Quem foi a última Princesa de Cambridge ? / Who was the last Princess of Cambridge?
Enquanto o mundo recupera do dia agitado de ontem (para os mais distraídos aqui fica o registo T&T), outra grande espera começa.
#GreatNameWait como foi marcada nas redes sociais. A antecipação é grande entre os fãs da família real britânica e eu só me pergunto como é que estas pessoas iriam sobreviver à espera dinamarquesa (na terra da Daisy, o nome dos bebés reais é apenas conhecido no dia do baptizado. MESES depois do nascimento).
As the world recovers from yesterday's busy day (for the most distracted here's the T & T record), another big waiting begins.
#GreatNameWait as it was hashtaged on social networks. The anticipation is great among fans of the British royal family and I just wonder how these people would survive to the danish waiting (in the Queen Daisy's kingdom, the name a royal baby is only known on the baptism day. MONTHS after birth) .
As the world recovers from yesterday's busy day (for the most distracted here's the T & T record), another big waiting begins.
#GreatNameWait as it was hashtaged on social networks. The anticipation is great among fans of the British royal family and I just wonder how these people would survive to the danish waiting (in the Queen Daisy's kingdom, the name a royal baby is only known on the baptism day. MONTHS after birth) .
Apostas e esperas à parte sabemos que a pequena princesa, para já, ostenta o título pomposo de Sua Alteza Real, a Princesa de Cambridge. Graças a uma alteração de patente em 2012, a Rainha Elizabeth II assegurou que todos os filhos, fossem meninos ou meninas, do filho mais velho do Príncipe de Gales recebessem o título de Príncipe e Princesa.
Bets and waits aside we only know that the little princess, for now, bears the glitter title of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Cambridge. Thanks to a patent amendment in 2012, Queen Elizabeth II has ensured that all children, whether boys or girls, born from the eldest son of the Prince of Wales received the title of Prince or Princess.
Bets and waits aside we only know that the little princess, for now, bears the glitter title of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Cambridge. Thanks to a patent amendment in 2012, Queen Elizabeth II has ensured that all children, whether boys or girls, born from the eldest son of the Prince of Wales received the title of Prince or Princess.
A menina é uma Princesa Real (ou seja uma Princesa de sangue) e poderá ser um dia a Real Princesa ( o que não é exactamente a mesma coisa).
The girl is a Royal Princess (ie, a Princess of the blood) and may be one day become The Princess Royal (which is not quite the same thing).
The girl is a Royal Princess (ie, a Princess of the blood) and may be one day become The Princess Royal (which is not quite the same thing).
Tanto ela como o irmão, como filhos de um Duque Real, são titulados por
Suas Altezas Reais, o Príncipe/ Princesa (Nome) de (designação territorial do título do pai).
Both she and her brother as children of a Royal Duke, are styled as:
Their Royal Highnesses, the Prince / Princess (Name) of (territorial designation of the parent title)
Both she and her brother as children of a Royal Duke, are styled as:
Their Royal Highnesses, the Prince / Princess (Name) of (territorial designation of the parent title)
A última Princesa de Cambridge nasceu em 1833. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth nasceu em Hanover, na Alemanha filha do Príncipe Adolphus, Duque de Cambridge e da Princesa Augusta de Hesse-Cassel, Duquesa de Cambridge. A princesa era neta do Rei George III do Reino Unido.
The latest Princess of Cambridge was born in 1833. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth was born in Hanover, Germany daughter of Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge and Princess Augusta of Hesse-Cassel, Duchess of Cambridge. The princess was the granddaughter of King George III of the United Kingdom.
The latest Princess of Cambridge was born in 1833. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth was born in Hanover, Germany daughter of Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge and Princess Augusta of Hesse-Cassel, Duchess of Cambridge. The princess was the granddaughter of King George III of the United Kingdom.
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Princess Mary Adelaide by Sir Edwin Landseer (1839) |
A menina passou grande parte da sua infância na Alemanha, mas com a ascensão da Rainha Victoria, prima direita de Mary Adelaide ao trono, em 1837, a família mudou-se para Londres e fixou residência, imagem só, no Palácio de Kensington.
