Os 75 anos da Daisy - Part 1 / Daisy's 75th birthday - Part 1
Ora bem, o mês de Abril é um mês fantástico por várias razões.
Uma das quais envolve aniversários. Pessoas fantásticas e maravilhosas nasceram neste mês. Sim, eu por exemplo!
Well, April is a great month for several reasons.
One of which involves birthdays. Fantastic and wonderful people were born in this month. Yes, I did!
Well, April is a great month for several reasons.
One of which involves birthdays. Fantastic and wonderful people were born in this month. Yes, I did!
Outra das quais, que por acaso é Rainha na Dinamarca, dá-se ao luxo de ter várias celebrações em sua honra. Nascida a 16 de Abril, Margrethe II da Dinamarca celebra este ano o seu 75º aniversário.
As festas começaram já hoje.
Other happens to be Queen in Denmark, and, as such, she has the right of having several celebrations in her honor. Born on April 16, Margrethe II of Denmark celebrates this year her 75th anniversary.
The festivities began today.
Other happens to be Queen in Denmark, and, as such, she has the right of having several celebrations in her honor. Born on April 16, Margrethe II of Denmark celebrates this year her 75th anniversary.
The festivities began today.
As celebrações começaram na localidade de Aarhus. Localizada na região central da Dinamarca, a cidade, com cerca de 237 551 habitantes é a segunda maior cidade do país, a seguir da capital Copenhaga.
The celebrations began in Aarhus. Located in central Denmark, the city, with about 237,551 inhabitants is the second largest city in the country, after the capital Copenhagen.
The celebrations began in Aarhus. Located in central Denmark, the city, with about 237,551 inhabitants is the second largest city in the country, after the capital Copenhagen.
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Aarhus |
As celebrações tiveram o seu pontapé de saída com um passeio de carruagem pelas ruas da cidade. Durante o passeio, Magrethe e o Príncipe Consorte foram escoltados pelo Regimento da Guarda Hussar. O percurso acabou no edifício da Câmara Municipal de Aarhus.
The celebrations had their kick-off with a carriage ride through the city streets. During the tour, the Queen and the Prince Consort were escorted by the Hussar Guard Regiment. The journey ended at the City Hall of Aarhus.
The celebrations had their kick-off with a carriage ride through the city streets. During the tour, the Queen and the Prince Consort were escorted by the Hussar Guard Regiment. The journey ended at the City Hall of Aarhus.
Às celebrações na Câmara juntaram-se o Príncipe da Coroa Frederik e a Princesa da Coroa Mary, e o Príncipe Joachim e a Princesa Marie. Toda a família real foi recebida pelo Presidente da Câmara, e por vários dirigentes civis para um recepção e almoço.
The royal couple was joined at the City Hall by the Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie. The whole royal family was received by the Mayor, and various civic leaders for a reception and lunch.
De seguida toda a família apareceu ao balcão e acenaram à multidão.
Then the whole family appeared at the balcony to wave to the crowd.
Then the whole family appeared at the balcony to wave to the crowd.
A cidade de Aarhus presentou a Rainha neste dia com uma peça muito especial.
The city of Aarhus presented the Queen on this day with a very special piece.
Amei o look de todas as meninas. E é engraçado notar que a sintonia foi total desde as cores até à escolha de acessórios. Todas usaram tons claros, chapéu e broches nos casacos.
All ladies looked great! And it's funny to note that the fashion trend was complete from the colors to the choice of accessories. All girls wore light shades, hat and special brooches on her jackets.
The city of Aarhus presented the Queen on this day with a very special piece.
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kongehuset.dk |
O Broche Aahrus Tree Grid foi um presente da cidade de Aahrus por ocasião do 75º aniversário da Rainha. Desenhado pela arquitecta Alice Rosberg, a peça é cravejada por 8 pequenas gemas, simbolizando os oito netos da monarca ( três pedras cor-de-rosa e 5 pedras azuis).
The Aarhus Tree Grid brooch was a gift from the city of Aarhus on the 75th anniversary of the Queen. Designed by the architect Alice Rosberg, the piece is studded by 8 small gems, symbolizing the eight grandchildren of the monarch (three pink stones and five blue stones).
Amei o look de todas as meninas. E é engraçado notar que a sintonia foi total desde as cores até à escolha de acessórios. Todas usaram tons claros, chapéu e broches nos casacos.
All ladies looked great! And it's funny to note that the fashion trend was complete from the colors to the choice of accessories. All girls wore light shades, hat and special brooches on her jackets.
A aniversariante resplandecente em branco integral, num modelo já anteriormente visto e com um conjunto de broche e brincos que foi prenda por ocasião do seu 70º aniversário em 2010. Segundo o Royal Jewels Fan Club no Facebook, o conjunto foi oferecido pelo Mestre de Caça Real, um título honorífico frequentemente a membros da aristocracia rural dinamarquesa.
