Casamento Real de Carl Philip & Sofia - Parte 1 / Royal Wedding of Carl-Philip & Sofia - Part 1
Foi o primeiro casamento real que não consegui assistir desde que tenho o T&T. Para mim foi uma tristeza grande não poder compartilhar plenamente este dia com todos vós, mas motivos mais altos se levantaram. Mas aqui estou eu pronta para analisar tudo e todos, começando pelos protagonistas do dia: os noivos!
It was the first royal wedding that I could not watch since I founded T & T. For me it was a great sadness don´t be ablue to fully share this day with you all but it was for a good reason. But here I am ready to analyze everything and everyone, beginning with the protagonists of the day: the bride and groom!
It was the first royal wedding that I could not watch since I founded T & T. For me it was a great sadness don´t be ablue to fully share this day with you all but it was for a good reason. But here I am ready to analyze everything and everyone, beginning with the protagonists of the day: the bride and groom!
A Capela Real estava deslumbrante para receber os ilustres convidados para mais um casamento real em Estocolmo.
The Royal Chapel was breathtaking to receive the distinguished guests for another royal wedding in Stockholm.
The Royal Chapel was breathtaking to receive the distinguished guests for another royal wedding in Stockholm.
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As decorações florais escolhidas para a cerimónia respeitavam o esquema de cores já escolhido para os convites do casamento e os tons variavam de creme até ao coral. As flores incluíam rosas, hortênsias, cravos, ervilhas doces, peónias e brincos-de-princesa.
The floral decorations chosen for the ceremony respected the color scheme already chosen for wedding invitations and shades ranging from cream to coral. The flowers include roses, hydrangeas, carnations, sweet peas, peonies and fuschias
The floral decorations chosen for the ceremony respected the color scheme already chosen for wedding invitations and shades ranging from cream to coral. The flowers include roses, hydrangeas, carnations, sweet peas, peonies and fuschias
Após a chegada dos convidados, o Príncipe Carl Philip foi o último a chegar à Capela, acompanhado pelo seu padrinho e melhor amigo Jan-Ake Hasson.
After the arrival of guests, Prince Carl Philip was the last to arrive att theChapel, accompanied by his best man and best friend, Jan-Ake Hasson.
After the arrival of guests, Prince Carl Philip was the last to arrive att theChapel, accompanied by his best man and best friend, Jan-Ake Hasson.
O príncipe, Major do Corpo Militar Anfíbio Sueco usa o uniforme militar em vigor desde 1878 numa versão que pode ser usada em ocasiões festivas. Carl Philip usa a faixa azul e estrela da Ordem do Sarafim, a mais alta condecoração sueca, e ainda a Cruz da Ordem da Estrela Polar ao pescoço e várias medalhas comemorativas.
The prince, Major of the Swedish Amphibious Corps wore a military uniform in force since 1878 in a version that can be used on festive occasions. Carl Philip uses the blue sashe and Star of the Order of the Saraphim, the highest Swedish honor and also the cross of the Orderof the Polar Star on the neck and several commemorative medals.
...acho que uma tiara de esmeraldas é sempre uma boa aquisição para a Casa Bernadotte, mas não era uma tiara que eu escolheria para um look de noiva (pedras coloridas e tal), e muito menos da maneira como foi colocada na cabeça. E senti falta do véu de renda que é uma tradição na Suécia e que Madeleine também não usou.
... I think a tiara of emeralds, despiste being always a good acquisition to the House Bernadotte, but it was not a tiara that I would choose for a bridal look (colored stones and all), even less because the way it was placed on the head. And I missed the lace veil that is a tradition in Sweden and that Madeleine also did not wear.
Em relação ao look da noiva, confesso que quando vi as primeiras fotografias adorei. Aliás até achei que seria um vestido que eu própria usaria. Continua a ser, mas vendo os detalhes mais de perto, confesso que já não gosto assim tanto. De certa forma acho que os acabamentos não são maravilhosos.
Regarding the bride look, I confess that when I saw the first photographs, I loved it. In fact I even thought it would be a dress I would wear myself. I still think but after seeing the details more closely, I confess I no longer like it that much. In a way I think the finishes are not wonderful.
