Um pequeno Principe para a Suécia / A little Prince for Sweden
Apenas dois dias depois da Suécia ganhar uma nova Princesa, o Reino ganha um novo Príncipe.
Just two days after Sweden wins a new princess, the Kingdom gets a new Prince.
Just two days after Sweden wins a new princess, the Kingdom gets a new Prince.
Foi anunciado na manhã de segunda-feira, que a Princesa Madeleine da Suécia tinha dado à luz um filho. O movimento #AguentaMadeleine chegava ao fim.
It was announced on Monday morning, that Princess Madeleine of Sweden had given birth to a son. The #HoldOnMadeleine movement was over.
It was announced on Monday morning, that Princess Madeleine of Sweden had given birth to a son. The #HoldOnMadeleine movement was over.
Princess Madeleine gave birth to a healthy baby boy this Monday afternoon at 13:45. Mother and child are healthy and happy. The family is overjoyed with this new arrival to the Swedish Royal Family!
Posted by Princess Madeleine of Sweden on Segunda-feira, 15 de Junho de 2015
O menino é o primeiro neto dos Reis da Suécia e o segundo filho da Princesa Madeleine e de Christopher O'Neill. O casal já é pai da princesa Leonor que completou um ano em Fevereiro.
The boy is the first grandson of the Kings of Sweden and the second child of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill. The couple is already parents of little Leonore who completed a year in February.
The boy is the first grandson of the Kings of Sweden and the second child of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill. The couple is already parents of little Leonore who completed a year in February.
O pai esteve presente no nascimento que segundo a equipa médica foi bastante rápido. Após passar a noite no hospital com a mulher e com o filho recém-nascido foi um Chris "feliz, mas exausto" que abandonou o hospital hoje de manhã.
The father was present at birth that according to the medical team was pretty fast. After spending a night in the hospital with his wife and newborn son, Chris was "happy but exhausted" when he left the hospital this morning.
The father was present at birth that according to the medical team was pretty fast. After spending a night in the hospital with his wife and newborn son, Chris was "happy but exhausted" when he left the hospital this morning.
Chris O'Neill was spotted leaving Danderyd Hospital this morning after spending the night with his wife and son
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 16 junho 2015
Mais tarde o orgulhoso pai leva a pequena Leonore a conhecer o irmão. Segundo Chris a pequena princesa pensava que o bebé era um boneco para ela brincar.
Later the proud father takes the little Leonore to met his baby brother. According to Chris the little princess thought the baby was a doll for her to play.
Later the proud father takes the little Leonore to met his baby brother. According to Chris the little princess thought the baby was a doll for her to play.
Chris O'Neill brought his daughter, Princess Leonore, to meet her new brother earlier this morning
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 16 junho 2015
A família já se encontra em casa e as primeiras fotografias do bebé foram hoje divulgadas pela casa real.
The family is already at home and the first photographs of the baby were released today by the royal house.
The family is already at home and the first photographs of the baby were released today by the royal house.
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A princesa fez ainda questão de agradecer todas as manifestações de carinho que o casal recebeu a propósito do nascimento do seu segundo filho.
The princess also thank all the expressions of affection that the couple received in connection with the birth of her second child.
The princess also thank all the expressions of affection that the couple received in connection with the birth of her second child.
Chris and I are very touched with the love and affection we are receiving for our newborn son!
Posted by Princess Madeleine of Sweden on Terça-feira, 16 de Junho de 2015
Uma reunião de gabinete tem lugar amanhã, onde o Rei anunciará o nome e título do pequeno príncipe.
A cabinet meeting takes place tomorrow, where the King will announce the name and the little prince title.
A cabinet meeting takes place tomorrow, where the King will announce the name and the little prince title.
O pequeno é actualmente 6º na linha de sucessão ao trono. Uma missa Te Deum em agradecimento pelo nascimento real terá lugar na próxima Quinta-feira na Capela Real do Palácio Real.
The little prince is currently 6th in line to the throne. A Te Deum Mass in thanksgiving for the royal birth will take place next Thursday at the Royal Palace Chapel.
The little prince is currently 6th in line to the throne. A Te Deum Mass in thanksgiving for the royal birth will take place next Thursday at the Royal Palace Chapel.
Em relação a possíveis nomes é muito provável que Madeleine e Chris queiram homenagear os seus pais Paul (falecido) e Carl Gustaf.
Regarding the possible names is very likely that Madeleine and Chris want to honor their parents Paul (deceased) and Carl Gustaf.
Foi divulgado que o pequeno príncipe recebeu o nome de Nicolas Paul Gustaf.
The little prince was named Nicolas Paul Gustaf.
Regarding the possible names is very likely that Madeleine and Chris want to honor their parents Paul (deceased) and Carl Gustaf.
Foi divulgado que o pequeno príncipe recebeu o nome de Nicolas Paul Gustaf.
The little prince was named Nicolas Paul Gustaf.
Vid konseljen informerade Kungen att Prinsen ska heta Nicolas Paul Gustaf, med tilltalsnamnet Nicolas. Prinsen tilldelas hertigdömet Ångermanland.
Posted by Kungahuset on Quarta-feira, 17 de Junho de 2015
O Rei divulgou ainda o seu título completo: Sua Alteza Real o Príncipe Nicolas Paul Gustaf da Suécia, Duque de Angermanlad e deverá ser conhecido vulgarmente Príncipe Nicolas da Suécia.
The King also released its full title: His Royal Highness Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf of Sweden, Duke of Angermanlad and should be commonly known as Prince Nicolas of Sweden.
De facto é a primeira vez que a região de Angermanlad tem um Duque. A população está bastante feliz e já fez divulgar que quer tomar parte activa no baptismo do pequeno príncipe.
In fact it is the first time that the Angermanlad region has a Duke. The population is quite happy and have sent a message that they want to take an active part in the baptism of the little prince.
The people in Ångermanland are very happy and proud they have a Duke now. The occasion will be celebrated.
— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 17 junho 2015
Uma semana em cheio para a casa real sueca.
A full and joyful week for the Swedish Royal House.
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