Mary da Dinamarca - últimos looks / Mary of Denmark - last looks
Alguns de vos perguntaram-me se estou cansada de Mary, pois a Princesa da Dinamarca têm tido alguns looks dignos de serem apresentados aqui e eu há algum tempo que não falo dela.
Some of you asked me if I am tired of Mary, as the Danish Princess have presented us with looks worthy of being presented here and I remained silent about it,
Resposta: Nunca me vou cansar de Mary. Como muitos sabem, ela é a minha Princesa favorita, dentro daquilo que posso avaliar sobre as Princesas e Rainhas que sigo.
Answer: I'll never get tired of Mary. As many know, she's my favorite Princess, given what I can judge about the Princesses and Queens that I follow.
Depois de tantos posts sobre a família real dinamarquesa, tinha resolvido fazer uma pausa. Mas já que perguntaram, aqui ficam os últimos looks e eventos de Mary da Dinamarca. Seja feita a vossa vontade.
After so many posts on the Danish royal family, I had decided to take a break about them. But since you asked, here are the latest looks and events for Mary of Denmark. Thy will be done.
5 de Maio de 2015 / May 5th, 2015
The Crown Princely Couple attended a service to mark the 70th anniversary of the Danish liberation from Nazi Germany
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 5 maio 2015
Mary acompanhou o Príncipe da Coroa Frederik a uma Cerimónia de Celebração e Memória pelo 70º aniversário da Libertação da Dinamarca da ocupação Nazi durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Uma ocasião solene que Mary respeitou com um look preto bastante elegante, em que o novo vestido ELISE GUG da coleção Outono-Inverno 2014 quebra a monotonia do preto, mantendo a sobriedade.
Mary accompanied Crown Prince Frederik at a Celebration and Remambrance Ceremony for the 70th anniversary of Denmark's Libertation from the Nazi occupation during World War II.
A solemn occasion that Mary complied with a very elegant black look and. her new dress from ELISE GUG Autumn-Winter collection 2014 breaks the monotony of black, maintaining sobriety.
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ELISE GUG Floral dress via ELISE GUG facebook |
Fins de Abril / End of April
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary are curently on an unofficial trip to Greenland
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 29 abril 2015
O casal real dinamarquês deixou-se fotografar durante uma visita privada à Gronelândia.
The Danish royal couple took some pictures during a private visit to Greenland.
The Danish royal couple took some pictures during a private visit to Greenland.
24 de Abril de 2015 / April 24th, 2015
A presença da Princesa da Coroa Dinamarquesa quase passou desapercebida no Break the Silence Charity Ball 2015, não fosse uma foto publicada no Instagram. Esta organização assente em trabalho voluntário actua no sentido de prevenir casos de violência entre as famílias e depende exclusivamente de subsidios e campanhas de angariação de fundos, como o caso deste Baile. Dado o interesse de Mary nestas causas, a sua presença informal (bastante casual e entusiasmada) foi bastante aplaudida.
The presence of the Danish Crown Princess Danish almost passed unnoticed in the Break the Silence Charity Ball 2015, if was not for a photo posted on Instagram. This organization based on volunteer work acts to prevent cases of violence between families and depends exclusively on subsidies and fundraising campaigns, such as the case of this Ball. Given the interest of Mary in these causes, her informal presence (very casual and enthusiastic) was widely applauded.
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Bryd Tavsheden website |
25 de Abril de 2015 /Aprl 25th, 2015
Yesterday, CP Frederik and CP Mary attended a gala at the Hotel d'Angleterre in honor of it's 260th anniversary.
— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 26 abril 2015
Mary e Frederik compareceram a um jantar de gala que celebrou os 260 anos do Hotel D'Angleterre, um dos mais prestigiados, exclusivos e famosos hotéis da Dinamarca.
Mary and Frederik attended a gala dinner which celebrated the 260 anniversary of the Hotel D'Angleterre, one of the most prestigious, exclusive and famous hotels in Denmark.
Mary and Frederik attended a gala dinner which celebrated the 260 anniversary of the Hotel D'Angleterre, one of the most prestigious, exclusive and famous hotels in Denmark.
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Hotel D'Angleterre |
Requinte, sofisticação e arte de bem-servir são alguns pontos do cartão de visita deste Hotel que foi , ao longo da sua existência, a escolha de muitas estrelas de cinema, celebridades e realeza de visita à Dinamarca.
