Bicentenário da Batalha de Waterloo / Bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo
E acho que não poderia começar este post de outra maneira....
And I think I couln´t start this post otherwise ....
And I think I couln´t start this post otherwise ....
Mas não, Waterloo não foi somente uma música desta banda fantástica que foram os ABBA (a propósito, sou só eu que adoro todas as suas músicas e que coloco muitas vezes a playlist deles enquanto cozinho e danço?? calhar sou só eu!).
But no, Waterloo was not just a song of the fantastic ABBA (by the way, is it just me who love all their songs and often put their playlist while cooking and dance?? Hum ... ok .. maybe it's just me!).
But no, Waterloo was not just a song of the fantastic ABBA (by the way, is it just me who love all their songs and often put their playlist while cooking and dance?? Hum ... ok .. maybe it's just me!).
A Batalha de Waterloo foi um confronto militar ocorrido a 18 de Junho de 1815 perto de (imagine-se) Waterloo, actual localidade belga, mas que na altura era parte integrante do Reino Unido nos Países Baixos. Sim, a geografia política da Europa era muito complexa...
The Battle of Waterloo was a military confrontation occurred in June 18th, 1815 near (guess what?) Waterloo, a current Belgian locality, but which was then part of the United Kingdom in the Netherlands. Yes, the political geography of Europe was that complex at the time.
The Battle of Waterloo was a military confrontation occurred in June 18th, 1815 near (guess what?) Waterloo, a current Belgian locality, but which was then part of the United Kingdom in the Netherlands. Yes, the political geography of Europe was that complex at the time.
A importância desta batalha? Bem, o exército do Primeiro Império Francês composto por 72 000 homens, sobre o comando do Imperador Napoleão foi derrotado pelos exércitos da Sétima Coligação que incluíram a força Britânica liderada pelo Duque de Wellington e a força Prussiana comandada por Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher. Este confronto foi a última batalha de Napoleão e a sua derrota marcou o fim do seu governo como Imperador. Wellington seria para sempre reconhecido como um grande herói de guerra e politico britânico e um dos poucos súbtidos a receber um Funeral de Estado.
The importance of this battle? Well, the Army of the First French Empire with about 72,000 men, on the command of Emperor Napoleon was defeated by the armies of the Seventh Coalition that included the British force led by the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian force commanded by Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher. This confrontation was the last battle of Napoleon and his defeat marked the end of his rule as Emperor. Wellington would be forever recognized as a great British war hero and an important politician and one of the few subjects to receive a State Funeral.
The importance of this battle? Well, the Army of the First French Empire with about 72,000 men, on the command of Emperor Napoleon was defeated by the armies of the Seventh Coalition that included the British force led by the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian force commanded by Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher. This confrontation was the last battle of Napoleon and his defeat marked the end of his rule as Emperor. Wellington would be forever recognized as a great British war hero and an important politician and one of the few subjects to receive a State Funeral.
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Sir Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington by Thomas Lawrence, via Wikipedia |
A batalha durou três dias, durante os quais Napoleão decide atacar na esperança de destruir as forças da Coligação para evitar uma invasão coordenada da França. Napoleão atrasou o início da batalha esperando que o terreno secasse, mas quando aos britânicos se juntaram os prussianos, gerou-se a desordem nas tropas francesas no campo de batalha.
The battle lasted three days, during which Napoleon decides to attack in the hope of destroying the forces of the Coalition to prevent a coordinated invasion of France. Napoleon delayed the start of the battle hoping that the ground was dry, but when the Prussians joined the British forces, it led to disorder in French troops on the battlefield.
The battle lasted three days, during which Napoleon decides to attack in the hope of destroying the forces of the Coalition to prevent a coordinated invasion of France. Napoleon delayed the start of the battle hoping that the ground was dry, but when the Prussians joined the British forces, it led to disorder in French troops on the battlefield.
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Lord Hill invites de the last remnants of the French Imperial Guard to surrender by Robert Alexander Hillingford, via Wikipedia |
Posteriormente as forças da coligação entraram em França repondo Louis XVIII no trono francês. Napoleão abdicou, rendeu-se aos britânicos e foi exilado na Ilha de Santa Helena, onde morreu em 1821.
Later the coalition forces entered France replacing Louis XVIII on the French throne. Napoleon abdicated, surrendered to the British and was exiled to the island of St. Helena where he died in 1821.
Later the coalition forces entered France replacing Louis XVIII on the French throne. Napoleon abdicated, surrendered to the British and was exiled to the island of St. Helena where he died in 1821.
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Louis XVIII by Robert Lefèvre, via Wikipedia |
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Emperor Napoleon I by Jacques-Louis David, via Wikipedia |
At the site of battle there is a huge monument called Butte du Lion (Lion's Hill or Lion's Mount), built with earth brought from the battlefield.
