parceria entre universidades espanholas e mexicanas, e finalmente um encontro com Colectividades espanholas residentes no México.
Later Felipe and Letizia were present for the signing of an implementation agreement of the Spanish Language Assessment International Service in the old College of San Ildefonso, an agreement between Spanish and Mexican universities, and finally a meeting with the Spanish colectivities residing in Mexico.
No fim do segundo dia, Letizia voltou em apostar em VARELA desta vez em burgundy, num look que foi dos melhores da viagem, tirando o penteado demasiado infantil na minha opinião.
At the end of the second day, Letizia turned bet on VARELA this time in burgundy, a look that was the best of the trip, taking the hairstyle too childish in my opinion.
At the end of the second day, Letizia turned bet on VARELA this time in burgundy, a look that was the best of the trip, taking the hairstyle too childish in my opinion.
Dia 3 / Day 3
No último dia no México, o casal real viajou até Zacatecas, acompanhados pelo casal presidencial, para uma visita mais cultural.
On the last day in Mexico, the royal couple traveled to Zacatecas, accompanied by the presidential couple, for a more cultural visit.
On the last day in Mexico, the royal couple traveled to Zacatecas, accompanied by the presidential couple, for a more cultural visit.
Los Reyes llegaron a Zacatecas. Viaje de Estado a México. http://t.co/rtqREumnlA pic.twitter.com/HTHVF3UX8t
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 1 julho 2015
Juntos visitaram o Museo Virreinal de Guadalupe, um importante marco cultural no México e palco de várias exposições após a restauração do museu.
Together they visited the Museo Virreinal of Guadalupe, an important cultural milestone in Mexico and the scene of several exhibitions after the museum's restoration.
Together they visited the Museo Virreinal of Guadalupe, an important cultural milestone in Mexico and the scene of several exhibitions after the museum's restoration.
De seguida uma visita ao Museo de Arte Abstrata "Manuel Ferlguérez" para o fecho do colóquio "Passado, presente e futuro das relações entre México e Espanha".
Then a visit to the Museo de Arte Abstrata "Manuel Ferlguérez" for closing the symposium "Past, present and future of relations between Mexico and Spain."
Then a visit to the Museo de Arte Abstrata "Manuel Ferlguérez" for closing the symposium "Past, present and future of relations between Mexico and Spain."
Seguiu-se uma visita à exposição de fotografia "Más México para el Mundo" (Mais México para o Mundo).
This was followed by a visit to the photo exhibition "Más Mexico para el Mundo" (More México for the World).
This was followed by a visit to the photo exhibition "Más Mexico para el Mundo" (More México for the World).
Los Reyes y @epn visitan la exposición fotográfica "Más México para el Mundo" en Zacatecas http://t.co/rtqREumnlA pic.twitter.com/HVolmWhh4v
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 1 julho 2015
Após o almoço e o encontro com colectividades espanholas residentes em Zacatecas, Felipe e Letizia regressaram a Espanha.
After lunch and meeting with Spanish residents authorities in Zacatecas, Felipe and Letizia returned to Spain.
No último dia, Letizia optou pelos tons brancos, onde o casaco bege da UTERQUE (Obrigada Ana Santos) se destaca.
On the last day, Letizia opted by white tones, where the beije coat by UTERQUE (Thanks Ana Santos) is the master piece.
After lunch and meeting with Spanish residents authorities in Zacatecas, Felipe and Letizia returned to Spain.
No último dia, Letizia optou pelos tons brancos, onde o casaco bege da UTERQUE (Obrigada Ana Santos) se destaca.
On the last day, Letizia opted by white tones, where the beije coat by UTERQUE (Thanks Ana Santos) is the master piece.
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Qual foi o vosso look favorito da visita?
What was your favorite look on this trip?
The burgundy Varela, and the black&white Nina Ricci jacket. The light jacket from the last day in from Uterque btw ;)
Adorei a saia branca e vermelha com a blusa vermelha. O vermelho favorece letizia mas calma Leti. Ha todo um arco iris de cores. Adoro o cabelo com ondas. Marisa