Refinement, sophistication and art of well serve are some parts of the business card of this hotel which was, throughout its existence, the choice of many movie stars, celebrities and royalty during their visits to Denmark
Refinement, sophistication and art of well serve are some parts of the business card of this hotel which was, throughout its existence, the choice of many movie stars, celebrities and royalty during their visits to Denmark
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Louis XVI meeting room |
Mary surpreendeu com um longo vestido preto, que se destaca pela saia em tule e pelas transparências na zona do decote. O vestido é criação do estilista dinamarquês OLE YDE e foi uma peça da colecção Outono-Inverno 2013.
Mary surprised with a long black dress, which stands out for its skirt in tulle and the transparencies in the neckline and sleevs. The dress is a creation of the Danish designer OLE YDE and it was a Autumn Winter 2013 collection piece.
Mary surprised with a long black dress, which stands out for its skirt in tulle and the transparencies in the neckline and sleevs. The dress is a creation of the Danish designer OLE YDE and it was a Autumn Winter 2013 collection piece.
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Ainda no mesmo dia, Mary compareceu a uma cerimónia memorial por ocasião do ANZAC Day (Dia das Forças Armadas da Austrália e Nova Zelândia).
On the same day, Mary attended a memorial ceremony on the occasion of ANZAC Day (Australia and New Zealand Armed Corps Day).
On the same day, Mary attended a memorial ceremony on the occasion of ANZAC Day (Australia and New Zealand Armed Corps Day).
A cerimónia recorda todos aqueles que combaterem e morreram durante a Primeira Grande Guerra.
Achei muito tocante, a Princesa da Coroa da Dinamarca estar presente nas cerimónias deste dia, tão importante para o seu país Natal (recorde-se que Mary é australiana de naturalidade).
O look escolhido respeita mais uma vez a sobriedade da ocasião. Gosto particularmente do original casaco escolhido.
The ceremony remembers all those who fight and died during the First World War.
I found it very touching, Denmark's Crown Princess attending the ceremonies of this day, so important to her home country (remember that Mary is Australian by birth).
The chosen look respect again the sobriety of the occasion. I especially like the original coat chosen.
The ceremony remembers all those who fight and died during the First World War.
I found it very touching, Denmark's Crown Princess attending the ceremonies of this day, so important to her home country (remember that Mary is Australian by birth).
The chosen look respect again the sobriety of the occasion. I especially like the original coat chosen.
23 de Abril de 2015 / April 23rd, 2015
Crown Princess Mary today attended the opening of the Festival of Research at at the Technical University of Denmark
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 23 abril 2015
Mary na sua qualidade de Real Patrona, compareceu ao Dia da Investigação, uma óptima oportunidade para o público em geral conhecer e interessar-se pela importância da investigação para a sociedade. Trata-se de um dia aberto em que as pessoas se podem inteirar um pouco melhor desta área de trabalho que dá emprego a milhares de investigadores estrangeiros e nacionais por toda a Dinamarca.
Mary as Royal Patron, attended the Research Day, a great opportunity for the general public to know and increase interest in the importance of research to society. This is an open day where people can learn a little better about this area that employs thousands foreign and national researchers throughout Denmark.
Mary as Royal Patron, attended the Research Day, a great opportunity for the general public to know and increase interest in the importance of research to society. This is an open day where people can learn a little better about this area that employs thousands foreign and national researchers throughout Denmark.
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A Princesa escolheu um simples vestido fuscia GOAT (uma marca bastante usada pela Duquesa de Cambridge) cuja alegria vibrante da cor pareceu combinar na perfeição com o entusiasmo da Princesa durante esta visita.
The princess chose a simple fuscia dress from GOAT (a brand widely used by the Duchess of Cambridge) whose vibrant joy of color seemed to match perfectly with the enthusiasm of the Princess during this visit.
The princess chose a simple fuscia dress from GOAT (a brand widely used by the Duchess of Cambridge) whose vibrant joy of color seemed to match perfectly with the enthusiasm of the Princess during this visit.
22 de Abril de 2015 / April 22nd. 2015
Mais uma causa próxima do coração de Mary. A princesa compareceu ao 10º Aniversário da Maternity Foundation da qual é Patrona. Nesta ocasião foi lançada uma nova aplicação da Fundação, chamada "Save Delivery" (Parto Seguro).
Another cause close to Mary's heart, The princess attended the 10th Anniversary of the Maternity Foundation of which she is Patron. On this occasion it was launched a new application of the Foundation, called "Save Delivery".