Via Wikipedia |
200 anos passaram desde esta batalha, e foram vários os membros de famílias reais que marcaram presença nas comemorações dos 200 anos da Batalha de Waterloo.
200 years have passed since the battle, and there were several members of royal families who attended the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.
200 years have passed since the battle, and there were several members of royal families who attended the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.
No dia 18 o Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa da Cornualha viajaram até à Bélgica para comparecer à abertura da reestruturada Hougoumont Farm e visitaram o campo de batalha de Waterloo.
On the 18th the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall traveled to Belgium to attend the opening of the restructured Hougoumont Farm and visited the Waterloo battlefield.
On the 18th the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall traveled to Belgium to attend the opening of the restructured Hougoumont Farm and visited the Waterloo battlefield.
Guillaume e Stephanie, Grã-Duques Hereditários do Luxemburgo também estiveram presentes na inauguração, bem como a Princesa Astrid da Bélgica.
Guillaume and Stephanie, Hereditary Grand Dukes of Luxembourg were also present at the inauguration as well as Princess Astrid of Belgium.
Guillaume and Stephanie, Hereditary Grand Dukes of Luxembourg were also present at the inauguration as well as Princess Astrid of Belgium.
Hougoumont é uma grande fazenda situada junto a uma escarpa onde as forças aliadas britânicas enfrentaram o exército de Napoleão.
Hougoumont is a large farm located next to a cliff where British allied forces faced Napoleon's army.
O nome "Hougoumont" deriva do francês "Gomme Mont" que significa literalmente Monte de Borracha, porque o edifício principal fortificado foi construído sobre uma pequena colina rodeada de pinheiros, cuja resina era recolhida para a produção de borracha.
Hougoumont is a large farm located next to a cliff where British allied forces faced Napoleon's army.
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The British Guards defending Hougoumont via British Battles |
Hougoumont permaneceu uma fazenda activa até finais do Século XX. A partir de 2003 a fazenda deixou de ser uma propriedade privada e foi deteriorando-se estando completamente danificada em 2006.
The name "Hougoumont" derives from the French "Gomme Mont" which literally means Rubber Mount, because the fortified main building was built on a small hill surrounded by pine trees whose resin was collected for rubber production.
Hougoumont remained an active farm until the late twentieth century. Since 2003 the farm is no longer a private property and was deteriorating being completely damaged in 2006.
The name "Hougoumont" derives from the French "Gomme Mont" which literally means Rubber Mount, because the fortified main building was built on a small hill surrounded by pine trees whose resin was collected for rubber production.
Hougoumont remained an active farm until the late twentieth century. Since 2003 the farm is no longer a private property and was deteriorating being completely damaged in 2006.
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South Galte of Hougoumont Farm via Project Hougoumont |
O projecto Hougoumont apoiado pelo actual Duque de Wellington, pelo escritor Bernard Cornwell e pelo historiador Richard Holmes foi criado para supervisionar o financiamento e restaurar e preservar Hougoumont.
The Hougoumont project supported by the current Duke of Wellington, the writer Bernard Cornwell and the historian Richard Holmes was created to oversee the financing and restore and preserve Hougoumont.
The Hougoumont project supported by the current Duke of Wellington, the writer Bernard Cornwell and the historian Richard Holmes was created to oversee the financing and restore and preserve Hougoumont.
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The Hougoumont Project |
No dia seguinte, o Príncipe de Gales, acompanhado pela sua esposa Camilla, Duquesa da Cornualha, pelo Príncipe Edward, Conde de Wessex e pelo Duque e Duquesa de Gloucester compareceram a um Serviço Memorial Religioso da Catedral de S. Paulo em Londres.
The next day, the Prince of Wales, accompanied by his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester attended a Religious Memorial Service of St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
The next day, the Prince of Wales, accompanied by his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester attended a Religious Memorial Service of St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
No mesmo dia Charles e Camilla foram convidados pelo Duque e Duquesa de Wellington para um jantar em Apsley House.
On the same day Charles and Camilla were invited by the Duke and Duchess of Wellington for a dinner at Apsley House.
On the same day Charles and Camilla were invited by the Duke and Duchess of Wellington for a dinner at Apsley House.
E eu ADOREI a tiara da senhora Duquesa de Wellington. Temos que falar dela brevemente.
And I LOVED the tiara worn by Madame Duchess of Wellington. We have to talk about it soon.
Apsley House, também conhecida pela Número Um, Londres foi a residência londrina dos Duques de Wellignton.
Apsley House, also known for Number One, London was the London residence of the Dukes of Wellignton.
