A escolha de Sofia / Sofia's choice
Com o aproximar do casamento real sueco, resolvi escrever hoje sobre o tema, talvez mais polémico que envolve esta união: a noiva!
With the approach of the Swedish royal wedding, I decided to write today on the subject, perhaps more controversial involving this union: the bride!
With the approach of the Swedish royal wedding, I decided to write today on the subject, perhaps more controversial involving this union: the bride!
Sabem, antes de ser anunciado o noivado no ano passado entre o Príncipe Carl-Philip e Sofia Hellqvist, também eu imaginava outro tipo de princesa para a Suécia. Ao longo deste último ano, cheguei à conclusão que estava a ser simplesmente hipócrita. E muitos de vós também o deverão ser. E quanto mais gostamos de realeza, provavelmente mais o somos em assuntos como este.
You know, before it was announced the engagement last year between Prince Carl-Philip and Sofia Hellqvist, also I imagined another kind of princess to Sweden. Over the last year, I realized I was being simply hypocritical. And many of you also should be. And the more you like royalty, probably more hypocritical we are on issues like this.
Alguém que tenha capacidade de dançar à chuva e ser feliz assim!
Someone who is able to dance in the rain and be happy just like that!
You know, before it was announced the engagement last year between Prince Carl-Philip and Sofia Hellqvist, also I imagined another kind of princess to Sweden. Over the last year, I realized I was being simply hypocritical. And many of you also should be. And the more you like royalty, probably more hypocritical we are on issues like this.
E a reflexão foi bastante simples. Absolutamente todas as mulheres que gostam destas coisas já se imaginaram por um milésimo de segundos que seja, no papel de Princesa. E a maioria de nós, que escreve e opina bastante sobre estas coisas, provavelmente ao pensar em como seria se tal acontecesse chegou à mesma conclusão do que eu: hoje em dia, tudo o que fizemos, dissemos, e por vezes até pensámos fica registado. Era preciso ter um passado imaculado ( eu eu não me considero alguém propriamente com um passado escandaloso) para ter o mínimo de dedos apontados a mim.
And the thinking was quite simple. Absolutely all women who like these things ever imagined, if it was just for a second thousandth, howw ould be to become a Princess. And most of us, who writes and thinks a lot about these things, probably when we thought how it would be if that really happened came to the same conclusion as I did: today, everything we did, we said, and sometimes even thought is registered . It was necessary to have an unblemished past (And I do not consider myself someone properly with a scandalous past) to have a minimum of fingers pointed at me.
And the thinking was quite simple. Absolutely all women who like these things ever imagined, if it was just for a second thousandth, howw ould be to become a Princess. And most of us, who writes and thinks a lot about these things, probably when we thought how it would be if that really happened came to the same conclusion as I did: today, everything we did, we said, and sometimes even thought is registered . It was necessary to have an unblemished past (And I do not consider myself someone properly with a scandalous past) to have a minimum of fingers pointed at me.
Obviamente que a ideia de ser Princesa, eu que escrevo de maneira tão pouco imparcial sobre eles, me parece assustadora, a não ser que apagasse electronicamente todo e qualquer registo T&T no cibermundo. Mas ainda assim há imensas pessoas que conhecem as minhas opiniões. Imaginem o que é estar ao lado de Kate, quando escrevi sem medo nenhum que o seu estilo é aborrecido, que mais se esperava dela, etc. (isto só para dar um exemplo...). Escandaloso, não?
Obviously, the idea of being Princess to me, I who write on a very little impartially way on them, seem daunting, UNLESS someone electronically erase any T & T record in the cyberworld. But still there are lots of people who know my opionios. Imagine what is standing next to Kate, when I wrote without any fear that her style is boring, that more was expected of her, etc. (this just to give an example ...). Scandalous, right?
Obviously, the idea of being Princess to me, I who write on a very little impartially way on them, seem daunting, UNLESS someone electronically erase any T & T record in the cyberworld. But still there are lots of people who know my opionios. Imagine what is standing next to Kate, when I wrote without any fear that her style is boring, that more was expected of her, etc. (this just to give an example ...). Scandalous, right?
Sofia não escondeu o que foi, ou o que fez. Teve a coragem de continuar num relacionamento que há medida que se foi tornando sério também a fez crescer e ser adulta suficiente para declarar que "não posso mudar o passado, nem o quero fazer. Há coisas que talvez não as fizesse da mesma maneira, mas espero sinceramente que as pessoas não me julguem pelo passado, mas pelo trabalho que vou fazer no futuro".