Another cause close to Mary's heart, The princess attended the 10th Anniversary of the Maternity Foundation of which she is Patron. On this occasion it was launched a new application of the Foundation, called "Save Delivery".
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Maternity Foundation website |
Esta Fundação, fundada em 2005, trabalha no sentido de minimizar o risco de morte para mães e recém-nascidos, bem como trabalhar com as mães no sentido de proporcionar melhores condições de saúde e segurança para elas e para os seus filhos.
This Foundation, founded in 2005, works to minimize the risk of death for mothers and newborns as well as work with the mothers towards giving a better health and safety conditions for them and their children.
This Foundation, founded in 2005, works to minimize the risk of death for mothers and newborns as well as work with the mothers towards giving a better health and safety conditions for them and their children.
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Maternity Foundation website |
Mary estava visivelmente feliz e descontraída e isso reflectiu-se no seu look simples, no qual destaco o top ZARA com padrão floral que remonta a 2011 pelo menos.
Mary was visibly happy and relaxed and this was reflected in her simple look, in which highlight the top from ZARA with floral pattern dating back to 2011 at least.
Mary was visibly happy and relaxed and this was reflected in her simple look, in which highlight the top from ZARA with floral pattern dating back to 2011 at least.
19 de Abril de 2015 / April 19th, 2015
Dias depois das celebrações do aniversário da Rainha Margrethe, a Princesa Mary esteve presente nas actividades do Organic Day.
Days after Queen Margrethe anniversary celebrations, Princess Mary was present in the activities during the Organic Day.
Days after Queen Margrethe anniversary celebrations, Princess Mary was present in the activities during the Organic Day.
E para satisfação de todos, a Princesa fez-se acompanhar por três dos seus quatro filhos. A Princesa Isabella, e o gémeos Vincent e Josephine participaram de forma entusiasmada em algumas actividades e tiveram a honra de cortar a fita da abertura oficial do evento.
And to everyone's satisfaction, the Princess was accompanied by three of her four children. Princess Isabella and the twins Vincent and Josephine participated enthusiastically in some activities and had the honor of cutting the ribbon of the official opening of the event.
And to everyone's satisfaction, the Princess was accompanied by three of her four children. Princess Isabella and the twins Vincent and Josephine participated enthusiastically in some activities and had the honor of cutting the ribbon of the official opening of the event.
Mary e os filhos escolheram roupa casual e apropriada a um evento ao ar livre e em contacto com vários animais. No look de Mary destaque para o seu antigo blazer RALPH LAUREN que têm um gémeo no closet da Duquesa de Cambridge.
Mary and the children chose casual and appropriate clothing to an outdoor event and in contact with several animals. From Mary's look highlights for her old blazer RALPH LAUREN which has a twin in the closet of the Duchess of Cambridge.
Mary and the children chose casual and appropriate clothing to an outdoor event and in contact with several animals. From Mary's look highlights for her old blazer RALPH LAUREN which has a twin in the closet of the Duchess of Cambridge.
E pronto, a agenda e os looks de Mary estão em dia.
And all set, the agenda and Mary looks are up to date.
And all set, the agenda and Mary looks are up to date.
Quando falo de Mary, não poderia deixar de vos encaminhar para um blog que considero um grande amigo do T&T. Já há algum tempo que estes dois blogs se complementam quer em ajuda quer em informação partilhada, já para não falar que tanto eu como a H.S., anfitriã do Style of Mary, temos várias coisas em comum, sendo a nossa admiração por Mary a maior uma delas.
When I speak of Mary, I could not fail to refer you to a blog I consider a great friend of T & T. For some time these two blogs are complementary either in support or in shared information, not to mention that both I and the dear HS, the Style of Mary hostess, we have several things in common, and our admiration for Mary is the biggest among them.
When I speak of Mary, I could not fail to refer you to a blog I consider a great friend of T & T. For some time these two blogs are complementary either in support or in shared information, not to mention that both I and the dear HS, the Style of Mary hostess, we have several things in common, and our admiration for Mary is the biggest among them.
Se quiserem informação sobre Mary sempre actual, e deveras pormenorizada, por favor não deixem de passar por lá e deixar o vosso comentário. De certo que vão gostar.
If we want to have your information about Mary always present, and very detailed, please do not forget to pass by and leave your comment. For sure you will enjoy it.
If we want to have your information about Mary always present, and very detailed, please do not forget to pass by and leave your comment. For sure you will enjoy it.
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