Últimos eventos para Letizia / Letizia's last events
No dia em que faz a sua estreia nos palcos da realeza mundial como Rainha Consorte de Espanha, olhamos para os últimos compromissos oficiais de Letizia de Espanha.
On the day that makes her debut on the stage of world royalty as Queen Consort of Spain, we look at the last official engagements of Letizia of Spain.
On the day that makes her debut on the stage of world royalty as Queen Consort of Spain, we look at the last official engagements of Letizia of Spain.
14 de Abril de 2015 / April, 14th 2015
Numa causa que lhe é bastante próxima, a Rainha compareceu ao II Congresso Escolar de Doenças Pouco Frequentes (EPF) em Barcelona. Desde que era Princesa das Astúrias, Letizia tem sido a porta-voz desta causa, lutando contra o estigma e desmitificando o conceito que rodeia milhares de crianças que sofrem de condições raras.
On behalf of a cause that it is very close to her, the Queen attended the II School Congress of Uncommon Diseases (EPF) in Barcelona. Since her times as Princess of Asturias, Letizia has been the spokeswomen for this cause, fighting stigma and demystifying the concept around thousands of children suffering from rare conditions.
On behalf of a cause that it is very close to her, the Queen attended the II School Congress of Uncommon Diseases (EPF) in Barcelona. Since her times as Princess of Asturias, Letizia has been the spokeswomen for this cause, fighting stigma and demystifying the concept around thousands of children suffering from rare conditions.
Na sua intervenção a Rainha focou a importância da inclusão educativa integral de todas as crianças que sofrem de doenças pouco frequentes. "É nosso dever", sublinhou a Rainha reforçando ainda que "é na escola que se gera a energia necessária para uma mudança de mentalidade"
In her speech the Queen focus the importance of a fully inclusive education of all children suffering from rare diseases. "It is our duty," stressed the Queen reinforcing even that "it is in school that generates the energy needed for a change of mentality"
In her speech the Queen focus the importance of a fully inclusive education of all children suffering from rare diseases. "It is our duty," stressed the Queen reinforcing even that "it is in school that generates the energy needed for a change of mentality"
Para saberem mais sobre o tema podem consultar aqui o site espanhol da Federação Espanhola de Doenças Raras (FEDER).
To learn more about the topic you can found here on the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases website (FEDER).
To learn more about the topic you can found here on the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases website (FEDER).
A Rainha apresentou um look bastante profissional que vem a ser hábito neste tipo de eventos. Um simples fato de calça e blazer branco da marca FELIPE VARELA, combinado com um delicado top de seda nude. Como acessórios uma original clutch MALABABA, uns fantásticos sapatos MIU MIU em nude e uns lindos pendentes TOUS.
The Queen presented a very professional look that becomes habit in this type of events. A simple trousers and white blazer outfit from FELIPE VARELA, combined with a delicate nude silk top . As accessories an original clutch from MALABABA, a fantastic pair of MIU MIU shoes in nude and some outstanding earrings from TOUS.
The Queen presented a very professional look that becomes habit in this type of events. A simple trousers and white blazer outfit from FELIPE VARELA, combined with a delicate nude silk top . As accessories an original clutch from MALABABA, a fantastic pair of MIU MIU shoes in nude and some outstanding earrings from TOUS.
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13 de Abril de 2015 / April, 13rd 2015
No início da semana a Rainha visitou a Academia de Artilharia e Segovia. A visita teve como objectivo conhecer os novos planos de estudo orientados para as licenciaturas em Mecatrónica Industrial e Administração de Sistemas Informáticos em Rede.
Earlier this week the Queen visited the Academy of Artillery and Segovia. The visit aimed to meet the new curricula oriented for degrees in Industrial Mechatronics and Computer Systems Administration Network.
No início da semana a Rainha visitou a Academia de Artilharia e Segovia. A visita teve como objectivo conhecer os novos planos de estudo orientados para as licenciaturas em Mecatrónica Industrial e Administração de Sistemas Informáticos em Rede.
Earlier this week the Queen visited the Academy of Artillery and Segovia. The visit aimed to meet the new curricula oriented for degrees in Industrial Mechatronics and Computer Systems Administration Network.
No seu discurso durante o brinde final a Rainha agradeceu a toda a Academia pela "excelência, profissionalismo e entrega assim como pela capacidade de estarem à altura do que a sociedade espanhola pede".
Speaking at the end toast the Queen thanked all the Academy for its "excellence, professionalism and committal as well as the ability to be up to what Spanish society asks."
Speaking at the end toast the Queen thanked all the Academy for its "excellence, professionalism and committal as well as the ability to be up to what Spanish society asks."
Neste evento, mas um look de calça e casaco. Desta vez Letizia voltou a usar o seu casaco vermelho HUGO BOSS no exterior. No interior das instalações podemos ver um blazer vermelho MANGO com um top da mesma marca, umas calças pretas, uns vertiginosos sapatos PRADA e uma clutch UTERQUE.
For this event, one more trousers and jacket look. This time Letizia returned to use her red cashmere coat from HUGO BOSS when she arrived. Within the premises we can see a red blazer from MANGO with a top of the same brand, black pants, a vertiginous shoes from PRADA and a clutch from UTERQUE.
10 de Abril de 2015 / April, 10th 2015
O Rei Felipe VI e a Rainha Letizia compareceram à entrega de Bolsas de Estudo LaCaixa em Barcelona.
Na sua 33ª edição foram seleccionados 120 estudantes que poderão realizar estudos pós-graduados nas melhores universidades do mundo.
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia attended the delivery of La Caixa Scholarships in Barcelona.
In its 33rd edition were selected 120 students who may carry out postgraduate studies in the best universities in the world.