The prince, Major of the Swedish Amphibious Corps wore a military uniform in force since 1878 in a version that can be used on festive occasions. Carl Philip uses the blue sashe and Star of the Order of the Saraphim, the highest Swedish honor and also the cross of the Orderof the Polar Star on the neck and several commemorative medals.
De braço dado com o seu pai, foi uma noiva muito emocionada que percorreu o altar ao encontro de um Príncipe também bastante emocionado com quem percorreu o resto do caminho ao som de "Father in Heaven" dos Enya.
Arm in arm with her father, it was a very emotional bride walked down the altar to meet a Prince also quite thrilled with whom toured the rest of the way to the sound of "Father in Heaven" of Enya.
Arm in arm with her father, it was a very emotional bride walked down the altar to meet a Prince also quite thrilled with whom toured the rest of the way to the sound of "Father in Heaven" of Enya.
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
The bride is almost in tears #RoyalWedding2015
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
A damas de honor da noiva, a Princesa Estelle, Tiara Larsson, Anaïs Sommerlath e Chloé Sommerlath.
The bridesmaids: Princess Estelle, Tiara Larsson, Anaïs Sommerlath and Chloé Sommerlath.
The bridesmaids: Princess Estelle, Tiara Larsson, Anaïs Sommerlath and Chloé Sommerlath.
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Seguiram-se as leituras uma das quais lida pela Princesa da Coroa Victoria.
Crown Princess Victoria made a reading during the ceremony.
Crown Princess Victoria made a reading during the ceremony.
Crown Princess Victoria gives a reading #RoyalWedding2015
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
O momento dos votos proporcionou algumas gargalhadas perante a dificuldade de Carl em colocar a aliança, desenhada por ele, no dedo de Sofia.
The time of reading wedding vows provided some laughs when Carl had some difficulty putting the alliance, designed by him, on Sofia's finger.
The time of reading wedding vows provided some laughs when Carl had some difficulty putting the alliance, designed by him, on Sofia's finger.
Seguiram-se os momentos musicais, eu diria pouco inusitados, da cerimónia:
The musical moments on the ceremony were, I would say, somewhat unusual:
The musical moments on the ceremony were, I would say, somewhat unusual:
A lovely cover of 'Fix You' by Coldplay is being performed now #RoyalWedding2015
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
"Fix You" dos Coldplay.
"Fix You" from Coldplay.
"Fix You" from Coldplay.
E o tema "Umbrella" de Rhianna em sueco. Sim, não perguntem...
And the theme "Umbrella" by Rhianna in swedish. Yap, don´t ask...
And the theme "Umbrella" by Rhianna in swedish. Yap, don´t ask...
Voltando aos noivos, Carl Philip e a nova Princesa da Suécia e Duquesa de Värmland abandonaram a Capela ao som de "Joyful, Joyful" da letra da 9ª Sinfonia de Beethoven. E foi este o momento mais estranho DE SEMPRE num casamento real! Foi exactamente à saída que o novo casal real trocou o seu primeiro beijo como marido e mulher.
Returning to the couple, Carl Philip and the new Princess of Sweden and Duchess of Värmland left the chapel to the sound of "Joyful, Joyful" lyrics from Beethoven's 9th Symphony. And this was for me the most akward royal wedding moment EVER!
It was just when they left the Chapel that the new royal couple exchanged their first kiss as husband and wife.
Returning to the couple, Carl Philip and the new Princess of Sweden and Duchess of Värmland left the chapel to the sound of "Joyful, Joyful" lyrics from Beethoven's 9th Symphony. And this was for me the most akward royal wedding moment EVER!
It was just when they left the Chapel that the new royal couple exchanged their first kiss as husband and wife.
De seguida os noivos passearam pelas principais ruas de Estocolmo de carruagem.
Then the couple toured the main streets of Stockholm by carriage.
Then the couple toured the main streets of Stockholm by carriage.
De volta ao Palácio Real, os noivos acenaram à multidão da varanda onde se beijaram mais algumas vezes.
Back to Royal Palace, the newlyweds waved to the crowd from the balcony where they kissed a few times.
Back to Royal Palace, the newlyweds waved to the crowd from the balcony where they kissed a few times.
