O Grand Prix F1 e uma sorridente Charlene / The Monaco F1 Grand Prix and a smiling Charlene
Decorreu durante este fim-de-semana o Grande Prémio de F1 no Mónaco. Uma das mais importantes provas da modalidade e um dos eventos mais esperados do ano do Principado do Rochedo.
It took place during this weekend the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco. One of the most important circuit of the sport and one of the most anticipated events of the year in the Rock's Principality.
Apenas quero demonstrar uma coisa, porque desporto (e muito menos F1) não me interessam particularmente (com excepção de patinagem artística no gelo):
I just want to show you something, because sport (and specially F1 ) do not interest me particularly (except for figure skating on ice):
O Príncipe Albert e a Princesa Charlene visitaram o stand das pessoas com deficiência motora em vésperas do grande evento desportivo.
Prince Albert and Charlene Princess visited the stand of people with physical disabilities on the eve of the great sporting event.
It took place during this weekend the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco. One of the most important circuit of the sport and one of the most anticipated events of the year in the Rock's Principality.
Apenas quero demonstrar uma coisa, porque desporto (e muito menos F1) não me interessam particularmente (com excepção de patinagem artística no gelo):
I just want to show you something, because sport (and specially F1 ) do not interest me particularly (except for figure skating on ice):
O Príncipe Albert e a Princesa Charlene visitaram o stand das pessoas com deficiência motora em vésperas do grande evento desportivo.
Prince Albert and Charlene Princess visited the stand of people with physical disabilities on the eve of the great sporting event.
Le Prince Albert II de Monaco et son épouse la Princesse Charlene, sont venus rendre une visite de courtoise au stand...
Posted by Palais Princier de Monaco - Prince's Palace of Monaco on Domingo, 24 de Maio de 2015
O casal ofereceu no Palácio uma recepção cocktail em honra da 73ª Edição do Grand Prix de F1 no Mónaco.
The couple offered in the Palace a cocktail reception in honor of the 73rd Edition of the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco.
The couple offered in the Palace a cocktail reception in honor of the 73rd Edition of the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco.
LL.AA.SS Le Prince Albert II et son épouse la Princesse Charlene ont reçu de nombreuses personalités du sport mécanique...
Posted by Palais Princier de Monaco - Prince's Palace of Monaco on Sábado, 23 de Maio de 2015
O casal compareceu à prova desportiva no Domingo.
The couple attended on Sunday to the Sportive Event.
The couple attended on Sunday to the Sportive Event.
© Photo : Gaetan Luci / Palais Princier de Monaco
Posted by Palais Princier de Monaco - Prince's Palace of Monaco on Domingo, 24 de Maio de 2015
O que todas estas fotografias têm em comum? O sorriso fantástico de Charlene. Um sorriso que descobrimos muito recentemente e que esperamos que venha para ficar.
What all these pictures have in common? The fantastic smile of Charlene. A smile that we discovered very recently and that we hope it came to stay.
What all these pictures have in common? The fantastic smile of Charlene. A smile that we discovered very recently and that we hope it came to stay.
Boa semana!
Have a nice week!
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