The birthday girl looked amazing on a full white previously seen outfit and a brooch and earrings set that was gift on the occasion of her 70th anniversary in 2010. According to the Royal Jewels Fan Club on Facebook, the set was a gift from the Master of the Royal Hunt, an honorific title often given to the members of the Danish rural aristocracy.
The birthday girl looked amazing on a full white previously seen outfit and a brooch and earrings set that was gift on the occasion of her 70th anniversary in 2010. According to the Royal Jewels Fan Club on Facebook, the set was a gift from the Master of the Royal Hunt, an honorific title often given to the members of the Danish rural aristocracy.
A futura Rainha da Dinamarca escolheu um casaco tweed, visto pela primeira vez em 2007 (graças à minha querida leitora Caroline8), que usou aberto sobre um simples vestido de pregas branco e acessórios pretos. A combinar o seu broche Connaught, que foi-lhe oferecido pela sogra após o nascimento do Príncipe Christian em 2005.
Denmark's future Queen choose a tweed light coat, seen for the first time in 2007 (thanks to my lovely reader Caroline8), used open on a simple white pleated dress and black accessories. She also wore her Connaught brooch, which was offered by her mother-in-law after the birth of Prince Christian in 2005.
Denmark's future Queen choose a tweed light coat, seen for the first time in 2007 (thanks to my lovely reader Caroline8), used open on a simple white pleated dress and black accessories. She also wore her Connaught brooch, which was offered by her mother-in-law after the birth of Prince Christian in 2005.
Marie também em tons claros escolheu um casaco branco Paule Ka com detalhes em azul escuro que combinou com um chapéu azul e um broche que a Princesa já usou como pendente.
Marie also in light tone, choose a Paule Ka white jacket with navy details that she combined with a navy blue hat and a brooch that the Princess has used as pendant.
Marie also in light tone, choose a Paule Ka white jacket with navy details that she combined with a navy blue hat and a brooch that the Princess has used as pendant.
De noite a família real compareceu a um concerto de gala no Musikhuset de Aarhus.
At night the royal family attended a gala concert at Musikhuset of Aarhus.
Como vem a ser hábito nos concertos de aniversário dos avós, as crianças mais velhas da família também marcaram presença. Félix e Nikolai, filhos mais velhos de Joachim, e Christian e Isabella, filhos de Frederik e Mary vestiram-se a rigor para a ocasião. Em casa ficaram os pequenos Henrik e Athena e os gémeos Vincent e Josephine.
As becomes an habit in the anniversary concert of their grandparents, the older children in the family were also present. Felix and Nikolai, older children of Joachim, and Christian and Isabella, Frederik and Mary's eldest children dressed strictly for the occasion. At home stayed Henrik and Athena and the twins Vincent and Josephine.
Marie a única menina da família estava bem acompanhada por três elegantes cavalheiros.
Marie the only family girl was well accompanied by three elegant gentlemen.
De noite a família real compareceu a um concerto de gala no Musikhuset de Aarhus.
At night the royal family attended a gala concert at Musikhuset of Aarhus.
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Musikhuset of Aarhus |
As becomes an habit in the anniversary concert of their grandparents, the older children in the family were also present. Felix and Nikolai, older children of Joachim, and Christian and Isabella, Frederik and Mary's eldest children dressed strictly for the occasion. At home stayed Henrik and Athena and the twins Vincent and Josephine.
Marie a única menina da família estava bem acompanhada por três elegantes cavalheiros.
Marie the only family girl was well accompanied by three elegant gentlemen.
Marie deu cor à família ao escolher um vestido rosa Juozas Statkivicius que já tinha usado anteriormente. combinado com uns discretos brincos e acessórios prata.
Marie gave some color to the family by choosing a pink dress by Juozas Statkivicius that she had previously used. combined with a discrete earrings and silver accessories.
Marie gave some color to the family by choosing a pink dress by Juozas Statkivicius that she had previously used. combined with a discrete earrings and silver accessories.
A mãe dos Príncipes Félix e Nikolai, a Condessa Alexandra de Frederiksborg, primeira esposa do Príncipe Joachim também esteve presente no evento com o seu marido Martin Jorgensen.
Princes Nikolai and Felix's mother, the Countess Alexandra of Frederiksborg, first wife of Prince Joachim also attended the event with her husband Martin Jorgensen.
Princes Nikolai and Felix's mother, the Countess Alexandra of Frederiksborg, first wife of Prince Joachim also attended the event with her husband Martin Jorgensen.
O família do casal herdeiro da Coroa apresentou-se bastante elegante. E sejamos honestos: vamos todos parar um momento para um suspiro. Que quarteto fantástico. Chris e Bella estavam super chiques.
