Casamentos Reais - o porquê da loucura ? Royal Weddings - why they make us so crazy?
É uma pergunta legítima. Já custa para a maioria das pessoas entender o nosso gosto por realeza (quem está comigo nesta luta??). Agora quando acontece um casamento ou um nascimento?? Acho que a maioria dos nossos entes queridos fica a olhar para nós como se viéssemos de um outro planeta...Estou certa ou estou certa??
It's a legitimate question. It's hard enough for most people understand our love for royalty (who is with me in this fight ??). Now when a royal wedding or a royal birth approches ?? I think most of our loved ones look at us as if we would come from another planet ... I right or am I right ??
It's a legitimate question. It's hard enough for most people understand our love for royalty (who is with me in this fight ??). Now when a royal wedding or a royal birth approches ?? I think most of our loved ones look at us as if we would come from another planet ... I right or am I right ??
Até podem achar piada, e alguns até se podem interessar, mas estão a anos-luz de viverem as emoções daquele dia como nós as vivemos.
They could even find it funny, and some even may have some interest about it but they are far, far away of living the emotions of that day as we live.
They could even find it funny, and some even may have some interest about it but they are far, far away of living the emotions of that day as we live.
É estranho? É saudável? Oh meus amigos, eu diria que também é estranho ver homens de 40 anos agarrados a jogos de computador o dia inteiro ou que fumar faz mal à saúde. E no entanto, há pessoas a fazê-lo, portanto que mal há em seguir um casamento real como se fosse o nosso? Eu diria que mal nenhum...Com o bónus que há tiaras!
It's weird? It's healthy? Oh my friends, I'd say it's also strange to see men aged 40 or more clinging to computer games all day! Smoking is bad for your health. Yet, there are people doing it, so what harm is there in following a royal wedding as if it were our own? I would say that no harm ... Plus we have tiaras!
It's weird? It's healthy? Oh my friends, I'd say it's also strange to see men aged 40 or more clinging to computer games all day! Smoking is bad for your health. Yet, there are people doing it, so what harm is there in following a royal wedding as if it were our own? I would say that no harm ... Plus we have tiaras!
Um casamento real junta para mim ( e isto será sempre a minha opinião e perspectiva) duas das minhas coisas favoritas: casamentos e realeza. E podia parar aqui. Desde que me conheço como gente que adoro casamentos e vestidos de noiva e desde sempre que adoro seguir as noticias da realeza. Não consigo distinguir onde começou cada uma destas paixões.
A Royal Wedding has (and this will always be my opinion and perspective) two of my favorite things: weddings and royalty. And I could stop here. Since I can remember I allways love weddings and wedding gown and always love to follow the royalty news. I can not tell where each of these passions started.
A Royal Wedding has (and this will always be my opinion and perspective) two of my favorite things: weddings and royalty. And I could stop here. Since I can remember I allways love weddings and wedding gown and always love to follow the royalty news. I can not tell where each of these passions started.
Talvez adore vestidos de noiva porque sei que, na minha realidade, era a única altura da vida em que me poderia sentir (e vestir como) uma verdadeira princesa. Ou talvez goste de realeza por saber que elas tinham mais hipóteses de vestir vestidos parecidos com vestidos de noiva mais vezes. Estão a ver aquela senhora de azul?? Pois é...
Perhaps I adore wedding dresses because I know that in my reality, it was the only time in life when I could feel (and dress like) a real princess. Or maybe I like royalty because I know they were more likely to wear puffy dresses, kinda like wedding gowns, very often! Do you see that lady in blue? That's what I´m talking about...
Perhaps I adore wedding dresses because I know that in my reality, it was the only time in life when I could feel (and dress like) a real princess. Or maybe I like royalty because I know they were more likely to wear puffy dresses, kinda like wedding gowns, very often! Do you see that lady in blue? That's what I´m talking about...
Eu adorava brincar com Barbies (tenho 31 anos e por isso é fácil fazer as contas) e lembro-me de ter uma vestido de noiva para Barbie, herdado da minha irmã mais velha, que era uma réplica do vestido de noiva da Diana, princesa de Gales. Não achava particularmente piada ao vestido, mas adorava o véu que tinha 5 brilhantes a simularem o diadema.
I loved playing with Barbies (I'm 31 years old and so it is easy to do the math) and I remember to have a wedding dress for my Barbie, inherited from my older sister, that was a replica from the wedding dress of Diana, Princess Wales. I particularly never liked the dress, but I loved the veil that had five brilliant to simulate the diadem Diana wore.
I loved playing with Barbies (I'm 31 years old and so it is easy to do the math) and I remember to have a wedding dress for my Barbie, inherited from my older sister, that was a replica from the wedding dress of Diana, Princess Wales. I particularly never liked the dress, but I loved the veil that had five brilliant to simulate the diadem Diana wore.
