Mathilde, Letizia e 5 Damas, 5 Tiaras / Mathilde, Letizia and Five Ladies, Five Tiaras
Conseguem adivinhar, não é? É verdade, temos muito que falar!
Yes, you can guess, can't you? True, we have much to talk about!
Yes, you can guess, can't you? True, we have much to talk about!
Eu não consigo perceber como é que está a decorrer uma Viagem de Estado, envolvendo uma das nossas mais recentes Rainhas, e nada foi falado aqui no T&T? Vocês conseguem perceber? Pois, eu também não. E embora as agências de fotografias não estejam a ser muito simpáticas (nem rápidas) no que toca a esta visita de estado, eu vou trabalhar com o que tenho. Muito obrigada!
I can not understand how is happening a State Visit, involving one of our most recent Queens, and nothing was spoken here in T & T? Can you get it? Yeah, me neither. And although the photo agencies are not being very nice (neither fast) when it comes to this state visit, I will work with what I have. Thank you very much!
I can not understand how is happening a State Visit, involving one of our most recent Queens, and nothing was spoken here in T & T? Can you get it? Yeah, me neither. And although the photo agencies are not being very nice (neither fast) when it comes to this state visit, I will work with what I have. Thank you very much!
Ora bem, Mathilde na Bélgica. A nossa doce Mathilde não poderia deixar de levar ao oriente a sua marca de estilo. Não, pois não? E foi isso que ela fez até agora (estamos o quarto dia de visita). Vestidos, padrões florais, e acessórios duvidosos. E sim, NATAN. É assim, a nossa Mathilde!
Well, Mathilde if Belgium. Our sweet Mathilde could not help herself to bring her style mark to the East. No, could she? And that's what she has done so far (we are currently on the fourth day of visit). Dresses, floral patterns, and questionable accessories. And yes, NATAN. That's our Mathilde!
Well, Mathilde if Belgium. Our sweet Mathilde could not help herself to bring her style mark to the East. No, could she? And that's what she has done so far (we are currently on the fourth day of visit). Dresses, floral patterns, and questionable accessories. And yes, NATAN. That's our Mathilde!
Urban Citizens Home - Urban Planning #StateVisitChina
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 21 junho 2015
No primeiro dia de viagem, a Rainha belga visitou um Centro de Planeamento Urbano e assistiu a um Concerto.
On the first day of visit, the Belgian Queen visited a Urban Planning Center and attended a concert.
On the first day of visit, the Belgian Queen visited a Urban Planning Center and attended a concert.
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A escolha recaiu sobre um bonito vestido com padrão floral vermelho da marca belga NATAN.
The choice fell on a beautiful dress with red floral pattern of NATAN, her favorite Belgian brand.
The choice fell on a beautiful dress with red floral pattern of NATAN, her favorite Belgian brand.
No segundo dia, a Rainha visitou o Museu de Artes de Hubei e um Jardim de infância em Whuan.
On the second day, the Queen visited the Hubei Art Museum and a Kindergartens in Whuan.
On the second day, the Queen visited the Hubei Art Museum and a Kindergartens in Whuan.
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 22 junho 2015
Desta vez a Rainha optou por reciclar um vestido com padrão laranja também NATAN. Gosto particularmente do corte e originalidade das mangas desde vestido. Só pecou mesmo pelo chapéu. O que é isso Mathilde, querida?
This time the Queen chose to recycle a dress with orange pattern also by NATAN. I particularly like the cut and originality of the sleeves from this dress. If I only could pass throught that hat. What is this Mathilde, dear?
This time the Queen chose to recycle a dress with orange pattern also by NATAN. I particularly like the cut and originality of the sleeves from this dress. If I only could pass throught that hat. What is this Mathilde, dear?
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No mesmo dia Mathilde optou por um vestido em tons escuros de seda com um padrão abstracto. Foi a sua escolha para assistir ao Han Show.
On the same day Mathilde chose a dress in dark silk tones with an abstract pattern. It was her choice to watch the Han Show.
On the same day Mathilde chose a dress in dark silk tones with an abstract pattern. It was her choice to watch the Han Show.