Carl Philip agradeceu em nome dos dois todas as manifestações de carinho e apoio que receberam ao longo de um dia que ficará para sempre nos seus corações.
Carl Philip thanked on behalf of both all the manifestations of love and support they have received throughout a day that will remain forever in their hearts.
Carl Philip thanked on behalf of both all the manifestations of love and support they have received throughout a day that will remain forever in their hearts.
De seguida a recepção de casamento começou e todos os convidados se dirigiram para a Sala Vita Havet onde o Banquete foi servido.
Then the wedding reception began and all the guests headed for the Vita Havet room where the Banquet was served.
Then the wedding reception began and all the guests headed for the Vita Havet room where the Banquet was served.
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
De seguida o Rei discursou, dando os parabéns ao seu filho e à sua nora, por "finalmente estarem a celebrar o vosso casamento". Carl Gustaf referiu ainda ao seu filho,o quanto felizes ele e a Rainha Sílvia estavam por poderem "celebrar o amor que sentem um pelo outro, no palácio onde nasceste". Num discurso em que o Rei destacou imensamente as qualidades do seu único filho, os elogios à nora não ficaram esquecidos.
Then the King spoke, congratulating his son and his daughter in law, for "finally be celebrating your marriage." Carl Gustaf also said to his son, how happy he and Queen Silvia were for the young couple be able to "celebrate their love for each other in the palace where you were born." In a speech in which King greatly highlighted the qualities of his only son, compliments to her new daughter were not forgotten.
Then the King spoke, congratulating his son and his daughter in law, for "finally be celebrating your marriage." Carl Gustaf also said to his son, how happy he and Queen Silvia were for the young couple be able to "celebrate their love for each other in the palace where you were born." In a speech in which King greatly highlighted the qualities of his only son, compliments to her new daughter were not forgotten.
O Rei destacou de Sofia "o seu interesse genuíno em ajudar os outros" referindo que esperava que toda a família, em nome da qual lhe dava às boas vindas, pudesse beneficiar de todas as qualidades de Sofia "no seu novo papel de Princesa da Suécia".
The King said about Sofia "You show genuine care for other people" noting that he hopes that the whole family, in whose name, he gave her the most warm welcome, could benefit from all Sofia qualities "in her new role as Princess of Sweden ".
The King said about Sofia "You show genuine care for other people" noting that he hopes that the whole family, in whose name, he gave her the most warm welcome, could benefit from all Sofia qualities "in her new role as Princess of Sweden ".
De seguida, discursou o pai da noiva e depois o noivo.
Then spoke the father of the bride, then the groom.
Then spoke the father of the bride, then the groom.
Prince Carl Philip is now giving his speech #RoyalWedding2015
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
Carl Philip agradeceu a toda a família o facto de terem recebido Sofia de braços abertos.
Carl Philip thanked all the family for have received Sofia with open arms.
Carl Philip thanked all the family for have received Sofia with open arms.
Guests toast to "love that conquers all" after the grooms beautiful speech #RoyalWedding2015
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
O discurso foi aplaudido de pé por todos os convidados. "O amor conquista tudo. Sofia és a melhor! Amo-te!!"
The speech drew a standing ovation by all guests. "Love conquers all. Sofia you are the best! I love you !!".
The speech drew a standing ovation by all guests. "Love conquers all. Sofia you are the best! I love you !!".
Num acto um pouco fora do vulgar, também a noiva pegou no microfone para agradecer a toda a família e amigos pelo apoio. De seguida apresentou uma cantora, Molly Sanden que cantou uma música cuja letra foi escrita pela Princesa Sofia como forma de tributo ao seu agora marido.
On a very unusual way the bride also took the microphone to thank the whole family and friends for their support. Then she presented a singer Molly Sanden who sang a song whose lyrics were written by Princess Sofia as a form of tribute to her now husband.
On a very unusual way the bride also took the microphone to thank the whole family and friends for their support. Then she presented a singer Molly Sanden who sang a song whose lyrics were written by Princess Sofia as a form of tribute to her now husband.
Princess Sofia is now giving a surprise speech! #RoyalWedding2015
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
Antes da dança, o corte do bolo. Um bolo muito original que segundo consta tinha incorporados estalinhos, ou os chamados pop-rocks, a pedido do noivo.