O primeiro casamento real que segui na televisão, foi português com certeza. Estávamos no ano de 1995, quando o D. Duarte, Duque de Bragança casa com Isabel de Herédia em Lisboa. E deu-se o clic da diferença. Amigos, Portugal é um República desde 1910, e a imensidão de pessoas com bandeiras monárquicas nas ruas naquele dia e a festejar com "Vivas ao rei" era esmagadora.
The first royal wedding to follow on television, was a Portuguese for sure. We were in 1995, when D. Duarte, Duke of Braganza married with Isabel de Herédia in Lisbon. And it gave me some kind of click that something was indeed different. My Friends, Portugal is a Republic since 1910, and the crowds of people with monarchist flags in the streets that day and celebrating with "Long Live the King" was overwhelming.
The first royal wedding to follow on television, was a Portuguese for sure. We were in 1995, when D. Duarte, Duke of Braganza married with Isabel de Herédia in Lisbon. And it gave me some kind of click that something was indeed different. My Friends, Portugal is a Republic since 1910, and the crowds of people with monarchist flags in the streets that day and celebrating with "Long Live the King" was overwhelming.
O momento mais contraditório do dia foi a chegada do Presidente da República que era convidado do casamento. Somos um povo de brandos costumes, mas aquilo para mim foi surreal. Eu só me perguntava: "Sairia o povo à rua para festejar daquela maneira o casamento de um filho ou filha do Presidente?". Talvez nunca obtenha resposta a esta pergunta, mas secretamente sei qual é.
The most contradictory moment of the day was the arrival of the President that it was a wedding guest. We are a people of gentle manners, but that to me was surreal. I just wondered, "the people would go out to the street to celebrate in this way the marriage of a son or daughter of the President?". You may never get answer to this question, but secretly I know which answer it will be.
The most contradictory moment of the day was the arrival of the President that it was a wedding guest. We are a people of gentle manners, but that to me was surreal. I just wondered, "the people would go out to the street to celebrate in this way the marriage of a son or daughter of the President?". You may never get answer to this question, but secretly I know which answer it will be.
O casamento seguinte que vi foi dos Condes de Wessex em 1999.
The next wedding I saw was from the Earl and Countess of Wessex in 1999.
The next wedding I saw was from the Earl and Countess of Wessex in 1999.
E claro, o de Felipe e Letizia em 2004 (o ano do casamento da minha irmã).
Then Felipe and Letizia, in 2004 (the same year my sister got married).
Then Felipe and Letizia, in 2004 (the same year my sister got married).
Estava limitada aos casamentos que eram transmitidos na TV, e não tinha internet na altura. Meu Deus, o que eu adorava ter visto em directo na década de 2000. Mas tinha sempre as revistas que a minha mãe religiosamente comprava todas as semanas.
It was limited to weddings that were broadcast on TV, and had no internet at the time. My God, I would love to had watch live the 2000s royal weddings but I always could count with lots of magazines that my mother religiously bought every week.
It was limited to weddings that were broadcast on TV, and had no internet at the time. My God, I would love to had watch live the 2000s royal weddings but I always could count with lots of magazines that my mother religiously bought every week.
O que me fascina em casamentos reais? Bem, obviamente que quero ver os vestidos da noiva e das convidadas, as jóias, os uniformes, o beijo...Mas ultimamente tem sido mais do que isso..
What fascinates me in royal weddings? Well, obviously I want to see the bridal gown, and the guests, jewels, uniforms, the kiss ... But lately has been more than that ..
What fascinates me in royal weddings? Well, obviously I want to see the bridal gown, and the guests, jewels, uniforms, the kiss ... But lately has been more than that ..
Antigamente os casamentos reais selavam uniões que tinham mais de Estado do que de amor. O amor vinha depois, salvo raras excepções . Cimentavam-se alianças políticas, trocas comerciais, evitavam-se guerras...
Formerly the royal weddings saddled unions that had more of state than of love. Love came later, few exceptions made. Cemented up political alliances, trade partenerships, and wars were avoided ...
Formerly the royal weddings saddled unions that had more of state than of love. Love came later, few exceptions made. Cemented up political alliances, trade partenerships, and wars were avoided ...
Da década de 50 para cá, as coisas mudaram bastante e hoje em dia é difícil imaginar um casamento arranjado entre pessoas da mesma classe social. Isso enfraquece a monarquia enquanto instituição?
Since the 50's, things have changed a lot and today it is hard to imagine an arranged marriage between people of the same social class. Would this fact weakens the monarchy as an institution?
Since the 50's, things have changed a lot and today it is hard to imagine an arranged marriage between people of the same social class. Would this fact weakens the monarchy as an institution?
