No fim de uma semana muito preenchida..../On the end of a busy week....
...É tempo para resumir tudo. Muitas coisas aconteceram esta semana, por isso antes de irmos de fim-de-semana, deixo-vos com os momentos altos.
... It's time to sum it all up. A lot has happened this week, so before we go for weekend, I leave you with the highlights.
... It's time to sum it all up. A lot has happened this week, so before we go for weekend, I leave you with the highlights.
Bélgica e Luxemburgo / Belgium and Luxembourg
Finale 2015 du concours Reine Elisabeth à Bruxelles
— Cour Grand-Ducale (@CourGrandDucale) 28 maio 2015
A Rainha Mathilde da Bélgica fez-se acompanhar da Grã-Duquesa Hereditária do Luxemburgo, a Princesa Stephanie para assistir às Finais do Concurso Musical Reine Elizabeth, Gostei de as ver juntas e da sua combinação de cores.
Queen Mathilde of Belgium was accompanied by the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, Princess Stephanie to attend the Finals of the Musical Contest Reine Elizabeth, I like to see them together and their exquisite color match.
Queen Mathilde of Belgium was accompanied by the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, Princess Stephanie to attend the Finals of the Musical Contest Reine Elizabeth, I like to see them together and their exquisite color match.
Dinamarca / Denmark
On 25 May, CP Mary and the Mary Fonden had a meeting with Brothers For Life and Dialog Mod Vold.
— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 29 maio 2015
A Princesa Mary da Dinamarca com a Fundação Mary reunião com a instituição Brothers for Life, que a Princesa conheceu na sua recente visita a África e com a instituição dinamarquesa Dialog Mod Vold.
Denmark's Princess Mary with the Mary Foundation meeting with the Brothers for Life institution, the Princess met on her recent visit to Africa and the danish institution Dialog Mod Vold.
Denmark's Princess Mary with the Mary Foundation meeting with the Brothers for Life institution, the Princess met on her recent visit to Africa and the danish institution Dialog Mod Vold.
On 24/05 (their 7th Wedding Anniversary) Prince Joachim, Princess Marie and kids attended the Classic Race in Århus.
— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 29 maio 2015
O Príncipe Joachim contou com o apoio da sua esposa Marie, e dos filhos Henrik e Athena numa prova em que participou. O Príncipe não esqueceu que celebrava 7 anos de casamento e ofereceu à sua esposa com um enorme bouquet de rosas vermelhas
Prince Joachim had the support of his wife Marie and their children Henrik and Athena in a competition in which he participated. The danish Prince has not forgotten that celebrated seven years of marriage and gave to his wife a huge bouquet of red roses
Prince Joachim had the support of his wife Marie and their children Henrik and Athena in a competition in which he participated. The danish Prince has not forgotten that celebrated seven years of marriage and gave to his wife a huge bouquet of red roses
Espanha / Spain
Letizia de Espanha continua a sua primeira viagem cooperativa em El Salvador.
Letizia of Spain continues her first cooperative visit in El Salvador.
Letizia of Spain continues her first cooperative visit in El Salvador.
No terceiro dia de viagem a Rainha conheceu em Suchitoto projectos de cooperação em áreas como cultura, empreendimento e apoio a mulheres.
On the third day of visit, the Queen met in Suchitoto cooperation projects in such areas as culture, enterprise and support to women.
La Reina se interesa en Jiquilisco por la Unidad Comunitaria de Salud Familiar Especializada
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 27 maio 2015
No mesmo dia, Letizia visitou em Jiquilisco a Unidade comunitária de Saúde Familiar Especializada.
On the same day, Letizia visited in Jiquilisco the Community Familiar Health Unit.
On the same day, Letizia visited in Jiquilisco the Community Familiar Health Unit.
E o Fundo Comunitário para Água e Saneamento em Cantón Isla de Mendez.
And the Community Fund for Water and Sanitation in Canton Isla de Mendez.
And the Community Fund for Water and Sanitation in Canton Isla de Mendez.
No quarto e último dia de visita, a Rainha visitou a Casa Tomada, as novas instalações do Centro Cultural de Espanha em El Salvador.
In the fourth and last day of visit, the Queen visited the Casa Tomada, the new premises of the Cultural Center of Spain in El Salvador.
In the fourth and last day of visit, the Queen visited the Casa Tomada, the new premises of the Cultural Center of Spain in El Salvador.