The girl spent much of her childhood in Germany, but with the accession of Queen Victoria, first cousin of Mary Adelaide to the throne in 1837, the family moved to London and took up residence, surprise, surprise, at Kensington Palace.
The girl spent much of her childhood in Germany, but with the accession of Queen Victoria, first cousin of Mary Adelaide to the throne in 1837, the family moved to London and took up residence, surprise, surprise, at Kensington Palace.
Com o passar dos anos, Mary Adelaide teve problemas com a sua imagem sendo apelidada de "Fat Mary" (Mary Gorda), o que fez com que chegasse aos 30 ainda solteira. Para piorar, o seu título de Princesa Real não lhe permitia casar com alguém que não fosse de sangue real. A prima Victoria mexeu os cordelinhos na tentativa de lhe arranjar um par.
Over the years, Mary Adelaide had problems with her image being nicknamed "Fat Mary", which meant she turned 30 and she was still single. To make matters worse, as a royal princess, she was not allowed to marry someone who was not of royal blood. Cousine Victoria moved some strings in an attempt to get her a pair.
Over the years, Mary Adelaide had problems with her image being nicknamed "Fat Mary", which meant she turned 30 and she was still single. To make matters worse, as a royal princess, she was not allowed to marry someone who was not of royal blood. Cousine Victoria moved some strings in an attempt to get her a pair.
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Scanned from Colin Ford's Julia Margaret Cameron: 19th Century Photographer of Genius |
Um candidato de sangue real, mas de um rank menor foi encontrado e a 12 de Junho de 1866, a Princesa Mary Adelaide de Cambridge casa com o Príncipe Francis de Teck na Igreja de St. Anne, Surrey.
A royal blood candidate, but of a lower rank was found and the June 12nd, 1866, Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge married with Prince Francis of Teck in St. Anne Church, Surrey.
A royal blood candidate, but of a lower rank was found and the June 12nd, 1866, Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge married with Prince Francis of Teck in St. Anne Church, Surrey.
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Scanned from the Ilustrated London News (1866) |
O novo casal fixou residência em Londres devido aos deveres reais da Princesa e ao facto de os rendimentos de ambos não lhes possibilitarem uma vida no exterior.
Francis não tinha qualquer direito ao título de Sua Alteza Real, que foi várias vezes solicitado pela sua esposa, à prima Victoria. A Rainha viria apenas conceder a Francis o título de Sua Alteza em 1887.
The new couple took up residence in London due to the Princess's royal duties and the fact that both income did not allow for them a life abroad.
Francis had no right to the title of His Royal Highness, who was repeatedly asked by his wife, to her cousin Queen Victoria. The Queen would only grant Francis the title of His Highness in 1887.
The new couple took up residence in London due to the Princess's royal duties and the fact that both income did not allow for them a life abroad.
Francis had no right to the title of His Royal Highness, who was repeatedly asked by his wife, to her cousin Queen Victoria. The Queen would only grant Francis the title of His Highness in 1887.
O casal teve quatro filhos: Victoria Mary, Adolphus, Francis e Alexander. Todos ostentavam os títulos de Principes de Teck.
The couple had four children: Mary Victoria, Adolphus, Francis and Alexander. All bore the titles of Princes of Teck.
The couple had four children: Mary Victoria, Adolphus, Francis and Alexander. All bore the titles of Princes of Teck.
Em 1871, Francis seria feito Duque pelo Rei de Würtemberg. Mary Adelaide é agora Duquesa de Teck.
In 1871, Francis was made Duke by the King of Württemberg. Mary Adelaide is now Duchess of Teck.
In 1871, Francis was made Duke by the King of Württemberg. Mary Adelaide is now Duchess of Teck.
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Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck by Hermann Schmiechen (1882) |
Mary Adelaide sempre teve gostos caros e vivia de forma extravagante. Os Teck foram inclusivamente obrigados a fugir do país em 1883 para evitar os credores. Dois anos depois voltaram e foi nessa altura que Mary Adelaide começou o seu trabalho de caridade, principalmente com crianças.
