Desde que completou um mês a 2 de Junho, que o mundo aguardava por novos retratos oficiais da Princesa Charlotte de Cambridge. Preferencialmente com o irmão mais velho, o Príncipe George.
Since she turned one month old, on June 2, that the world was waiting for new official portraits of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. Preferably with her older brother, Prince George.
Since she turned one month old, on June 2, that the world was waiting for new official portraits of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. Preferably with her older brother, Prince George.
Após o anúncio pelo Palácio de Kensington que a data para o Baptizado do mais novo membro do Clã Windsor estava fixado para dia 5 de Julho, os rumores acerca da iminente divulgação de retratos oficiais começaram a subir de tom.
Following the announcement at Kensington Palace that the date for the christening of the newest Windsor Clan member was set for July 5, the rumors about the imminent release of official portraits started growing.
Following the announcement at Kensington Palace that the date for the christening of the newest Windsor Clan member was set for July 5, the rumors about the imminent release of official portraits started growing.
Ontem ao inicio do dia, foi divulgado que quatro novas fotografias dos filhos de William e Catherine seriam divulgados no fim do dia.
Yesterday early, it was reported that four new photographs of William and Catherine's children would be released later in the day.
Yesterday early, it was reported that four new photographs of William and Catherine's children would be released later in the day.
E o momento mais esperado chegou:
And the most awaited moment arrived:
And the most awaited moment arrived:
We're delighted to share the first photo of Prince George with his little sister Princess Charlotte pic.twitter.com/lJbWwsqFva
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 6 junho 2015
Uma fotografia do pequeno George a segurar a irmã, para quem olha de maneira atenta e protectora. Penso que os corações de todos (ou quase todos) Royal Watcheres pararam neste instante.
A photograph of the little George holding his baby sister, for whom he looks on a very attentive and protective way. I think the hearts of all (or almost all) Royal Watcheres stopped right now.
A photograph of the little George holding his baby sister, for whom he looks on a very attentive and protective way. I think the hearts of all (or almost all) Royal Watcheres stopped right now.
Posteriormente, os restantes três retratos foram divulgados.
Subsequently, the remaining three pictures were released.
Subsequently, the remaining three pictures were released.
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Via Kensignton Palace Official Twitter |
Um carinhoso gesto entre irmão e irmã. E o sorriso da pequena Lottie.
A sweet moment between brother and sister. And little Lottie's smile.
A sweet moment between brother and sister. And little Lottie's smile.
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Via Kensignton Palace Official Twitter |
Um instantâneo que capta uma expressão muito Middleton do George.
A George's snapshot that captures a very Middleton expression.
A George's snapshot that captures a very Middleton expression.
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Via Kensignton Palace Official Twitter |
E a fotografia que desarmou muitos corações. O sorriso do pequeno George é completamente irresistível.
And the photograph that disarmed many hearts. Little George smile is completely irresistible.
And the photograph that disarmed many hearts. Little George smile is completely irresistible.
Quanto a semelhanças, estas fotografias vieram reforçar a minha convicção de que George é um mini Michael Middleton, apesar do cabelo louro e do sorriso de William. Charlotte ainda é muito pequena, mas penso que também tem mais traços da mãe.
As for similarities, these photographs have strengthened my conviction that George is a mini Michael Middleton, despite the blond hair and smile from his father William. Charlotte is still very young to tell, but I think she also has more from her mother.
As for similarities, these photographs have strengthened my conviction that George is a mini Michael Middleton, despite the blond hair and smile from his father William. Charlotte is still very young to tell, but I think she also has more from her mother.
O Palácio de Kensignton informou ainda que as fotografias foram tiradas pela Duquesa de Cambridge em meados de Maio.
The Kensington Palace also said that the photos were taken by the Duchess of Cambridge in mid-May.
The Kensington Palace also said that the photos were taken by the Duchess of Cambridge in mid-May.
The photo of Prince George and Princess Charlotte was taken by The Duchess of Cambridge in mid-May
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 6 junho 2015
Na minha opinião as fotografias captam essencialmente a ternura e inocência dos laços entre duas crianças. Foram eles as protagonistas, sem distracções de ambientes, acessórios ou outras pessoas.
In my opinion the pictures primarily capture the tenderness and innocence between two children bonding. They were the protagonists, without distractions from the environments, accessories or others.
In my opinion the pictures primarily capture the tenderness and innocence between two children bonding. They were the protagonists, without distractions from the environments, accessories or others.
Foram registos muito bem conseguidos e a Duquesa, cujo gosto por fotografia é conhecido, conseguiu captar quatro registos completamente diferentes e ainda assim similares.
There were very well done records and the Duchess, whose hobby for photography is known, managed to capture four completely different records and yet similar.
There were very well done records and the Duchess, whose hobby for photography is known, managed to capture four completely different records and yet similar.
A duquesa de Cambridge não é a única mãe da realeza a tirar fotografias oficiais aos seus filhos. Também a Princesa Mary da Dinamarca é uma amante de fotografia e é frequente vê-la de máquina fotográfica ao pescoço em momentos familiares e alguns dos retratos oficiais dos seus quatro filhos foram tirados pela esposa de Frederik.
The Duchess of Cambridge is not the only royal mother taking official photos from their children. Also Crown Princess Mary of Denmark is a photograph lover and often we see her with a camera around her neck in family moments and some of the official portraits of her four children were taken by Frederik's wife.
The Duchess of Cambridge is not the only royal mother taking official photos from their children. Also Crown Princess Mary of Denmark is a photograph lover and often we see her with a camera around her neck in family moments and some of the official portraits of her four children were taken by Frederik's wife.
Obviamente que mal foram divulgadas estas novas fotografias, começaram as comparações com outros instantâneos anteriores.
Obviously as soons as the new pictures were released, began the comparisons with other previous royal babies official portraits.
Obviously as soons as the new pictures were released, began the comparisons with other previous royal babies official portraits.
— Victoria Arbiter (@victoriaarbiter) 6 junho 2015
Apesar dos anos, é engraçado ver que há expressões que não mudam.
Despite the years between them, it's funny to see that there are expressions that do not change.
Despite the years between them, it's funny to see that there are expressions that do not change.
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