As pessoas têm memória curta / Some people just have a very short memory
Olá. Espero que tenham uma boa semana!
Hoje começo com um avivar de memória. Porque considero que parte das pessoas que escrevem hoje em dia em jornais ou revistas pouco ou nada conhecem da sua própria História, e pouco percebem do que realmente escrevem. O que interessa é ganhar dinheiro. O que interessa é agitar as águas, causar incerteza e semear o sensacionalismo desmedido.
Hello. I hope you have a good week!
Today I start with a memory revive. Because I just realized people who write today in newspapers or magazines know little or nothing of their own history and about what they write. The point is to make money. The point is to stir the waters, causing uncertainty and sow the excessive sensationalism.
Hello. I hope you have a good week!
Today I start with a memory revive. Because I just realized people who write today in newspapers or magazines know little or nothing of their own history and about what they write. The point is to make money. The point is to stir the waters, causing uncertainty and sow the excessive sensationalism.
Open the archives: Experts back the Sun and plead for more Royal records to be released
— The Sun (@TheSun) 19 julho 2015
Tudo começou aqui, com esta história exclusiva publicada pelo tablóide britânico "The Sun".
It all started here, with this exclusive story published by the british tabloid "The Sun".
It all started here, with this exclusive story published by the british tabloid "The Sun".
Começa logo mal, com a publicação de imagens de um vídeo FAMILIAR, captado por volta de 1933.
Nas imagens podemos ver o então Príncipe de Gales, Edward, que reinaria mais tarde como Edward VIII (durante apenas 10 meses), a ensinar a sua cunhada, a Duquesa de York, mais tarde Rainha Elizabeth, e as suas sobrinhas, as Princesas Elizabeth (futura Rainha Elizabeth II) e a Princesa Margaret, a fazerem a saudação Nazi.
It starts badly, with the publication of images of a FAMILY video, captured around 1933.
In the images we see the then Prince of Wales, Edward, who would reign later as Edward VIII (for only 10 months), to teach her sister-in law, the Duchess of York, later Queen Elizabeth, and his nieces, Princess Elizabeth (future Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret, to make the Nazi salute.
It starts badly, with the publication of images of a FAMILY video, captured around 1933.
In the images we see the then Prince of Wales, Edward, who would reign later as Edward VIII (for only 10 months), to teach her sister-in law, the Duchess of York, later Queen Elizabeth, and his nieces, Princess Elizabeth (future Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret, to make the Nazi salute.
Os factos / The Facts:
1) Em 1933, o partido Nazi tinha acabado de ganhar as eleições da Alemanha. Hitler assumiria em 1934 as posições de Chanceler e Presidente. Durante este período, o agora intitulado Füher, tentou estar sempre no máximo da sua popularidade, através da Propaganda. Conseguindo convencer a maioria dos alemães de que ele era o Salvador da Depressão.
1) In 1933, the Nazi party had just won the German elections. Hitler would take over in 1934 bothe the Chancellor and President positions. During this period, the now titled Führer, always tried to be at the top of his popularity by Propaganda. Managing to convince the majority of Germans that he was the Savior of the Depression.
1) In 1933, the Nazi party had just won the German elections. Hitler would take over in 1934 bothe the Chancellor and President positions. During this period, the now titled Führer, always tried to be at the top of his popularity by Propaganda. Managing to convince the majority of Germans that he was the Savior of the Depression.
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Adolf Hitler via Wikipédia |
Apesar dos primeiros campos de concentração de há registo terem sido construídos já neste período, ninguém poderia sequer imaginar as atrocidades que se seguiriam nos anos seguintes e que levariam ao início do segunda-guerra mundial em 1939.
Although the first concentration camp there were reports have already been built in this period, no one could even imagine the atrocities that were to follow in subsequent years and lead to the beginning of the second world war in 1939.
Although the first concentration camp there were reports have already been built in this period, no one could even imagine the atrocities that were to follow in subsequent years and lead to the beginning of the second world war in 1939.