For this event, one more trousers and jacket look. This time Letizia returned to use her red cashmere coat from HUGO BOSS when she arrived. Within the premises we can see a red blazer from MANGO with a top of the same brand, black pants, a vertiginous shoes from PRADA and a clutch from UTERQUE.
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O Rei Felipe VI e a Rainha Letizia compareceram à entrega de Bolsas de Estudo LaCaixa em Barcelona.
Na sua 33ª edição foram seleccionados 120 estudantes que poderão realizar estudos pós-graduados nas melhores universidades do mundo.
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia attended the delivery of La Caixa Scholarships in Barcelona.
In its 33rd edition were selected 120 students who may carry out postgraduate studies in the best universities in the world.
No seu discurso Felipe VI aconselhou os vencedores a aproveitarem "este período de extraordinária formação" e a contribuir para "o progresso do seu país lembrando e agradecendo sempre a oportunidade que lhes foi dada e graças aos seu potencial e trabalho."
In his speech Felipe VI advised the winners to seize "this period of extraordinary education" and to contribute to "the progress of our country and allways remembering and be thankfull for the opportunity given to them given their potential and work."
In his speech Felipe VI advised the winners to seize "this period of extraordinary education" and to contribute to "the progress of our country and allways remembering and be thankfull for the opportunity given to them given their potential and work."
Os Reis à chegada ao evento.
The Kings at the arrival.
The Kings at the arrival.
A Rainha destacou-se com um simples vestido preto e um casaco oversize cinzento. Opiniões contraditórias acerca do designer. Uns dizem Nina Ricci outros apontam para Carolina Herrera. Não consegui confirmação para nenhuma opção. Talvez me possam ajudar, se encontram os modelos exactos.
O destaque deste look vai para os novos brincos de prata da marca espanhola UNO DE 50 e para a clutch NINA RICCI. A versão preta da Arc Clutch jã não está disponível, mas outras cores estão disponíveis aqui.
The Queen stood out with a simple black dress and a gray oversize coat. Conflicting views about the designer. Some say Nina Ricci others point to Carolina Herrera. I could not get confirmation for any option. Maybe you can help me to find the exact models.
The highlight of this look goes to the new silver earrings from the Spanish brand UNO DE 50 and for the the clutch by NINA RICCI. The black version of the Arc Clutch is not available, but other colors are available here.
The Queen stood out with a simple black dress and a gray oversize coat. Conflicting views about the designer. Some say Nina Ricci others point to Carolina Herrera. I could not get confirmation for any option. Maybe you can help me to find the exact models.
The highlight of this look goes to the new silver earrings from the Spanish brand UNO DE 50 and for the the clutch by NINA RICCI. The black version of the Arc Clutch is not available, but other colors are available here.
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UNO DE 50 |
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9 de Abril de 2015 / April, 9th 2015
Finalmente deixo-vos com um dos eventos mais importantes da semana passada. Pela primeira vez Letizia compareceu à proclamação do vencedor do Prémio Princesa de Girona no âmbito da Investigação Científica, que este ano foi atribuído a Samuel Sánchez Ordóñez.
Finally I leave you with one of the most important events of last week for Leti. For the first time Letizia attended the announcement of the winner of the Princess of Girona Award for Scientific Research, which this year was awarded to Samuel Sánchez Ordóñez.
Finally I leave you with one of the most important events of last week for Leti. For the first time Letizia attended the announcement of the winner of the Princess of Girona Award for Scientific Research, which this year was awarded to Samuel Sánchez Ordóñez.
Este galardão é o propósito de distinguir jovens investigadores (incluindo nas áreas das ciências sociais e humanas) entre os 15-35 anos de idade que tenham desenvolvido projectos ou experiências de investigação de destaque nas suas áreas, empreendedoras, inovadores e com elevado potencial de desenvolvimento futuro.
This award is intended to distinguish young researchers (including in the social and humanities sciences) between 15-35 years old who have developed projects or prominent research experiences in their areas, entrepreneurial, innovative and with high potential for future development.
This award is intended to distinguish young researchers (including in the social and humanities sciences) between 15-35 years old who have developed projects or prominent research experiences in their areas, entrepreneurial, innovative and with high potential for future development.
A Fundação Princesa de Girona, foi rebaptizada após a subida ao trono de Felipe e Letizia no ano passado. A antiga Fundação Príncipe de Girona tem desde o ano passado uma nova porta-voz, mas dada a tenra idade da Leonor, actual princesa de Girona, coube à sua mãe, a Rainha, entregar este galardão em seu nome.
Podem conhecer melhor o trabalho da Fundação Princesa de Girona aqui.
The Princess of Girona Foundation was renamed after the accession to the throne of Felipe and Letizia last year. The former Prince of Girona Foundation has since last year a new spokesman, but given the young age of Leonor, current Princess of Girona, fell to her mother, the Queen, give this award on her behalf.
You can learn more about the work of the Foundation here.
The Princess of Girona Foundation was renamed after the accession to the throne of Felipe and Letizia last year. The former Prince of Girona Foundation has since last year a new spokesman, but given the young age of Leonor, current Princess of Girona, fell to her mother, the Queen, give this award on her behalf.
You can learn more about the work of the Foundation here.
Letizia optou por um look profissional. Calças cinzentas combinadas com uma top branco e um blazer cruzado HUGO BOSS. Uma mala UTERQUE , sapatos PRADA e jóias discretas completaram o look.
Letizia opted for a business look. Gray pants combined with a white top and a cross blazer from HUGO BOSS. An UTERQUE bag , PRADA heels and discreet jewelry completed the look.
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O que acharam dos últimos looks da Rainha de Espanha? E conheciam estas causas?
What do you think about Queen Letizia last looks? Did you know these causes?
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