Bem, se a Rainha Vitória durante o seu reinado soubesse que através dos casamentos fantásticos que arranjou por toda a Europa iria transmitir a hemofilia a imensos descendentes das casas reais europeias, contribuindo para o assassinato de uma das suas netas favoritas e para a queda de um Império, bem, talvez a História tivesse sido outra....
Well, if Queen Victoria during her reign have guessed that through the fantastic marriages she arranged throughout Europe royalty, she would convey hemophilia to several descendants of European royal houses, contributing to the murder of one of her favorite granddaughter and the fall of an Empire, well, maybe History had been quite different....
Well, if Queen Victoria during her reign have guessed that through the fantastic marriages she arranged throughout Europe royalty, she would convey hemophilia to several descendants of European royal houses, contributing to the murder of one of her favorite granddaughter and the fall of an Empire, well, maybe History had been quite different....
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The Family of Queen Victoria in 1887 by Laurits Tuxen ,The Royal Collection |
Hoje em dia o que nos aproxima ainda mais dos casamentos reais é que acompanhamos aquela história de amor desde o momento em que se tornou pública. Então aquele dia tão especial senti-mo-lo, talvez de forma um pouco egoísta como se também fosse um pouco nosso, não por nos colocarmos no papel dos protagonistas (bem, sim um pouco) mas por querermos partilhar a alegria de todo um povo. Porque os casamentos, de qualquer tipo, aproximam as pessoas. Seja uma família ou uma Nação. É isso!
Today what brings us even closer to the royal weddings is that we follow the story of love from the moment it became public. Then that day is also very special to us, perhaps on a selfish way, as it was also a bit ours, not by putting ourselves in the role of the protagonists (well, yes a little) but because we also want to share the joy of an entire people. Because weddings, of any kind, put people together. A Family or a Country. That´s it!
Today what brings us even closer to the royal weddings is that we follow the story of love from the moment it became public. Then that day is also very special to us, perhaps on a selfish way, as it was also a bit ours, not by putting ourselves in the role of the protagonists (well, yes a little) but because we also want to share the joy of an entire people. Because weddings, of any kind, put people together. A Family or a Country. That´s it!
Nestas coisas eu não sou portuguesa, sou royalista, e não me interessa se é um espanhol. norueguês, sueco, holandês, inglês a casar...Eu estou sempre com eles.
On this matters I'm not Portuguese, I'm a royalista, and I do not care if it's a Spaniard. Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, English to marry ... I am always with them.
On this matters I'm not Portuguese, I'm a royalista, and I do not care if it's a Spaniard. Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, English to marry ... I am always with them.
Em pleno século XXI, em que se anunciam nascimentos reais via twitter, é também nestes pequenos grandes acontecimentos quem temos a oportunidade de assistirmos a pequenos detalhes da continuidade que eu tanto admiro nas casas reais. Seja o véu da noiva que passa de geração em geração, seja a música tocada na cerimónia, sejam as flores no cabelo vindas de um arbusto plantado por uma Rainha querida do passado, ou o ouro do qual a aliança é feita ou ainda o vestido de noiva inspirado num antecessor muito querido.
On the XXI century, where royal births are announced via twitter, it is also in these small great events who have the opportunity to watch the small details of the continuity that I so admire in the royal houses. Be the bride's veil that passes from generation to generation, or the music played at the ceremony, the flowers in hair from a bush planted for a beloved Queen from the past, or the gold which the alliance is made or the wedding dress inspired by a very dear predecessor.
On the XXI century, where royal births are announced via twitter, it is also in these small great events who have the opportunity to watch the small details of the continuity that I so admire in the royal houses. Be the bride's veil that passes from generation to generation, or the music played at the ceremony, the flowers in hair from a bush planted for a beloved Queen from the past, or the gold which the alliance is made or the wedding dress inspired by a very dear predecessor.
De todos os casamentos reais que vi recentemente, o da Princesa Victoria da Suécia, em 2010 ganha pontos no meu coração. Além da noiva ser a imagem viva da sua mãe no dia do seu próprio casamento, todo o evento fez-me realmente admirar a união de um povo em ocasiões como estas.
E para mim, o maior reflexo disso foi quando os recém-casados chegaram ao Palácio Real e a futura Rainha agradeceu ao seu povo "por me ter dado o meu Príncipe".
Of all the royal weddings I've seen recently, Princess Victoria of Sweden, in 2010 win points in my heart. Besides the bride be the picture of her mother on the day of her own wedding, the whole event made me really admire the union of a people at times like these.
And for me, the greatest reflection of this was when the newlyweds arrived at the Royal Palace and the future Queen thanked his people "for giving me my Prince."
Of all the royal weddings I've seen recently, Princess Victoria of Sweden, in 2010 win points in my heart. Besides the bride be the picture of her mother on the day of her own wedding, the whole event made me really admire the union of a people at times like these.
