George apresentado ao seu Reino / George presented to his Kingdom

Não foi a primeira aparição pública do Príncipe George de Cambridge, nem tão pouco foi a sua primeira saudação real. Mas foi a sua primeira aparição ao famoso balcão do Palácio de Buckigham e isso foi uma overdose de fofura.
It was not the first public appearance of Prince George of Cambridge, nor was his first royal wave. But it was his first appearance to the famous balcony at Buckigham Palace and we all had a cuteness overdose.

A ocasião foi a Parada Anual pelo Aniversário da Rainha, mais conhecido como Trooping the Colour. Apesar da soberana ter nascido em Abril, a celebração pública do seu aniversário decorre sempre em Junho quando o tempo está melhor.
The occasion was the  Queen's Birthday annual parade, better known as Trooping the Colour. Despite the sovereign was born in April, the public celebration of her birthday takes place always in June when the weather is better.

Esta Parada traduz o que eram originalmente as preparações para a batalha. Os vários regimentos desfilam nos seus uniformes resultando numa impressionante parada de cores, bandeiras e soldados. Desde 1748 que esta Parada marca o aniversário oficial do Soberano do Reino Unido.
This represents what it was originally the preparations for battle. The various regiments parade in their uniforms resulting in an impressive parade of colors, flags and soldiers. Since 1748 this parade marks the official birthday of the UK Sovereign.

Como é hábito no Trooping the Colour os Windsor marcaram presença no desfile. Vários membros da família real são oficiais dos vários regimentos e seguem o desfile a cavalo.
As usual in the Trooping the Colour, all Windsor attended the parade. Several members of the royal family are officers of the various regiments and follow the parade by horse.

A Rainha, dada a sua idade, agora acompanha o desfile de carruagem acompanhada pelo Duque de Endiburgo, que até há bem pouco tempo seguia o desfile a cavalo.
The Queen, given her age, now accompanies the parade by carriage accompanied by the Duke of Endiburgo, who until very recently followed by horse.

A Duquesa da Cornualha, a Duquesa de Cambridge, na sua primeira aparição após o nascimento da Princesa Charlotte em Maio, e o Príncipe Harry seguiram também de carruagem.
The Duchess of Cornwall, the Duchess of Cambridge, in her first appearance after the birth of Princess Charlotte in May, and Prince Harry also followed  by carriage.

Numa outra carruagem, o Duque da York, acompanhado das suas filhas Beatrice e Eugenie, que estavam adoráveis como sempre.
In another carriage, the Duke of York, accompanied by her daughters Beatrice and Eugenie, who were lovely as ever.
Na janela do Palácio, um expectador entusiasmado.
At the Palace window, an enthusiastic spectator.

O príncipe George assistiu ao seu primeiro Trooping the Colour na companhia da sua ama, Maria. O filho mais velho de William e Kate estava super entusiasmado e feliz. Penso que a imagem de tantos cavalos e soldados deve entusiasmar qualquer menino.
Prince George attended to his first Trooping the Colour in the company of his nanny, Maria. The eldest son of William and Kate was super excited and happy. I think the image of so many horses and soldiers should excite any child.

Após o desfile, a família real fez a sua habitual aparição ao balcão da varanda para assistir ao espectáculo aéreo. Os grandes ausentes foram o Conde e a Condessa de Wessex, presentes em representação da Rainha no Casamento Real Sueco.
After the parade, the royal family made their usual appearance at the balcony to watch the air show. The notable absentees were the Earl and the Countess of Wessex, representing the Queen at the Swedish Royal wedding.

Mas Edward e Sophie foram devidamente representados pelos seus filhos. O Visconde James e Lady Louise ocuparam lugares de destaque junto aos seus avós e foi óptimo ver esta geração a começar aos poucos a aparecer mais.
But Edward and Sophie were duly represented by their children. James and Lady Louise occupied prominent places along with their grandparents and it was great to see this generation starting to appear more gradually.

Que o diga, o pequeno George, que apareceu nos braços do seu pai e acenou à multidão, parecendo saber que um dia aquele aparato será em celebração do seu aniversário. Conseguem imaginar?
As little George, who appeared in his father's arms and waved to the crowd, seeming to know that one day that party will be in celebration of his birthday. Can you imagine it??

O pequeno G. usou a mesma roupa que o seu pai William usou no seu primeiro Trooping the Colour em 1984. Um detalhe histórico divulgado no Twitter oficial do Palácio de Kensington.
Little G. used the same clothes as his father William wore in his first Trooping the Colour in 1984. A historical detail reported in the official Twitter of Kensington Palace.

A Duquesa de Cambridge, talvez cansada, apareceu menos sorridente do que o normal. Ainda assim no balcão foi visível o orgulho que tanto Kate como William tiveram naquele momento em que George é apresentado à grandiosidade que o espera.
The Duchess of Cambridge, perhaps tired, appeared less smiling than normal. Yet on the balcony it was visible the pride that both Kate and William had on that moment, when George is presented to the grandeur that the waits for him.

A cobertura integral do evento.
The full coverage of the event.

São momentos como estes que dão sentido à palavra continuidade.
It's moments like these that give meaning to the word continuity.


  1. I think that the Queen is perhaps bursting with pride at her growing family and to be able to witness one of her heirs' view the Trooping of the Colors for the first time---that's three generations!. It is obviously also very special for Prince Charles that his grandson is wearing the same outfit that his son worn to his first viewing--oh, the emotion and memories that this must awaken.

    The pride on William and Catherine's face is palpable and the ever so adorable Prince George, very curious, did not disappoint. I love the photos of him in the window--it must be that he was very entertaining as all around him were laughing--oh, for the outlook of a child. This one will definitely be in the history books!

    PS: I love the names you have assigned to the children of the Duke and Duchess. George = Little G. Charlotte = Little Lottie. So very cute!!!

    Keep up the good work and congratulation on your impeding marriage. Marriage is a great thing, I highly recommend it. Blessings on you and yours.

  2. Oops, that should be "impending"...


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