Rencontre officielle avec les autorités locales - cérémonie de signatures et banquet d'Etat #Wuhan #StateVisitChina
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 22 junho 2015
E ao banquete de Estado oferecido em honra dos Reis da Bélgica. Sim, sim, sem tiaras! Não se fala mais nisso! :(
And at the state banquet held in honor of the Kings of Belgium. Yes, yes, no tiaras! Get over that! :(
And at the state banquet held in honor of the Kings of Belgium. Yes, yes, no tiaras! Get over that! :(
No terceiro dia de viagem, tempo para conhecer um ex libris da China. a Grande Muralha.
On the third day of travel, time to meet the ex libris of China. the Great Wall.
On the third day of travel, time to meet the ex libris of China. the Great Wall.
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 23 junho 2015
Mathilde destacou-se na paisagem com um vibrante vestido amarelo NATAN.
You can't miss Mathilde outdoors with this vibrant yellow dress by NATAN.
You can't miss Mathilde outdoors with this vibrant yellow dress by NATAN.
No mesmo dia, o Rei Philippe e a Rainha Mathilde foram recebidos pelo Presidente Xi Jinping e pela primeira dama Peng Liyuan.
On the same day, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde were welcomed by President Xi Jinping and the First Lady Peng Liyuan.
On the same day, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde were welcomed by President Xi Jinping and the First Lady Peng Liyuan.
Great Hall of the People: Bilaterale met President Xi Jinping #Beijing #StateVisitChina
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 23 junho 2015
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 23 junho 2015
Mathilde deslumbrou com um vestido com cintura subida e ampla saia com padrão geométrico em tons cinza e bordeaux que combinou magistralmente com luvas bordeaux. Loving it! Muito provavelmente é também NATAN .
Mathilde dazzled with a high waist and full skirt dress with geometric pattern in gray and burgundy tones combined masterfully with matching gloves. Loving it! Most likely is NATAN as well.
Mathilde dazzled with a high waist and full skirt dress with geometric pattern in gray and burgundy tones combined masterfully with matching gloves. Loving it! Most likely is NATAN as well.
A visita continua nos próximos dias...
The visit continues on the coming days...
The visit continues on the coming days...
Ontem a Rainha Letizia de Espanha acompanhada pela Rainha Sofia compareceram à Cerimónia de Entrega dos Prémios UNICEF 2015 do Comité Espanhol.
Yesterday Queen Letizia of Spain accompanied by Queen Sofia attended the UNICEF Spanish Committee Awards Ceremony 2015.
Yesterday Queen Letizia of Spain accompanied by Queen Sofia attended the UNICEF Spanish Committee Awards Ceremony 2015.
Letizia é Presidente Honorária da UNICEF Comité Espanhol e foi com grande emoção que entregou à sua sogra e antecessora, a Rainha Sofia, o Prémio UNICEF Comité Espanhol "Joaquin Ruiz-Giminéz 2015". Este galardão reconhece o compromisso e trabalho de quase cinco décadas da Rainha Sofia de Espanha em defesa dos direitos dos mais vulneráveis, entre os quais, as crianças.
Letizia is Honorary President of the UNICEF Spanish Committee and it was with great emotion that she gave to her mother-in law and predecessor, Queen Sofia, the UNICEF Spanish Committee Prize "Joaquin Ruiz-Giminéz 2015". This award recognizes the commitment and work of almost five decades of Queen Sofia of Spain to defend the rights of the most vulnerable, including the children.
Letizia is Honorary President of the UNICEF Spanish Committee and it was with great emotion that she gave to her mother-in law and predecessor, Queen Sofia, the UNICEF Spanish Committee Prize "Joaquin Ruiz-Giminéz 2015". This award recognizes the commitment and work of almost five decades of Queen Sofia of Spain to defend the rights of the most vulnerable, including the children.
Letizia substitui Sofia no papel de Presidente Honorária da UNICEF Comité Espanhol, após ter subido ao trono.
Letizia replaces Sofia in the role of Honorary President of the UNICEF Spanish Committee, since she became Queen.
Letizia replaces Sofia in the role of Honorary President of the UNICEF Spanish Committee, since she became Queen.
Entre os outros galardoados da cerimónia, a Fundación Scholas Occurentes, a curta-metragem "Aquel no era yo", a organização KMG-Etiopia e a Fundação "La Caixa".
