Celebrações de Páscoa (e outras tradições) / Easter Celebrations (and others traditions)
Olá a todos
Espero que a vossa Páscoa tenha sido doce e abençoada. A minha foi!
Hello everyone
I hope your Easter was sweet and blessed. Mine was!
Hello everyone
I hope your Easter was sweet and blessed. Mine was!
A maior parte das casas reais esteve longe das câmaras durante a época festiva. Mas houve excepções.
Most of the royal houses was away from the cameras during the festive season. But there were exceptions.
Most of the royal houses was away from the cameras during the festive season. But there were exceptions.
Em Espanha, Felipe e Letizia compareceram, pela primeira vez enquanto soberanos de Espanha, à tradicional Missa de Páscoa na Catedral de Maiorca. O casal fez-se acompanhar pelas suas duas filhas, Leonor, Princesa das Astúrias e a Infanta Sofia.
In Spain, Felipe and Letizia attended, for the first time as sovereign couple of Spain, the traditional Easter Mass in Mallorca Cathedral. The couple was accompanied by their two daughters, Leonor, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia.
In Spain, Felipe and Letizia attended, for the first time as sovereign couple of Spain, the traditional Easter Mass in Mallorca Cathedral. The couple was accompanied by their two daughters, Leonor, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia.
Letizia usou um simples conjunto de calças pretas e blazer em estilo tweed branco que combinou com um top branco e preto com padrão floral da Mango.
Letizia wore a simple set of black pants and a white tweed blazer combined with a white and black floral pattern top from Mango.
Leonor e Sofia estavam bastante casuais, para o que foi hábito durante anos neste dia. É interessante ver que as duas já desenvolvem estilos muito distintos na maneira de vestir. Leonor mais atrevida, Sofia mais conservadora. Ambas com muitos detalhes românticos.
Leonor and Sofia were very casual, for what was usual for years on this day. Interestingly, the two have already developed very different styles in dress. Leonor bolder, and Sofia more conservative. Both with many romantic details.
Letizia wore a simple set of black pants and a white tweed blazer combined with a white and black floral pattern top from Mango.
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Leonor and Sofia were very casual, for what was usual for years on this day. Interestingly, the two have already developed very different styles in dress. Leonor bolder, and Sofia more conservative. Both with many romantic details.
Quem também não faltou à tradicional celebração foi a Rainha Sofia, que seguindo mais uma tradição usou o seu fantástico colar de ovos da Páscoa. Também queria um...
Who also did not miss the traditional celebration was Queen Sofia, who followed another tradition by wearing her fantastic Easter eggs necklace. I also want one...
Who also did not miss the traditional celebration was Queen Sofia, who followed another tradition by wearing her fantastic Easter eggs necklace. I also want one...
No Reino Unido, alguns membros da Família Real compareceram ao tradicional Serviço Pascal no Domingo no Castelo de Windsor.
Uma família um quanto desfalcada, com as ausências do Príncipe de Gales e da Duquesa da Cornualha, dos Duques de Cambridge, do Príncipe Harry (ausente na Austrália ao serviço das Forças Armadas Australianas), da Princesa Eugenie de York e de Mike e Zara Tindall.
In the UK, some members of the Royal Family attended the traditional Pascal Service on Sunday at Windsor Castle.
A family by the half, with the absence of Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Dukes of Cambridge, Prince Harry (absent in Australia to service the Australian Armed Forces), Princess Eugenie of York and Mike and Zara Tindall .
In the UK, some members of the Royal Family attended the traditional Pascal Service on Sunday at Windsor Castle.
A family by the half, with the absence of Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Dukes of Cambridge, Prince Harry (absent in Australia to service the Australian Armed Forces), Princess Eugenie of York and Mike and Zara Tindall .
Ainda assim foi uma Rainha sorridente que encabeçou o cortejo real.
Still, it was a smiling Queen who led the royal procession.
Still, it was a smiling Queen who led the royal procession.
A Princesa Anne acompanhada pelo seu irmão, o Príncipe Andrew.
Princess Anne accompanied by her brother, Prince Andrew.
Princess Anne accompanied by her brother, Prince Andrew.
A jovialidade (e o que nos dá motivos para falar) foi assegurada pela Condessa de Wessex, Autumn Philips e pela Princesa Beatrice de York. E pronto, pela Lady Louise Windsor.
The grace (and which gives us reason to speak) was secured by the Countess of Wessex, Autumn Philips and Princess Beatrice of York. And ok, Lady Louise Windsor.
The grace (and which gives us reason to speak) was secured by the Countess of Wessex, Autumn Philips and Princess Beatrice of York. And ok, Lady Louise Windsor.
Confesso que admiro o esforço de todas as damas, e no geral estão todas bem, mas eu não consigo tirar os meus olhos do look da Bea. QUERO!!!
I confess I admire the effort of all the ladies, and in general they are all good, but I can not get my eyes from Bea's look. I WANT IT !!!
I confess I admire the effort of all the ladies, and in general they are all good, but I can not get my eyes from Bea's look. I WANT IT !!!
Na Jordânia a Páscoa não é celebrada, mas a sexta-feira é. Rania não quis deixar de partilhar nas redes sociais este típico momento em família que é o churrasco de sexta-feira.
In Jordan, Easter is not celebrated, but Friday is. Rania could not help herself of sharing on social media this typical family event that is a good and old fashion Friday barbecue.
In Jordan, Easter is not celebrated, but Friday is. Rania could not help herself of sharing on social media this typical family event that is a good and old fashion Friday barbecue.
احلى جمعة مع الهش والنش#الأردن #حب_الأردنFriday, official barbecue day!#Weekend #BBQ #LoveJO
Posted by Queen Rania on Sexta-feira, 3 de Abril de 2015
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