E a finalizar a visita foi recebida pelo Presidente da República de El Salvador, Sr. Salvador Sánchez Cerén com quem reuniu.
And to finish the visit she was received by the President of the Republic of El Salvador, Mr. Salvador Sánchez Cerén and they had a meeting together.
And to finish the visit she was received by the President of the Republic of El Salvador, Mr. Salvador Sánchez Cerén and they had a meeting together.
Holanda / The Netherlands
70 Canadese studenten ontvangen een beurs om te studeren aan Nederlandse universiteiten. De Koning en Koningin...
Posted by Het Koninklijk Huis on Sexta-feira, 29 de Maio de 2015
Willem-Alexander e Maxima continuam a sua visita ao Canadá. No segundo dia, o casal esteve na Universidade de Waterloo a assinar protocolos de cooperação entre a Universidade canadiana e a Universidade de Delft, na Holanda.
Willem-Alexander and Maxima continue their visit to Canada. On the second day, the couple was at the University of Waterloo to sign cooperation protocols between the Canadian University and the University of Delft in the Netherlands.
Willem-Alexander and Maxima continue their visit to Canada. On the second day, the couple was at the University of Waterloo to sign cooperation protocols between the Canadian University and the University of Delft in the Netherlands.
Koning Willem-Alexander en Koningin Máxima bieden de Gouverneur-Generaal David Johnston en zijn echtgenote Sharon...
Posted by Het Koninklijk Huis on Sexta-feira, 29 de Maio de 2015
Á noite o casal foi anfitrião para um Concerto em Toronto para retribuir a hospitalidade do Governador Geral e da sua esposa durante a visita ao Canadá.
At night the couple hosted a concert in Toronto to reciprocate the hospitality of the Governor General and his wife during the visit to Canada.
At night the couple hosted a concert in Toronto to reciprocate the hospitality of the Governor General and his wife during the visit to Canada.
Noruega/ Norway
Hvilke bøker leste du i oppveksten? @CrownPrincessMM i samtale med @ToreRenberg og @RosenlwEeg #minbok
— Det kongelige hoff (@Kronprinsparet) 26 maio 2015
A princesa Mette-Marit participou numa das suas iniciativas favoritas. "O Comboio da Leitura", durante as celebrações da Semana da Literatura na Noruega
Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended one of her favorite initiatives. "The Train of Reading" during the celebrations of the Week of Literature in Norway.
Reino Unido /United Kingdom
Com todo o esplendor associado, a Rainha Elizabeth II acompanhada pelo Duque de Edimburgo presidiu à habitual Abertura Oficial de Estado do Parlamento.
With all the associated splendor, the Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh chaired the usual Official State Opening of the Parliament.
With all the associated splendor, the Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh chaired the usual Official State Opening of the Parliament.
Em tão importante evento também estiveram o Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa da Cornualha.
In such an important event they were also present the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall.
In such an important event they were also present the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall.
Suécia /Sweden
Yesterday, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Götland.
— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 29 maio 2015
A Princesa da Coroa Victoria e o seu marido o Príncipe Daniel visitar a provincia sueca de Götland e adorei o visual veraneio de Vicky.
Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel visit the Swedish province of Götland and I loved Vicky's summer look.
Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel visit the Swedish province of Götland and I loved Vicky's summer look.
Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and the new baby will move to England in the fall.
— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 29 maio 2015
Entretanto foi anunciado pelo porta-voz da casa real sueca que o marido da Princesa Madeleine, o empresário Christopher O'Neill se mudou para Londres, sendo esperado que no Outono toda a família se mude para o Reino Unido. Grávida do segundo filho, é esperado que Madeleine dê à luz na Suécia no princípio do Verão.
Meanwhile it was announced by the Swedish royal house spokesman that the husband of Princess Madeleine, the businessman Christopher O'Neill has moved to London and is expected the whole family will join him on the Fall. Pregnant with her second child, is expected to Madeleine give birth in Sweden in early summer.
Sim também há novidades T&T. Agora estamos também no Twitter! Sigam-nos!
Yes there are also news on T & T. Now we are also on Twitter! Follow us!
Meanwhile it was announced by the Swedish royal house spokesman that the husband of Princess Madeleine, the businessman Christopher O'Neill has moved to London and is expected the whole family will join him on the Fall. Pregnant with her second child, is expected to Madeleine give birth in Sweden in early summer.
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Yes there are also news on T & T. Now we are also on Twitter! Follow us!
Tenham um bom fim-de-semana!
Have a nice Weekend!
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