Among the other winners of the ceremony, the Fundación Scholas Occurentes, the short film "Aquel was not yo" KMG-Ethiopia organization and the Foundation "La Caixa".
Among the other winners of the ceremony, the Fundación Scholas Occurentes, the short film "Aquel was not yo" KMG-Ethiopia organization and the Foundation "La Caixa".
Parabéns a todos, por terem marcado a diferença e terem possibilitado melhorias efectivas e chamadas de atenção para a realidade das crianças mais desfavorecidas. Um bem-haja a todos!
Congratulations to all for having marked the difference and have enabled real improvements and reality calls for the most disadvantaged children. Bless you!
Entretanto no Luxemburgo, ontem decorreram as celebrações do Dia Nacional do Grã-Ducado. A a Família Nassau marcou presença em todas as festividades.
Meanwhile in Luxembourg, yesterday took place the celebrations of the National Day of the Grand Duchy. The Nassau family was present in all the festivities.
Meanwhile in Luxembourg, yesterday took place the celebrations of the National Day of the Grand Duchy. The Nassau family was present in all the festivities.
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© Grand-Cour Ducal/ Luc Deflorenne / tous droits réservés |
De manhã, o Grã-Duque Henri e a Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa acompanhados pelo Grã-Duque Hereditário Guillaume, pela Grã-Duquesa Hereditária Stephanie, pelo Príncipe Félix, pela Princesa Claire, pelo Príncipe Louis, pela Princesa Tessy, pelo Príncipe Sébastien e pela Princesa Alexandra (ufaaaa, grande mesa de jantar que estas pessoas devem ter em casa)...até me perdi...o que é que eu ia mesmo escrever? Ah sim, estas pessoas todas assistiram à tradicional cerimónia que tem lugar na Salle de concerts Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte.
In the morning the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa accompanied by the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, the Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Claire, Prince Louis, Princess Tessy, Prince Sébastien and Princess Alexandra (ufaaaa, large dining table that these people should have at home) ... I'm lost right now... what I was going to write? Ah yes, all these people attended the traditional ceremony that takes place in the Salle de concerts Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte.
In the morning the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa accompanied by the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, the Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Claire, Prince Louis, Princess Tessy, Prince Sébastien and Princess Alexandra (ufaaaa, large dining table that these people should have at home) ... I'm lost right now... what I was going to write? Ah yes, all these people attended the traditional ceremony that takes place in the Salle de concerts Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte.
Presentes também vários membros do Conselho de Estado, ministros e membros do Parlamento, corpos diplomáticos e autoridades civis. O grã-Duque proferiu um discurso.
Also present were several members of the Council of State, ministers and members of Parliament, diplomatic corps and civil authorities. The Grand Duke delivered a speech.
Also present were several members of the Council of State, ministers and members of Parliament, diplomatic corps and civil authorities. The Grand Duke delivered a speech.
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© Grand-Cour Ducal/ Luc Deflorenne / tous droits réservés |
Depois da cerimónia da manhã, tempo para a habitual Parada Militar, à qual assistiram apenas o casal de soberanos e os herdeiros.
After the morning ceremony, it was time for the Military Parade, which was only attended by the Sovereigns Couple and the Hereditary Couple.
After the morning ceremony, it was time for the Military Parade, which was only attended by the Sovereigns Couple and the Hereditary Couple.
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© Grand-Cour Ducal / David Nivière / tous droits réservés |
Da parte da tarde o tradicional serviço religioso Te Deum na Catedral do Luxemburgo e celebrado por vários líderes das diferentes religiões com fortes comunidades no Luxemburgo: católica, muçulmana, hebraica e protestante.
In the afternoon the traditional religious service Te Deum at Luxembourg Cathedral and celebrated by various leaders of different religions with strong communities in Luxembourg: Catholic, Muslim, Jewish and Protestant.
In the afternoon the traditional religious service Te Deum at Luxembourg Cathedral and celebrated by various leaders of different religions with strong communities in Luxembourg: Catholic, Muslim, Jewish and Protestant.
A escolha de roupas das meninas foi...curiosa. Mas FINALMENTE Stephanie acertou!
The choice of girls's clothes was ... curious. But Stephanie FINALLY hit it!
The choice of girls's clothes was ... curious. But Stephanie FINALLY hit it!