E certamente que uma criança, de apenas 7/8 anos, em Inglaterra, não imaginaria que algo que o seu tio lhe estava SUPOSTAMENTE a ensinar numa brincadeira de família, viria anos depois a tornar-se num símbolo de respeito a um dos regimes mais ultrajantes da história.
And certainly a child of only 7/8 years in England, would never think that something that her uncle was ALLEGEDLY teaching her on a family moment, would years later become a symbol of respect to one of the most outrageous regimes of History.
And certainly a child of only 7/8 years in England, would never think that something that her uncle was ALLEGEDLY teaching her on a family moment, would years later become a symbol of respect to one of the most outrageous regimes of History.
2) Ainda assim, e para quem gosta de símbolos, e tentar percebê-los, é importante perceber que os símbolos também eles são preconceitos, e se não explorarmos a fundo, corremos o risco de acreditar em tudo o que nos dizem.
2) Even so, for those who like symbols, and try to perceive them, it is important to realize that we have lots of prejudices regarding symbols, and if we won't explore the background we run the risk of believing everything we are told.
2) Even so, for those who like symbols, and try to perceive them, it is important to realize that we have lots of prejudices regarding symbols, and if we won't explore the background we run the risk of believing everything we are told.
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Nazi Salute via Wikipedia |
Hitler, não era original, e de facto este gesto, também adoptado por Benito Mussoluni, segundo este último foi inspirado na Saudação Romana, que inicialmente seria um gesto de cortesia militar, passando a ser usado posteriormente a símbolo de Juramento.
Hitler was not original, and in fact this gesture, also adopted by Benito Mussoluni, was inspired by the Roman salute, which was initially a military gesture of courtesy, but that would be later used as a Oath symbol.
Hitler was not original, and in fact this gesture, also adopted by Benito Mussoluni, was inspired by the Roman salute, which was initially a military gesture of courtesy, but that would be later used as a Oath symbol.
Vários heróis romanos adoptaram variações do gesto. A mais famosa das pinturas, "O Juramento dos Horácios (1784) ilustra a garantia de lealdade à república romana.
Several Roman heroes adopted several gesture variations. The most famous paintings, "Oath of the Horatii (1784) illustrates the loyalty guarantee to the Roman Republic.
Several Roman heroes adopted several gesture variations. The most famous paintings, "Oath of the Horatii (1784) illustrates the loyalty guarantee to the Roman Republic.
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Oath of the Horatii (1794) by Jacques-Louis David via Wikipedia |
Gestos similares já foram usados na coroação de reis alemães antigos. As Ilustrações que mostram a saudação, datam de meados do Séc. XIX.
Similar gestures have been used at the coronation of ancient German kings. The Illustrations showing the greeting, dating back to the XIX mid-century.
Similar gestures have been used at the coronation of ancient German kings. The Illustrations showing the greeting, dating back to the XIX mid-century.
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German King Coronation Illustration (1852) via Wikipedia |
Mas não nos ficamos por aqui. A Saudação de Bellamy foi adoptada nos Estados Unidos em 1892 como parte da garantia de fidelidade. A saudação era uma versão romana com algumas similaridades à saudação nazi. A saudação foi abandonada desde 1942 por causa dessa similaridade. Dois anos antes do final da Segunda Grande Guerra.
But that´s not all. The Bellamy salute was adopted in the United States in 1892 as part of fidelity guarantee. The greeting was a Roman version with some similarities to the Nazi salute. The salute has been abandoned since 1942 because of this similarity. Two years before the end of the Second World War.
But that´s not all. The Bellamy salute was adopted in the United States in 1892 as part of fidelity guarantee. The greeting was a Roman version with some similarities to the Nazi salute. The salute has been abandoned since 1942 because of this similarity. Two years before the end of the Second World War.
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Group of american schoolchildrens doing the Ballamy Salute in 1942 via Wikipedia |
3) Elizabeth, Duquesa de York, e mãe da actual soberana, que aparece nas imagens a treinar inocentemente um gesto que antes de Hitler, muitos outros fizeram, foi um dos grandes símbolos anti-Nazi da História do Reino Unido.