Before the dance, the cake cutting. A very unique cake that reportedly had pop-rocks in it, by the groom's request.
Before the dance, the cake cutting. A very unique cake that reportedly had pop-rocks in it, by the groom's request.
The wedding cake (cakes?) #RoyalWedding2015
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 13 junho 2015
Os noivos e convidados dirigiram-se para a Galeria Karl's XI onde Carl Philip e Sofia abriram a pista de dança com uma valsa, sendo de seguida acompanhados por familiares e convidados.
The bride and groom and guests made their way to the Karl XI's Gallery where Carl Philip and Sofia opened the dance floor with a waltz, and then they were joined by family and guests.
The bride and groom and guests made their way to the Karl XI's Gallery where Carl Philip and Sofia opened the dance floor with a waltz, and then they were joined by family and guests.
A festa durou até de madrugada.
The party lasted until dawn.
The party lasted until dawn.
The royal family partied until 5:30 this morning. Princess Sofia also changed her dress.#RoyalWedding2015
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 14 junho 2015
Agora, o que todos vocês esperam...
Now, what you all are waiting for...
Now, what you all are waiting for...
A noiva / The Bride
O grande mistério do dia. A Princesa Sofia usou uma criação da estilista sueca Ida Sjöstedt, como já tinha sido avançada como uma escolha provável. O vestido foi confeccionado em três tons de branco. Feito em seda crepe era revestido ainda a seda organza. A renda foi feita pelo espanhol José Maria Ruiz e aplicada no vestido e na cauda.
The great mystery of the day. Princesa Sofia wore a gown made by the Swedish designer Ida Sjöstedt, as had been advanced as a possible choice. The dress was made in three shades of white. Made in crepe silk, the dress was still overlaid with silk organza. Lace was made by the spanish José Maria Ruiz and applied in dress and tail.
The great mystery of the day. Princesa Sofia wore a gown made by the Swedish designer Ida Sjöstedt, as had been advanced as a possible choice. The dress was made in three shades of white. Made in crepe silk, the dress was still overlaid with silk organza. Lace was made by the spanish José Maria Ruiz and applied in dress and tail.
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O véu era feito de tule fino e bordado à mão com renda. Na cabeça, Sofia apresentou-nos uma nova tiara de diamantes e esmeraldas prenda dos Reis. Sofia, seguindo uma tradição real sueca levou ainda folhas de murta no cabelo.
The veil was made of fine tulle and hand embroidered with lace. On her head, Sofia presented us a new tiara of diamonds and emeralds, a wedding gift of the King and Queen. Sofia, following a Swedish royal tradition, wore myrtle leaves on her hair.
The veil was made of fine tulle and hand embroidered with lace. On her head, Sofia presented us a new tiara of diamonds and emeralds, a wedding gift of the King and Queen. Sofia, following a Swedish royal tradition, wore myrtle leaves on her hair.
O bouquet, confeccionado dentro das cores da decoração, levava rosas do jardim e murta.
The bouquet, made within the decoration colors, led garden roses and myrtle.
The bouquet, made within the decoration colors, led garden roses and myrtle.
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NOVA TIARA! Sim, a minha previsão estava correcta. Mas...
A NEW TIARA! Yesm I was so right,. But...
A NEW TIARA! Yesm I was so right,. But...
...acho que uma tiara de esmeraldas é sempre uma boa aquisição para a Casa Bernadotte, mas não era uma tiara que eu escolheria para um look de noiva (pedras coloridas e tal), e muito menos da maneira como foi colocada na cabeça. E senti falta do véu de renda que é uma tradição na Suécia e que Madeleine também não usou.
... I think a tiara of emeralds, despiste being always a good acquisition to the House Bernadotte, but it was not a tiara that I would choose for a bridal look (colored stones and all), even less because the way it was placed on the head. And I missed the lace veil that is a tradition in Sweden and that Madeleine also did not wear.
Em relação ao look da noiva, confesso que quando vi as primeiras fotografias adorei. Aliás até achei que seria um vestido que eu própria usaria. Continua a ser, mas vendo os detalhes mais de perto, confesso que já não gosto assim tanto. De certa forma acho que os acabamentos não são maravilhosos.