A mansão é protegida pelo English Heritage e, como um museu e galeria de arte, é aberta ao público. Actualmente o 8º Duque de Wellington ainda usufrui de parte da mansão como residência pontual. Talvez seja o único exemplo de uma casa aristocrática de cidade inglesa do seu período.
The mansion is protected by the English Heritage and, as a museum and art gallery, is open to the public. Currently the 8th Duke of Wellington also boasts of the mansion as punctual residence. Perhaps it is the only example of a preserved English town aristocratic house of its period.
No mesmo dia na Bélgica, e mais uma vez na Butte de Lion, o Rei Phillippe e a Rainha Mathilde da Bélgica, o Rei Willem-Alexander e a Rainha Maxima da Holanda e o Grã-Duque Henri e a Grã-Duquesa Maria Teresa do Luxemburgo honraram os 125000 aliados que lutaram contra as forças de Napoleão na Batalha de Waterloo.
On the same day in Belgium, and once again at the Butte de Lion, King Phillippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg honored the 125,000 allies who fought against Napoleon's forces at the Battle of Waterloo.
Apsley House, also known for Number One, London was the London residence of the Dukes of Wellignton.
Aspley House in 1829, by T.H. Shepherd via Wikipedia |
The mansion is protected by the English Heritage and, as a museum and art gallery, is open to the public. Currently the 8th Duke of Wellington also boasts of the mansion as punctual residence. Perhaps it is the only example of a preserved English town aristocratic house of its period.
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Aspley House interiors via English Heritage |
On the same day in Belgium, and once again at the Butte de Lion, King Phillippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg honored the 125,000 allies who fought against Napoleon's forces at the Battle of Waterloo.
O Duque de Kent, em representação do Reino Unido, também esteve presente.
The Duke of Kent, in the UK representation, was also present.
Gosto particularmente destas cerimónias. Pode parecer estranho celebrar uma batalha, mas no fundo é mais do que isso. É lembrar. Lembrar que vidas foram perdidas, lembrar que erros foram cometidos, lembrar que valores como honra e lealdade significaram para muitos a morte. Lembrar para não esquecer.
Este tipo de iniciativas podem encorajar o espírito reconciliador e de união da Europa, para o que se passou há 200 anos não se repita.
I especially like these ceremonies. It may seem strange to celebrate a battle, but the bigger picture is more than that. It´s all about remember. Remember that lives have been lost, remember that mistakes were made, remember that values like honor and loyalty meant death for many. Remember of never forget.
Such initiatives can encourage the reconciler and union spirit of Europe, for what happened 200 years ago might never happen again.
As maiores batalhas da história da Humanidade são recentes. Muitas têm menos de 100 anos. Ainda existem pessoas vivas que se lembram desses tempos.
The biggest battles in human history are recent. Many have less than 100 years. There are still people alive who remember those times.
É bom que nos lembremos delas sempre que pensamos que a nossa vida, no conforto e segurança do nosso lar, está mal. Porque se calhar o que está mal é o nosso pensamento.
It is good that we remember them whenever we think that our life in the comfort and safety of our home, is wrong. Because maybe what is wrong is our thinking.
The Duchess of Wellington is more than a Madame, she is in fact Her Royal Highness Princess Antonia, Duchess of Wellington. She is a born Royal Princess of Prussia ;) The tiara is an old piece from the Wellington's, from the mid 19th Century Princess Antonia wore it has her bridal tiara.
ResponderEliminarA Duquesa de Wellington is mais que uma Madame, na ralidade ela é Sua Alteza Real Princesa Antonia, Duquesa de Wellington. Ela é uma Princesa Real da Prussia de nascimento ;) A tiara é uma reliquia de meados do século 19, peça da familia Wellington. A Princesa Antonia usou-a no dia do seu casamento com o actual Duque.
Obrigada Ana pelo teu comentário. Eu sei que a Duquesa é uma Princesa de sangue. O termo Madame foi apenas uma brincadeira.
EliminarAna Thank you for your comment. I know that the Duchess is a Princess by blood. The term Madame was just a joke.
ResponderEliminarI'm fascinated by the tiara too btw. I've been studying the history and seeing old pictures. An amazing piece!! I wouldn't mind to have one of those...
É pena no entanto não existirem fotografias bem claras e mais informação sobre a peça. Eu adoro tiaras circulares. São tão régias. Nem todas são bonitas, mas esta peça é muito interessante...
EliminarEu também adoro tiaras circulares! Concordo que nem todas são bonitas, mas quando são bonitas, são peças incriveis. Esta tiara em particular aparentemente tem um conjunto de broches a condizer. Já não se fazem joias como antigamente :)
EliminarSem dúvida!!
ResponderEliminarA tiara é muito bonita!! Concordo que uma tiara circular tem uma imponência especial!