3) Elizabeth, Duchess of York, and mother of the current sovereign, pictured in the images innocently train a gesture that before Hitler, many others did, was one of the great anti-Nazi symbols of the UK's history.
3) Elizabeth, Duchess of York, and mother of the current sovereign, pictured in the images innocently train a gesture that before Hitler, many others did, was one of the great anti-Nazi symbols of the UK's history.
Hitler, chegou a considerá-la "a mulher mais perigosa da Europa" devido à sua popularidade e esforços contra os interesses alemães.
Hitler, called her "the most dangerous woman in Europe" due to her popularity and efforts against German interests.
Hitler, called her "the most dangerous woman in Europe" due to her popularity and efforts against German interests.
Rainha consorte desde 1936, Elizabeth foi incansável no apoio ao seu marido, o Rei George VI, durante os anos da guerra. Afirmou publicamente quando Londres foi bombardeada que não enviaria as suas duas filhas para o Canadá: " As crianças não vão sem mim. Eu não deixarei o Rei. E Rei nunca irá abandonar o país".
Queen consort since 1936, Elizabeth was tireless in supporting her husband, King George VI, during the war years. He said publicly when London was bombed that she would not send her two daughters to Canada: "The Children will not go without me. I won't leave the King. And King will never leave the country."
Queen consort since 1936, Elizabeth was tireless in supporting her husband, King George VI, during the war years. He said publicly when London was bombed that she would not send her two daughters to Canada: "The Children will not go without me. I won't leave the King. And King will never leave the country."
Visitou tropas, hospitais e fábricas e várias regiões no país afectadas pelos bombardeamentos aéreos. Numa visita às regiões afectados em East End, perto das docas de Londres, a Rainha sofreu alguma hostilidade, porque vestia roupas caras, enquanto o seu povo sofria as privações da guerra. Ela explicou que o fazia, porque da mesma forma que as pessoas se vestiam no seu melhor para a ir ver, também ela queria retribuir a gentileza.
She visited troops, hospitals and factories and several regions in the country affected by aerial bombardments. On a visit to the regions affected in East End, near London's docks, the Queen suffered some hostility because she wore expensive clothes while her people suffered the privations of war. She explained that she did such, because as people dressed in their best to go see her, she also wanted to return the same kindness.
She visited troops, hospitals and factories and several regions in the country affected by aerial bombardments. On a visit to the regions affected in East End, near London's docks, the Queen suffered some hostility because she wore expensive clothes while her people suffered the privations of war. She explained that she did such, because as people dressed in their best to go see her, she also wanted to return the same kindness.
As suas roupas, sempre coloridas, acabaram por funcionar como um arco-íris de esperança durante as estas visitas. No entanto quando o Palácio de Buckingham foi bombardeado várias vezes, a própria Elizabeth terá dito: "Fico feliz por termos sido bombardeados. Assim posso olhar o povo de East End olhos nos olhos."
Her clothes, always colorful, eventually function as a hopeful rainbow during these visits. However when Buckingham Palace was bombed several times, Elizabeth herself have said: "I'm glad to have been bombarded. So I can look the people of East End in the eye."
Her clothes, always colorful, eventually function as a hopeful rainbow during these visits. However when Buckingham Palace was bombed several times, Elizabeth herself have said: "I'm glad to have been bombarded. So I can look the people of East End in the eye."
4) A princesa Elizabeth, viveu praticamente toda a sua adolescência durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Mal refeita de ser segunda na linha de sucessão e da sua vida ter mudado para sempre, com a abdicação do seu tio, ela, juntamente com os seus pais eram o símbolo de união, de esperança e de continuidade do Reino Unido num dos períodos mais difíceis na sua História.
4) Princess Elizabeth, lived almost all her adolescence during World War II. Barely used to be second in line of succession and her life have changed forever, with the abdication of her uncle, she, along with their parents were the symbol of unity, hope and continuity of UK in one of the most difficult periods in its history.
4) Princess Elizabeth, lived almost all her adolescence during World War II. Barely used to be second in line of succession and her life have changed forever, with the abdication of her uncle, she, along with their parents were the symbol of unity, hope and continuity of UK in one of the most difficult periods in its history.