And for me, the greatest reflection of this was when the newlyweds arrived at the Royal Palace and the future Queen thanked his people "for giving me my Prince."
A sua irmã Madalena deu outro toque à cerimónia, menos formal (mesmo Madeleine não foi uma noiva muito tradicional), mas que teve a entrada mais bonita de sempre. Crianças da Childhood Foundation, na qual a Princesa trabalha, tiveram parte activa na entrada da noiva.
Her sister Magdalene took another touch to the ceremony, less formal (even Madeleine was not a very traditional bride), but with her, we had the most beautiful entry ever. Children of Childhood Foundation, in which the Princess works, had an active part in the bride's entrance.
Her sister Magdalene took another touch to the ceremony, less formal (even Madeleine was not a very traditional bride), but with her, we had the most beautiful entry ever. Children of Childhood Foundation, in which the Princess works, had an active part in the bride's entrance.
Estou ansiosa para ver o que Sofia nos reserva também ela envolvida em projectos sociais com crianças.
I'm anxious to see what Sofia holds as she also involved in social projects with children.
I'm anxious to see what Sofia holds as she also involved in social projects with children.
Resumindo, porquê é que a iminência de um casamento real mexe tanto connosco? É o inicio de mais uma jornada. A partir de agora temos mais uma cara de quem falar . Temos mais um membro na família. Temos a oportunidade de ver algumas das nossas caras conhecidas no mesmo espaço, a celebrar uma história de amor que também já foi a deles.
In short, why it is about the imminence of a royal wedding that make us so joyful? It is the beginning of another journey. From now on we have one more face to talk to. We have a new member in the family. We have the opportunity to see some of our familiar faces in the same space, celebrating a love story that was also once theirs.
In short, why it is about the imminence of a royal wedding that make us so joyful? It is the beginning of another journey. From now on we have one more face to talk to. We have a new member in the family. We have the opportunity to see some of our familiar faces in the same space, celebrating a love story that was also once theirs.
E para mim é nestas alturas que se vê bem o peso que esta Instituição tem na vida das pessoas. Falo na União e na Alegria que se vê nas ruas. Nas festas de rua, nos jardins cheios de pessoas a seguir a cerimónia pelos ecrãs gigantes. Falo da vida a seguir o seu curso e da proximidade que neste dia une realeza e plebeus, não só pela proximidade física mas porque cada vez mais, neste dia um plebeu entra para a realeza. E sonhos tornam-se realidade...
And for me it is at these times that you see and the weight that this institution has on people's lives. I speak in the Union and Joy you see on the streets. The street parties in the gardens full of people to follow the ceremony by giant screens. I speak of life to take its course and of the proximity that on this day unites royalty and commoners, not only by physical proximity but because increasingly on days like this a commoner joins to royalty. And dreams come truth...
And for me it is at these times that you see and the weight that this institution has on people's lives. I speak in the Union and Joy you see on the streets. The street parties in the gardens full of people to follow the ceremony by giant screens. I speak of life to take its course and of the proximity that on this day unites royalty and commoners, not only by physical proximity but because increasingly on days like this a commoner joins to royalty. And dreams come truth...
Esta semana não sou portuguesa, sou royalista. Uma louca esperançosa e romântica royalista.
On this week I´m not portuguese, I'm royalista. And a crazy, hopeful and romantic one!
Contem-me o que mais gostam nos casamentos reais. Contem-me qual o foi o mais vos marcou. Contem-me tudo!
Tell me what do you love more in royal weddings. Tell me which was your favorite. Tell me everything!
Acompanho desde sempre sempre seu blog, gosto da visão que tem das nossas amadas princess, e para mim o que mais me chama atenção é a emoção dos noivos quando suas amadas estão a adentrar a igreja. Em 2013 fiquei muito emocionada quando vi o Cris chorando ao ver a princesa Madalena adentrando a igreja, foi a mesma emoção que vi em Fred quando Mary entrou, pois mostram a emoção de terem superado muitos obstáculos, penso que Carl também irá ficar muito emocionado quando Sofia entra, pois eles sim superaram tudo.
ResponderEliminarOlá Jéssica. Obrigada pelo comentário e pelos elogios. Também partilho a ideia de que olhar para o noivo durante a entrada da noiva traduz muito bem o amor que lhe vai na alma naquele momento. E adoro quando eles se emocionam. :) A ver vamos como será no sàbado.
EliminarVictoria e Daniel!!!
ResponderEliminarNoiva radiantemente feliz, noivo claramente apaixonado e embevecido!!
A energia que se fazia sentir era tão bonita que por aquilo que pude observar não houve convidado que não se emocionasse e sentisse que a cumplicidade dos dois era genuína!!!
Espero também algo mágico este fim de semana!!
Sim, sim , sim! Esses dois foram mo máximo! Foi a Vitória do amor! Literalmente!