Sofia did not hide what she was, or what she did. She had the courage to continue a relationship that as it was becoming more serious also made her grow up to be adult enough to declare that "I can not change the past, nor want to do. There are things that I may not do on the same way, but I sincerely hope people do not judge me by the past, but the work they will do in the future. "
Sofia did not hide what she was, or what she did. She had the courage to continue a relationship that as it was becoming more serious also made her grow up to be adult enough to declare that "I can not change the past, nor want to do. There are things that I may not do on the same way, but I sincerely hope people do not judge me by the past, but the work they will do in the future. "
E no fundo tudo se baseia nisso. O nosso presente é fruto das decisões que tomámos nos últimos 5 anos da nossa vida (sim, há estudos que revelam isto). E Sofia resolveu mudar a sua vida, mudando a vida dos outros. Não para mudar a opinião que as pessoas tinham dela, mas pelo papel que poderia vir a ter na sociedade. Ela é co-fundadora do Project Playground , para qual já começou a trabalhar em 2010, muito antes de ficar noiva, e da qual foi Secretária Geral até Abril de 2015. Actualmente ela é Presidente Honorária da Organização.
And deep down everything is based on that. Our present is the result of the decisions we made in the last five years of our lives (yes, there are studies that reveal this). And Sofia decided to try to change her life, by changing other people's lifes. Not for change people's opinion on her, but for the role she might have to play on society. She's Playground Project co-founder, in which she started working in 2010, long before getting engaged, and which she acted as Secretary-General until April 2015. Currently she is the Honorary Chairman of the Organization.
And deep down everything is based on that. Our present is the result of the decisions we made in the last five years of our lives (yes, there are studies that reveal this). And Sofia decided to try to change her life, by changing other people's lifes. Not for change people's opinion on her, but for the role she might have to play on society. She's Playground Project co-founder, in which she started working in 2010, long before getting engaged, and which she acted as Secretary-General until April 2015. Currently she is the Honorary Chairman of the Organization.
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Project PlayGround |
Quantas actuais Princesas e Rainhas apenas tiverem contacto com essa realidade apenas depois de ganharem o título? Poderão ainda dizer que ela se começou a envolver com esta realidade por aparência. A sério?? Existe algum mal em simplesmente acreditar que existe bondade nas pessoas? Que existem pessoas genuinamente interessadas em ajudar os outros? Pensem nisso. É grátis e faz bem!
How many current Princesses and Queens only have contact with this reality just after winning the title? People can also say that she began to engage with this reality just for appearance. Seriously ?? Is there any harm in simply believe that there is good in people? That there are people genuinely interested in helping others? Think about it. It's free and good for your health!
How many current Princesses and Queens only have contact with this reality just after winning the title? People can also say that she began to engage with this reality just for appearance. Seriously ?? Is there any harm in simply believe that there is good in people? That there are people genuinely interested in helping others? Think about it. It's free and good for your health!
Muito se fala também na aceitação da própria família real. Obviamente que talvez as primeiras reacções não terão sido as mais positivas, mas como em tudo há que conhecer para só depois opinar. E a partir de uma determinada altura Sofia foi sempre incluída nos principais momentos dos Bernadotte.
There is also much talk about the acceptance of the royal family itself. Obviously, maybe the first reactions have not been the most positive, but as with everything we must know and only then opine. And from a certain moment Sofia has always been included in the key moments of Bernadotte family.
There is also much talk about the acceptance of the royal family itself. Obviously, maybe the first reactions have not been the most positive, but as with everything we must know and only then opine. And from a certain moment Sofia has always been included in the key moments of Bernadotte family.
No baptizado de Estelle em 2012.
On Estelle christening in 2012.
On Estelle christening in 2012.
No casamento de Madeleine (e nos seus proclamas) em 2013.
On Princess Madeleine wedding (and wedding banns ceremony) in 2013.
On Princess Madeleine wedding (and wedding banns ceremony) in 2013.
No baptizado de Leonore em 2014.
On Leonore christening in 2014.
On Leonore christening in 2014.
Finalmente, muitos "preocupam-se" com o exemplo que ela vai dar para as jovens mulheres...
Finally, many are "concerned" about the example she will give to young women ...
Finally, many are "concerned" about the example she will give to young women ...
Sabem o que eu penso acerca disso? Penso que alguém que viveu a sua vida sem arrependimentos, sem vergonha, que assume o que fez e os erros que cometeu, mas tem a sabedoria para afirmar que os erros que cometeu não a definem como pessoa, alguém que dá muito de si aos outros, que ama e é amada e que vai ter, a partir do próximo sábado a oportunidade de ser ainda mais interveniente na sociedade, alguém assim é um exemplo perfeito de ser humano para todos os que precisarem de um modelo de exemplo.
You know what I think about it? I think someone who lived her life without regret, without shame, that assumes what she did and the mistakes she made, but has the wisdom to assert that the mistakes she made not define her as a person, someone who gives a lot of himself to others who loves and is loved and that will have, starting next Saturday the opportunity to be even more active in society, someone like that is a perfect example of the human being for all needing a role model.
You know what I think about it? I think someone who lived her life without regret, without shame, that assumes what she did and the mistakes she made, but has the wisdom to assert that the mistakes she made not define her as a person, someone who gives a lot of himself to others who loves and is loved and that will have, starting next Saturday the opportunity to be even more active in society, someone like that is a perfect example of the human being for all needing a role model.
Alguém que tenha capacidade de dançar à chuva e ser feliz assim!
Someone who is able to dance in the rain and be happy just like that!