Em 1940, Elizabeth com 14 anos, fez a sua primeira transmissão de rádio durante a Children's Hour da BBC, dirigindo-se a todas as crianças que haviam sido evacuadas das cidades: " Estamos a tentar fazer tudo para pudermos ajudar os nossos valentes marinheiros, soldados e aviadores, e também estamos a tentar suportar a nossa quota de perigo e tristeza da guerra. Sabemos, cada um de nós, que no final tudo ficará bem".
In 1940, Elizabeth aged 14, made her first radio broadcast during Children's Hour from BBC, addressing all children who had been evacuated from their cities: "We are trying to do everything we can to help our brave sailors, soldiers and airmen, and we are also trying to support our share of danger and sadness of war. We know, each of us, that in the end everything will be fine. "
In 1940, Elizabeth aged 14, made her first radio broadcast during Children's Hour from BBC, addressing all children who had been evacuated from their cities: "We are trying to do everything we can to help our brave sailors, soldiers and airmen, and we are also trying to support our share of danger and sadness of war. We know, each of us, that in the end everything will be fine. "
Três anos depois, fez a sua primeira aparição pública sozinha ao visitar os Grenadier Guards, de quem ela tinha nomeada Coronel.
Three years later, she made her first public appearance alone when visiting the Grenadier Guards, from whom regiment she was named Colonel.
Three years later, she made her first public appearance alone when visiting the Grenadier Guards, from whom regiment she was named Colonel.
Quanto fez 18 anos, a lei foi alterada para que a Princesa pudesse actuar como um dos Cinco Conselheiros de Estado, durante a ausência ou incapacidade do seu pai.
As she turned 18, the law was changed so that the Princess could act as one of the five State Councillors, during the absence or incapacity of her father.
As she turned 18, the law was changed so that the Princess could act as one of the five State Councillors, during the absence or incapacity of her father.
Em 1945, a Princesa fez parte do Serviço Territorial Auxiliar, onde treinou como motorista e mecânica.
In 1945, the Princess was part of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, where she trained as a driver and mechanic.
In 1945, the Princess was part of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, where she trained as a driver and mechanic.
No fim da Guerra, no Dia da Vitória Na Europa, Elizabeth e a sua irmã Margaret misturaram-se anonimamente com as multidões celebrando nas ruas de Londres. Mais tarde a Rainha viria a confessar: " Nós pedimos aos nossos pais se poderíamos sair e ver por nós mesmos. Lembro-me que ficamos aterrorizadas de seremos reconhecidas...Lembro-me de várias pessoas desconhecidas dando os braços e caminhado por Whitehall, todos nós varridos por uma onda de felicidade e alívio."
At the end of the war, on the Day of Victory In Europe, Elizabeth and her sister Margaret mingled anonymously with the crowds celebrating in the streets of London. Later the Queen confessed: "We ask our parents if we could go out and see for ourselves I remember we were terrified of'll be recognized ... I remember several unknown people giving arms and walked through Whitehall... we all swept by a wave of happiness and relief. "
At the end of the war, on the Day of Victory In Europe, Elizabeth and her sister Margaret mingled anonymously with the crowds celebrating in the streets of London. Later the Queen confessed: "We ask our parents if we could go out and see for ourselves I remember we were terrified of'll be recognized ... I remember several unknown people giving arms and walked through Whitehall... we all swept by a wave of happiness and relief. "
5) São conhecidas as ligações que Edward VIII tinha pelo partido nazi. Parte do motivo para que anos depois, e após a sua abdicação em 1936, tais imagens familiares nunca mais fosse repetidas.
Devido à sua abdicação, ao seu casamento com Wallis Simpson e ao seu estilo de vida, Edward nunca foi perdoado pela cunhada.
5) They are known the links that Edward VIII had to the Nazi party. Part of the reason that years later, after his abdication in 1936, these familiar images, now published, never were repeated.
Due to his abdication, his marriage to Wallis Simpson and their lifestyle, Edward was never forgiven by his sister-in-law.