Regarding the bride look, I confess that when I saw the first photographs, I loved it. In fact I even thought it would be a dress I would wear myself. I still think but after seeing the details more closely, I confess I no longer like it that much. In a way I think the finishes are not wonderful.
No entanto penso que o visual simples, deixou Sofia brilhar por sí. Não será um look inesquecível. Não tem a simplicidade régia de Victoria, ou o romantismo requintado de Madeleine. Mas tem a simplicidade de Sofia, que no entanto optou por não esconder a sua tatuagem que tem na nuca, que ficou visível em vários momentos da cerimónia.
However I think that this simple dress, left Sofia shine for herself. It won't be an unforgettable look. It does not have the regal simplicity of Victoria's, or the exquisite romance of Madeleine's. But it has Sofia's simplicity, who however chose not to hide her neck tattoo, which was visible at various times during the ceremony.
However I think that this simple dress, left Sofia shine for herself. It won't be an unforgettable look. It does not have the regal simplicity of Victoria's, or the exquisite romance of Madeleine's. But it has Sofia's simplicity, who however chose not to hide her neck tattoo, which was visible at various times during the ceremony.
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Portanto Sofia estava muito bonita, mas não será uma noiva memorável.
So Sofia was very beautiful, but will not be a memorable bride.
So Sofia was very beautiful, but will not be a memorable bride.
Pelo menos em relação ao vestido que escolheu.
Not for her wedding dress, at least.
Not for her wedding dress, at least.
Fotos oficiais foram posteriormente divulgadas.
Official photos were later released.
Príncipe Carl-Philip e a Princesa Sofia da Suécia.
Prince Carl-Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden.
O casal real com as damas de honor.
The Prince Couple with the Bridemaids.
O Casal real com as duas irmãs de Sofia e as duas irmãs de Carl-Philip.
The Prince Couple with Sofia's and Carl's sisters.
Os noivos com os pais.
The Bride and Groom with both parents.
A fotografia de grupo.
The Group picture.
Official photos were later released.
Príncipe Carl-Philip e a Princesa Sofia da Suécia.
Prince Carl-Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden.
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The Prince Couple with the Bridemaids.
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The Prince Couple with Sofia's and Carl's sisters.
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The Bride and Groom with both parents.
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The Group picture.
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A cerimónia pode ainda ser vista aqui para quem não viu (EU, EU!) ou quem queira rever.
The ceremony can be watched here for who didn´t see it (ME! ME!) or for those who want a refresh,
Análise dos convidados amanhã.
Guests analysis tomorrow.
The ceremony can be watched here for who didn´t see it (ME! ME!) or for those who want a refresh,
Pareceu-me uma cerimónia muito bonita, repleta de emoção e alívio. A banda sonora é que foi um pouco duvidosa.
It seemed to me a very beautiful ceremony, full of excitement and relief. The soundtrack was however a bit dubious.
It seemed to me a very beautiful ceremony, full of excitement and relief. The soundtrack was however a bit dubious.
Contem-me todas as vossas opiniões. Quero ouvir-vos!
Tell me all your opinions. I want to hear you!
Análise dos convidados amanhã.
Guests analysis tomorrow.
Uau bem o que dizer deste casamento. Esperava mais, mais da escolha da noiva, mais de muito, mas como dizem menos é mais então sim se faltou em requinte de tiara e vestido sobrou ternura e amor, entre os noivos, entre os irmãos, entre as mais belas meninas, achei que foi um casamento bastante simples, mas o que ficou evidente foi a união da família e para mim quem roubou a cena foi Daniel com toda sua doçura ao ajudar Madde com a Leonore, e o momento em que meu coração parou ao ver a Estelita tão mocinha entrando, penso que ela será uma rainha muito influente no mundo e sem duvida ganhara a qualquer um pelo seu jeito doce e seu sorriso meigo. Mas o que mais me emocionou em tudo foi o discurso de Carl " O Amor vence tudo" penso que foi um desabafo e um momento muito lindo. para mim a palavra que definiu esse casamento foi simplicidade e puro amor