Carl Philip e Sofia na Leitura dos Proclamas do casamento / Carl Philip and Sofia Marriage Banns
Primeiro que tudo, o que são proclamas? Proclamas são um aviso público e oficial do iminente casamento entre duas pessoas que deverão estar afixados, no mínimo 15 dias antes do enlace. Este aviso serve para caso alguém ter algo contra o matrimónio se possa justificadamente manifestar.
First of all, what are marriage banns? Banns are a public and official notice of the impending marriage between two people who should be posted at least 15 days before the wedding. This notice serves in case someone has something against the marriage can be justifiably heard.
First of all, what are marriage banns? Banns are a public and official notice of the impending marriage between two people who should be posted at least 15 days before the wedding. This notice serves in case someone has something against the marriage can be justifiably heard.
A leitura dos Proclamas foi conduzida durante uma Celebração Religiosa da Capela do Palácio Real, onde o casal irá casar no próximo mês. O programa da celebração pode ser consultado aqui (em sueco).
The reading of the banns was conducted during a religious celebration at the Royal Chapel of the Royal Palace, where the couple will marry next month. The celebration program can be found here (in Swedish).
The reading of the banns was conducted during a religious celebration at the Royal Chapel of the Royal Palace, where the couple will marry next month. The celebration program can be found here (in Swedish).
A família real sueca compareceu em peso neste dia importante que abre oficialmente a contagem final para a grande celebração.
The Swedish royal family showed up in force on this important day that officially opens the final countdown for the big celebration.
The Swedish royal family showed up in force on this important day that officially opens the final countdown for the big celebration.
Prince Carl Philip and Sofia Hellqvist's Banns of Marriage were read today at the Royal Chapel
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 17 maio 2015
O Rei Carl Gustav e a Rainha Sílvia, pais do noivo.
King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia, the groom's parents.
King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia, the groom's parents.
A Rainha escolheu um simpático conjunto estilo Chanel em marfim que combinou com acessórios em rosa pálido.
The Queen chose a nice set Chanel style in ivory combined with accessories in pale pink.
The Queen chose a nice set Chanel style in ivory combined with accessories in pale pink.
A Princesa da Coroa Victoria, o Príncipe Daniel e a Princesa Estelle.
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle.
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle.
Victoria e Estelle foram para mim as mais elegantes. A Futura Rainha Sueca #1 escolheu um bonito vestido azul gelo (uma cor muito semelhante ao modelo escolhido para a leitura dos seus próprios proclamas em 2010). Destaque para o vestido FILLIPA K e para o chapéu PHILIP TREACY.
Victoria and Estelle were for me the most elegant. The Future Swedish Queen #1 chose a beautiful ice blue dress (very similar colour to the model chosen for the reading of her own banns in 2010). We highlight the dress from FILIPPA K and the PHILIP TREACY hat .
A futura Rainha Sueca #2 no esplendor dos seus 3 anos provou ser uma verdadeira princesa ao vestir um vestido e casaco da marca (também ela muito principesca) MARIE CHANTAL.
The future Swedish Queen #2 in the splendor of her three years old, proved to be a real princess when wearing a dress and matching coat from the (also very princely) MARIE-CHANTAL child fashion label.
Victoria and Estelle were for me the most elegant. The Future Swedish Queen #1 chose a beautiful ice blue dress (very similar colour to the model chosen for the reading of her own banns in 2010). We highlight the dress from FILIPPA K and the PHILIP TREACY hat .
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The future Swedish Queen #2 in the splendor of her three years old, proved to be a real princess when wearing a dress and matching coat from the (also very princely) MARIE-CHANTAL child fashion label.
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A Princesa Madeleine, o Sr. Christopher O'Neill ( que não estava previsto comparecer à cerimónia) e a Princesa Leonore.
Princess Madeleine, Mr. Christopher O'Neill (who was not expected to attend the ceremony) and Princess Leonore.
Princess Madeleine, Mr. Christopher O'Neill (who was not expected to attend the ceremony) and Princess Leonore.
Princess Madeleine and Family today.
— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 17 maio 2015
Madeleine em avançado estado de gravidez optou por tons neutros entre o rosa pálido e marfim. O vestido e casaco poderiam ser da marca de roupas de maternidade SERAPHINE, celebrizada pela Duquesa de Cambridge. O vestido de renda apresenta muitas semelhanças com este ou este modelo. E o casaco pode ser uma versão modificada deste modelo. Se souberem de confirmações oficiais partilhem. E graças ao blog Reines & Princesses temos a confirmação de que se tratam realmente de um vestido e casaco SERAPHINE. Destaque também para o chapéu PHILIP TREACY LONDON.
Madeleine in an advanced state of pregnancy opted for neutral colors from pale pink and ivory. The dress and jacket could be from the maternity clothing brand SERAPHINE, made famous by the Duchess of Cambridge. The lace dress presents many similarities with this or this model. And the coat may be a modified version of this model. If you know for sure the outfit designers, please share. And thanks to Reines & Princesses blog we have confirmation that these are really a dress and coat from SERAPHINE. Highlights also for the PHILIP TREACY LONDON hat.
Madeleine in an advanced state of pregnancy opted for neutral colors from pale pink and ivory. The dress and jacket could be from the maternity clothing brand SERAPHINE, made famous by the Duchess of Cambridge. T
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A pequena Leonore usou o mesmo modelo de casaco que Estelle e um bonito vestido também ele MARIE-CHANTAL.
Little Leonore wore the same coat as her cousine Estelle, and a dress also from MARIE-CHANTAL line,
Curiosamente a grande desilusão foi mesmo a noiva. Esperava um visual mais leve e romântico para Sofia. Achei o conjunto aborrecido, os acessórios feios e pesados e o cabelo completamente desadequado. Fiquei surpresa, porque acho que Sofia tem escolhas bastante elegantes para estas ocasiões, mas não foi o caso. Sofia usou um vestido e casaco MAXMARA
Curiously, the big disappointment was actually the bride. I expected a lighter and romantic look to Sofia. The outfit was quite boring, ugly and heavy accessories and the hair completely inadequate. I was surprised, because I think that Sofia has quite stylish choices for these occasions, but it was not the case this time. Sofia wore a dress and matching jacket from MAXMARA.
Little Leonore wore the same coat as her cousine Estelle, and a dress also from MARIE-CHANTAL line,
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Curiously, the big disappointment was actually the bride. I expected a lighter and romantic look to Sofia. The outfit was quite boring, ugly and heavy accessories and the hair completely inadequate. I was surprised, because I think that Sofia has quite stylish choices for these occasions, but it was not the case this time. Sofia wore a dress and matching jacket from MAXMARA.
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Courtesy of Swedish Royal Court Webiste /Photo Claudio Bresciani |
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After the religious ceremony, a reception was held at the Royal Palace where the future royal couple received some wedding gifts.
A reception was held at the palace following the ceremony where the couple received gifts
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 17 maio 2015
The couple received a guitar as one of their gifts which Carl Philip seemed to enjoy!
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 17 maio 2015
Uma fotografia oficial da ocasião foi tirada. Aos membros da família real sueca juntou-se a família Hellqvist.
An official photograph of the occasion was taken. Members of the Swedish royal family were joined by the Hellqvist family.
Official photo of the banns of marriage of Prince Carl Philip and Miss Sofia Hellqvist.
— Scandinavian Royals. (@crownprincely) 17 maio 2015
No mesmo dia foi divulgado que após o casamento, Sofia se tornará Princesa da Suécia e assumirá a versão feminina do título do seu marido. Sofia será conhecia por Sua Alteza Real, a Princesa Sofia da Suécia, Duquesa de Värmland. A decisão foi tomada pelo Rei.
On the same day it was confirmed that after the wedding, Sofia will become Princess of Sweden and will assume the female version of her husband's title. Sofia will be known by Her Royal Highness, Princess Sofia of Sweden, Duchess of Värmland. The decision was made by the King.
On the same day it was confirmed that after the wedding, Sofia will become Princess of Sweden and will assume the female version of her husband's title. Sofia will be known by Her Royal Highness, Princess Sofia of Sweden, Duchess of Värmland. The decision was made by the King.
Que foi a mais elegante do dia?
Who was the most elegant of the day?
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