5) They are known the links that Edward VIII had to the Nazi party. Part of the reason that years later, after his abdication in 1936, these familiar images, now published, never were repeated.
Due to his abdication, his marriage to Wallis Simpson and their lifestyle, Edward was never forgiven by his sister-in-law.
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The Duke of Windsor in 1945 via Wikipedia |
Após o fim da Guerra, o Duque terá admitido que admirava os alemães, mas negou ser simpatizante da causa nazi. Sobre Hitler, o Duque terá escrito: " O Füher chega até mim como uma figura um tanto ridícula, com a sua postura teatral e as suas pretensões bombásticas".
After the War, the Duke will admitted he admired the Germans, but denied being sympathizers of the Nazi cause. About Hitler, the Duke will have written: "The Führer comes to me as a figure somewhat ridiculous, with his theatrical posture and his bombastic claims."
After the War, the Duke will admitted he admired the Germans, but denied being sympathizers of the Nazi cause. About Hitler, the Duke will have written: "The Führer comes to me as a figure somewhat ridiculous, with his theatrical posture and his bombastic claims."
Agora que os factos estão apresentados, resta-me ficar feliz pelo facto de mais pessoas se lembrarem. Pois foram várias as vozes, mesmo dentro da imprensa britânica, que se levantaram contra este alegado "Serviço público" do The Sun.
Now that the facts are presented, I can only be happy that more people remember this. Because there were several voices, even within the British press, who rose up against this alleged "public service" from The Sun.
Now that the facts are presented, I can only be happy that more people remember this. Because there were several voices, even within the British press, who rose up against this alleged "public service" from The Sun.
Perspective, context, hindsight, history all so important to remember.
— Victoria Arbiter (@victoriaarbiter) 17 julho 2015
Não vivi nenhuma Guerra. Mas tenho um pai que lutou numa. E sei bem o que isso pode fazer à mente de uma pessoa. E acho completamente ultrajante que alguém venha levantar calúnias, sobre alguém que lutou avidamente pela liberdade das gerações seguintes.
I did not live any war. But I have a father who fought in one. And I know what a war can do to a person's mind. And I think is completely outrageous slander someone who eagerly fought for the freedom of the next generations.
I did not live any war. But I have a father who fought in one. And I know what a war can do to a person's mind. And I think is completely outrageous slander someone who eagerly fought for the freedom of the next generations.
#BuckinghamPalace has expressed their disappointment in the footage release, saying it is “misleading and dishonest”:
— James Brookes (@james_elliott_) 17 julho 2015
Tom Morgan e Jonathan Reilly deviam estar gratos por aquela mãe e aquelas duas meninas, que anos antes brincavam inocentemente com um gesto secular, se terem tornado anos depois símbolos da Resistência Nazi.
Tom Morgan and Jonathan Reilly should be grateful for that mother and those two girls, who years before playing innocently with a secular gesture, have become years later symbols of the Nazi Resistance.
Tom Morgan and Jonathan Reilly should be grateful for that mother and those two girls, who years before playing innocently with a secular gesture, have become years later symbols of the Nazi Resistance.
Pessoas que apoiaram a luta pela liberdade. A mesma liberdade que os faz hoje escrever uma "peça", e divulgar imagens privadas e distorcidas de algo, que nada tem a ver com jornalismo.
People who supported the freedom cause. The same freedom that makes possible today for them to write an "article", based on private and totally out of the context pictures of something that has nothing to do with journalism.
People who supported the freedom cause. The same freedom that makes possible today for them to write an "article", based on private and totally out of the context pictures of something that has nothing to do with journalism.
A ironia é tramada. E o bom senso algo cada vez menos comum.
The irony is plotted. And common sense is becoming something anything but common.
The irony is plotted. And common sense is becoming something anything but common.
Newspapers are always looking for scoops and seem to forget history and common sense!
ResponderEliminarIn the article text the focus goes to Edward, but everybody is talking about the Elizabeths. The even say "there's no suggestion that the Queen-mother and the Queen were at the time nazi's supporters". But the harm is done, and they want to play save but at the same time pointing fingers. It´s shameful.