The Crown Princely Couple Family was superb. And let's be honest: let´s al take a moment for a sigh. What a fantastic quartet. Chris and Bella were super chic.
The Crown Princely Couple Family was superb. And let's be honest: let´s al take a moment for a sigh. What a fantastic quartet. Chris and Bella were super chic.
Mary usou um já nosso conhecido vestido e a cor do vestido de Isabella combinou na perfeição ao lado do vestido da mãe.
Mary wore a dress already well known and Isabella's dress color matched perfectly side by side with her mum's.
O longo vestido de veludo Prada tem sofrido alterações ao longo dos tempos. Qual a vossa versão favorita? Nesta última versão o decote e o comprimento das mangas foram alterados.
This long Prada velvet dress has changed over time. What is your favorite version? In this latest version the neckline and the length of the sleeves have changed.
Mas o grande destaque da noite foi para AQUILO que Mary usou no pescoço.
But the highlight of the evening was for THAT which Mary used on her neck.
Se forem leitores assíduos deste blogue sabem que a minha lista de desejos no final de cada ano, tem sido satisfatoriamente cumprida. Em 2014 desejei uma nova tiara para Mary. O novo colar que a futura Rainha da Dinamarca usou ontem à noite encheu de esperança todos os amantes de jóias reais.
Até agora nada sabemos desta peça que parece ter pérolas brancas e negras, e que poderá ser convertida numa tiara. Possibilidade ou não, deixem-me desfrutá-la com alegria.
If you are assiduous readers from this blog, you know that my wish list at the end of each year, has been satisfactorily completed. In 2014 I wanted a new tiara for Mary. The new necklace that the future Queen of Denmark used last night filled with hope all royal jewelry lovers.
So far we know nothing about this piece that seems to have white and black pearls, and which MAYBE can be converted into a tiara. Whether or not, let me enjoy it with joy.
Graças ao M.B. do Royal Jewels Fan Club no Facebook temos uma visão invertida do aspecto que este colar poderá ter como tiara. Penso que a peça central poderá ser muito alta, mas porque não?
Thanks to the MB from the Royal Jewels Fan Club on Facebook we have an inverted view of the aspect that this necklace may have as tiara. I think the central part could be very high, but why not?
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Royal Jewels Fan Club/facebook |
A aniversariante chegou em último, acompanhada do Príncipe Consort Henrik.
The birthday girl came in last, accompanied by the Prince Consort Henrik.
Daisy trouxe as suas safiras consigo do Demi-Parure Queen Alexandrine que conjugou com um vestido azul e uma estola.
Daisy brought her sapphires from the Queen Alexandrine Demi-Parure which linked with a blue dress and a fur.
Não foi preciso esperar muito tempo para que estreasse o novo broche oferecido nesse mesmo dia pela cidade de Aarhus.
It did not take to long for debut the new brooch offered on that day by the city of Aarhus.
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kongehuset.dk |
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A alegria de toda a família esteve bem patente nesta ocasião de celebração.
The joy of the whole family is well reflected in this celebration of the occasion.
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kongehuset.dk |
Mal posso esperar para as celebrações da próxima semana que irão juntar em Copenhaga vários membros da realeza europeia.
I can´t hardly wait for the celebrations next week that will join in Copenhagen several members of European royalty.
Podemos sempre contar com os Escandinavos para grandes festas!
Eles sabem o que fazer!
We can always count on the Scandinavian for big parties!
They know what to do!
Mary wore the coat for the first time in October 2007; paired with a burgundy hat, pale blue dress and long pearl necklaces.
ResponderEliminarFor the third time she wore it in October 2011 while taking an unofficial coffee stroll in SoHo.
I really like to see Mary mix and match her clothes. Many Royals reuse their clothes, but no one is that good in remixing as Mary.
All the ladies looked beautiful at both events.
I prefer this version of Mary's Prada dress. It's the most elegant and regal. Ahh, this mysterious necklace...
I like the jewelry in Isabella's hair, here is much hope for her jewelry future. ;)
Also liked the jewelry in the Queens hair.
I think Marie could have used a (tiny drop) necklace with her gown.
Hello Caroline8. Thank you so much for your comment and also for all the info. I will correct the information on my post regarding the coat. I also think that no other royal lady recycles clothes as well as Mary ;)
EliminarOlá T&T, sou uma enorme fã do mundo da realeza e considero as princesas do Norte as minhas favoritas. Adorei o look de Mary e acredito que o vestido que Mary usou seja o mesmo usado nesta fotografia: http://www.woncaeurope2016.com/images/aside/mary.jpg.
ResponderEliminarObrigada pelo seu comentário. De facto já tinha lido em outros blogs que o vestido seria esse usado numa fotografia oficial. Falta ainda descobrir o designer. Penso que o retrato oficial é de 2011/2012. Talvez alguém descubra.
EliminarAs princesas do Norte também são das minhas favoritas.