Temos dois exemplos de mulheres que muito dificilmente se imaginariam casadas com futuros Reis: Letizia de Espanha e Mette-Marit da Noruega. Duas mulheres com passados pouco típicos para o papel de Rainha Consorte. Com o passar dos anos e apesar da imensas criticas que ainda são sujeitas, as duas abraçaram à sua maneira causas importantes e o seu trabalho tem sido reconhecido ao mais alto nível.
We have two examples of women that were difficult for sure to imagine themselfs married to Kings: Letizia of Spain and Mette-Marit of Norway. Two women with very unsual pasts to the role of Queen Consort. Over the years and despite the huge criticism still present, the two embraced in their own way important causes and their work has been recognized at the highest level.
We have two examples of women that were difficult for sure to imagine themselfs married to Kings: Letizia of Spain and Mette-Marit of Norway. Two women with very unsual pasts to the role of Queen Consort. Over the years and despite the huge criticism still present, the two embraced in their own way important causes and their work has been recognized at the highest level.
Mais uma vez, as pessoas são muito rápidas a criticar, poucas são aquelas que elogiam e reconhecem o trabalho de outras.
Again, people are very quick to criticize, few are those who praise and acknowledge the work of others.
Again, people are very quick to criticize, few are those who praise and acknowledge the work of others.
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Project PlayGround |
Por isso, na semana em que o T&T se despede de Sofia Hellqvist e dá as boas vindas à nova Princesa Sofia da Suécia, aqui fica:
Therefore, in the week that the T & T says goodbye to Sofia Hellqvist and welcomes the new Princess Sofia of Sweden, here it is:
Therefore, in the week that the T & T says goodbye to Sofia Hellqvist and welcomes the new Princess Sofia of Sweden, here it is:
OBRIGADA SOFIA: pela coragem, pelas escolhas, pelos erros, pelas decisões. O todo faz de ti a pessoa que és. O tempo se encarregará de decidir o resto...
THANKS SOFIA: for the courage, the choices, the mistakes, the decisions. The whole makes you the person you are. The time will decide the rest ...
THANKS SOFIA: for the courage, the choices, the mistakes, the decisions. The whole makes you the person you are. The time will decide the rest ...
Não é disto que os contos de fadas são feitos?
Isn't from this that fairy tales are made?
Sem dúvida, um dos posts mais bonitos e puros que já li no teu blog!! Blog esse que sigo há muito tempo...e que sempre tento deixar comentários, comentários esses que sempre adio e adio por falta de tempo pra escrever algo que reflita exatamente o carinho e simplicidade ¨real¨ e inteligente que o teu blog transmite. É um blog real de uma verdadeira princesa!
ResponderEliminarSofia é uma mulher comum, como todas nós...da qual também deposito muita esperança!! Simpatizo com ela!!
Um grande beijinho de uma fan
Helena, fiquei sem palavras. Eu que tenho sempre tanto que escrever.... Obrigado do fundo do coração pelo comentário. Não sei se nos conhecemos ou não, mas aqui fica o meu agradecimento pelas palavras e pela confiança depositada em mim, no T&T e na nossa Sofia.
EliminarEspero que mais comentários se sigam a este. Adorava conhecer as vossas opiniões sobre os temas e sobre as caras mais conhecidas.
Oi, tudo bem?
ResponderEliminareu aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamo seu blog!
por favor, faça o possível para nunca abandona-lo, por favorzinho rsrsrs
Olá. heheheh. Que bom ler o seu comentário. Obrigada. Eu também aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamo muito receber comentários destes.
EliminarO T&T nunca irá acabar. Poderá ter algumas paragens devido a períodos mais atribulados, mas estou empenhada em transformá-lo nos próximos tempos.
Obrigada pela confiança,
Lovely commentary. It is refreshing to read commentary that is well thought out and uplifting. Good job!
ResponderEliminarI really like all the royal ladies-- whether they were born into royalty or marry into it the task of public service in today's world is daunting to say the least. Further, for royals even more so, as they are expected to live and perform a certain way for life. I think that those women who marry royalty have a unique perspective, they understand life before royalty and as we have seen, they have all brought a new dynamic and they have all flourished. And so, I think Sofia will be as those before her, a caring wife and mother when she becomes one; a hardworking and a wonderful addition to the Bernadotte family.
Blessings on you.
Hello. Thanks on you comment. It was a post written from my heart, really. Glad so many people enjoy it.
EliminarYou are right. Royal ladies by birth are expected to be and act a certain role, it´s too much pressure. For another hand no-royal-born ladies have the pressure of learning everything in a very short period of time, before they become princesses. It´s hard anyway, if you ask me. That´s why I think its so important we support them by words, by thoughts, by positive energy, whatever....Now we are see the role of commun ladies who are now queens are having on the world. And that makes me proud.
Thanks once again, and keep showing up.
Thanks. I am very happy that blogs like yours and a few others embrace and promote royalty in a positive light. We know as, you alluded to in your response to my post, that these women work very, very hard--much is expected from them and they deliver.
EliminarThanks again and keep up the good work!