Mary Adelaide always had expensive tastes and lived extravagantly. The Teck were even forced to flee the country in 1883 to avoid creditors. Two years later they came back and it was then that Mary Adelaide began her charitable work, especially with children.
Mary Adelaide always had expensive tastes and lived extravagantly. The Teck were even forced to flee the country in 1883 to avoid creditors. Two years later they came back and it was then that Mary Adelaide began her charitable work, especially with children.
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Mary Adelaide of Teck |
Em 1891 a roda de fortuna sorriu a Mary Adelaide, porque surgiu a oportunidade de casar a sua filha mais velha, a Princesa Victoria Mary com um dos filhos do Príncipe de Gales. O noivado de Victoria Mary com o Príncipe Albert Victor, Duque de Clarence and Avondale foi anunciado. Mas o noivo viria a morrer apenas 6 semanas depois.
In 1891 The Wheel of Fortune smiled for Mary Adelaide, because the opportunity arose to marry her eldest daughter, Princess Victoria Mary with the Prince of Wales son. The engagement of Mary Victoria with Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale was announced. But the groom would die just six weeks later.
In 1891 The Wheel of Fortune smiled for Mary Adelaide, because the opportunity arose to marry her eldest daughter, Princess Victoria Mary with the Prince of Wales son. The engagement of Mary Victoria with Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale was announced. But the groom would die just six weeks later.
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Albert Victor |
A Rainha no entanto era fã da noiva, carinhosamente apelidada de May e consegui que o seu outro neto, e segundo na linha de sucessão, George, Duque de York ficasse noivo de May. O casal casou em 1893 na Capela Real do Palácio de St. James.
The Queen however was a fan of the bride, affectionately nicknamed May and got to his other grandson and second in line of succession, George, Duke of York to become engaged to May. The couple married in 1893 at the Royal Chapel of St James Palace .
The Queen however was a fan of the bride, affectionately nicknamed May and got to his other grandson and second in line of succession, George, Duke of York to become engaged to May. The couple married in 1893 at the Royal Chapel of St James Palace .
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George and Mary |
Mais tarde, em 1911, George seria coroado Rei George V e May, passaria para a História como Mary, Rainha Consorte do Reino Unido e dos Domínios Britânicos e Imperatriz Consorte da Índia.
Later, in 1911, George was crowned King George V and May, would pass into history as Mary, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Empress consort of India.
O que faz com que Mary Adelaide, a última Princesa de Cambridge até ontem, seja a bisavó da actual soberana Elizabeth II, que por sua vez é bisavó da mais recente Princesa de Cambridge. Não gostam destas coisas?
What makes Mary Adelaide, the last Princess of Cambridge until yesterday, the great-grandmother of the current sovereign Elizabeth II, which is, by her turn, the great-grandmother of the newest Princess of Cambridge. Don´'t you just love these things??
Later, in 1911, George was crowned King George V and May, would pass into history as Mary, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Empress consort of India.
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George V and Mary |
O que faz com que Mary Adelaide, a última Princesa de Cambridge até ontem, seja a bisavó da actual soberana Elizabeth II, que por sua vez é bisavó da mais recente Princesa de Cambridge. Não gostam destas coisas?
What makes Mary Adelaide, the last Princess of Cambridge until yesterday, the great-grandmother of the current sovereign Elizabeth II, which is, by her turn, the great-grandmother of the newest Princess of Cambridge. Don´'t you just love these things??
Mary Adelaide nunca viu a sua filha Rainha pois morreu em 1897, na sequência de uma operação de emergência. A Duquesa de Teck morreu na sua casa de campo, White Lodge.
Mary Adelaide never saw her daughter as Queen, because she died in 1897, following an emergency operation. The Duchess of Teck died at her country house, White Lodge.
Mary Adelaide never saw her daughter as Queen, because she died in 1897, following an emergency operation. The Duchess of Teck died at her country house, White Lodge.
Conheciam esta Princesa de Cambridge?
Did you know this Princess of Cambrige?
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