Hello Sunshine ! Hereditary Grand-Duchess Stephanie dazzled today at National Day of Luxembourg #TeDeum Mass
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 23 junho 2015
Princess Claire opted for a polka red dress with a curious hat. Hummm....#TeDeum #NationalDayLuxembourg
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 23 junho 2015
Princess Tessy opted for 50's hairstyle, a cute but very dark dress and a fascinator. #TeDeum #NationalDayLuxembourg
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 23 junho 2015
Not sure I get what is Princess Alexandra wearing althought, #TeDeum #NationalDayLuxembourg
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 23 junho 2015
De noite a família compareceu ao habitual Jantar de Gala no Palácio Ducal. E aqui começa e acaba a minha desilusão. 5 damas e 5 tiaras, meus amigos! E as (fracas) fotografias que temos são estas!
At night the family attended the usual Gala Dinner in the Ducal Palace. And here begins and ends my disappointment. 5 ladies and 5 tiaras, my friends! And the (poor) photos we have are these!
At night the family attended the usual Gala Dinner in the Ducal Palace. And here begins and ends my disappointment. 5 ladies and 5 tiaras, my friends! And the (poor) photos we have are these!
Five Ladies. Five Tiaras. Not so great pictures. It was the National Gala Dinner in Luxembourg yesterday!
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 24 junho 2015
Podemos ver que a Grã-Duquesa está a usar a Belgian Scroll Tiara, Stephanie optou pela Grand Duchess Adelaide Tiara, provavelmente com uma água-marinha ou safira como pedra central, a Princesa Tessy está a usar uma das Tiaras de Ametistas, e a Princesa Alexandra escolheu a Citrine/Topaz and Pearl Tiara.
We can see that the Grand Duchess is using the Belgian Scroll Tiara, Stephanie opted for the Grand Duchess Adelaide Tiara, probably with an aquamarine or sapphire as the central stone, Princess Tessy are using one of the Amethysts Tiaras and Princess Alexandra chose the Citrine / Topaz and Pearl Tiara.
We can see that the Grand Duchess is using the Belgian Scroll Tiara, Stephanie opted for the Grand Duchess Adelaide Tiara, probably with an aquamarine or sapphire as the central stone, Princess Tessy are using one of the Amethysts Tiaras and Princess Alexandra chose the Citrine / Topaz and Pearl Tiara.
Possibily a new tiara for Princess Claire of Luxembourg plus major necklace and earrings #NationalDayGalaDinner
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 24 junho 2015
A grande surpresa da noite veio da Princesa Claire que está a usar uma (nova?) pequena tiara com um enorme colar e uns enormes brincos.
The big surprise of the night came from Princess Claire who wore a (new?) small tiara with a huge necklace and huge earrings.
The big surprise of the night came from Princess Claire who wore a (new?) small tiara with a huge necklace and huge earrings.
Tantas coisas para ver e fotografias tão pouco reveladoras...Uma pena!
Segundo o blog Luxarazzi também é a primeira vez que são usadas faixas e ordens neste jantar! Aleluia para isso também!
So many things to see and the photographs revealing so little ... Too bad!
According to Luxarazzi blog is also the first time that sashes and orders are used in this dinner! Hallelujah for that too!
So many things to see and the photographs revealing so little ... Too bad!
According to Luxarazzi blog is also the first time that sashes and orders are used in this dinner! Hallelujah for that too!
Depois deste post, só consigo dizer o quanto fiquei boquiaberta quando vi Stephanie!!! Queixo caído! Ela está uma boneca!! Tudo lhe ficou muitooooo bem!!! Palmas pra ela!! Só me lembro de a ver assim bonita no jantar anterior ao casamento de Madeleine! E parece-me que o vestido que ela usou nessa noite é o mesmo que a cunhada Alexandra está a usar no jantar de gala nacional....!
ResponderEliminarPena as fotos serem realmente poucas e de fraca qualidade...
É verdade. Pessoalmente só gostei mesmo do vestido amarelo. Continuo a achar que nenhum visual de gala até hoje a favoreceu tanto como no Jantar oferecido antes do seu casamento. Há algo no decote deste vestido prata que me assusta...Até é melhor não termos boas fotos. E os penteados são sempre super, super, pouco favorecedores. Envelhecem-na imenso!