Viagens de Estado da semana / Week State Visits
Bem, Março começou em beleza. Temos imensas visitas de Estado para falar. E quando falamos em visitas de Estado sabemos bem o que significa.: Tiaras, vestidos de noite e tudo o que brilhe!
Well, in March began as we like. We have immense state visits to talk about. And when we talk about state visits we know what it means: Tiaras, gowns and everything sparkle!
Well, in March began as we like. We have immense state visits to talk about. And when we talk about state visits we know what it means: Tiaras, gowns and everything sparkle!
Espanha /Spain
Comecemos no Reino de Felipe VI e Letiza que receberam no Domingo, o Presidente da Colômbia Juan Manuel Santos e a Primeira-dama Maria Clemencia Rodriguez dos Santos. Foi a primeira visita de Estado do ano para o casal real.
O casal presidencial foi recebido pelos Reis de Espanha em audiência na Zarzuela.Let's start in the the Kingdom of Felipe VI and Letiza,who welcomed on Sunday, the President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos and the First Lady Maria Clemencia Rodriguez dos Santos. It was the first state visit of the year to the royal couple.
The presidential couple was received by the Kings of Spain in audience in the Zarzuela.
A Rainha de Espanha, escolheu um vestido na marca galega Oky^Coky. A peça cria a ilusão de ser uma saia e blusa, mas trata-se de um vestido bastante elegante que Letizia estreou em 2012. A completar um casaco preto Felipe Varela, sapatos nude Magrit, clutch Felipe Varela e uns simples pendentes de pérolas. Adorei este look.
The Queen of Spain, chose a dress from the Galician brand Oky ^ Coky. The piece creates the illusion of being a skirt and blouse, but it is a very elegant dress that Letizia debuted in 2012. Completing a black coat by Felipe Varela, nude shoes from Magrit, a Felipe Varela clutch and a simple pair of pearl pendant earrings. Loved this look.
The Queen of Spain, chose a dress from the Galician brand Oky ^ Coky. The piece creates the illusion of being a skirt and blouse, but it is a very elegant dress that Letizia debuted in 2012. Completing a black coat by Felipe Varela, nude shoes from Magrit, a Felipe Varela clutch and a simple pair of pearl pendant earrings. Loved this look.
Segunda-feira de noite foi oferecido um Banquete de Gala no Palácio Real, em honra do casal presidencial.
Monday night it was offered a Gala Banquet at the Royal Palace in honor of the presidential couple.
Monday night it was offered a Gala Banquet at the Royal Palace in honor of the presidential couple.
A Rainha de Espanha voltou a apostar na Tiara Floral de Mellerio, aquela que parece ser a sua tiara de eleição. A renda e as formas muito slim continuam a ser apostas de Letizia na hora de escolher um vestido de gala. Desta vez, a Rainha de Espanha repetiu o vestido Felipe Varela que usou em 2013 na Entronização do Rei Willem-Alexander da Holanda.
The Spanish Queen returned to bet on the Mellerio Tiara Floral, that seems to be her election tiara. The lace and a quite slim shape remain Letizia bets when choosing a gala dress. This time, the Queen of Spain repeated the Felipe Varela gown she wore in 2013 in the Enthronement Day of Willem-Alexander King of the Netherlands.
The Spanish Queen returned to bet on the Mellerio Tiara Floral, that seems to be her election tiara. The lace and a quite slim shape remain Letizia bets when choosing a gala dress. This time, the Queen of Spain repeated the Felipe Varela gown she wore in 2013 in the Enthronement Day of Willem-Alexander King of the Netherlands.
Adorei o vestido na altura e continuo a adorá-lo agora. É requintado, elegante e uma obra-prima da delicadeza. Mas acho que os últimos visuais de tiara de Letizia têm sido bastante similares.
A sua aposta na tiara Floral (que sei que muitos de vós desaprovam pois todos esperamos ver Letizia com uma tiara de Rainha), não me surpreende.
I loved this dress at the time and I love it still. It is exquisite, elegant and a masterpiece of delicacy. But I think the last Letizia's gala statements have been quite similar.
Her preference on the Floral Tiara (I know that many of you disapprove because all hope to see Letizia with a Queen's Tiara), does not surprise me.
E sim, eu tenho uma teoria:
I loved this dress at the time and I love it still. It is exquisite, elegant and a masterpiece of delicacy. But I think the last Letizia's gala statements have been quite similar.
Her preference on the Floral Tiara (I know that many of you disapprove because all hope to see Letizia with a Queen's Tiara), does not surprise me.
E sim, eu tenho uma teoria:
1) Leti não parece ser fã de jóias reais; 2) As tiaras da colecção espanhola são muito grandes e não me parece que favorecessem a complexão petite da nova Rainha (reparem que até as faixas parecem grandes demais para ela); 3) A figura da Rainha Sofia, que ainda é viva, está muito associada às restantes tiaras; 4) Parece-me que Letizia apenas usará jóias da Casa Real, quando estritamente necessário. Quando um diadema for requerido, ela optará sempre pelas peças mais simples.
And yes, I have a theory:
1) Leti does not seem to be a fan of royal jewelry; 2) The tiaras of the Spanish collection are very large and I do not think that would favor the petite complexion of the new Queen (notice that even the sashes seem too big for her); 3) Queen Sofia's presence, who is still alive, is closely associated with the other tiaras; 4) It seems to me that Letizia will only use jewelry of the Royal House, when strictly necessary. When a diadem is required, it will always opt for the simpler one.
And yes, I have a theory:
1) Leti does not seem to be a fan of royal jewelry; 2) The tiaras of the Spanish collection are very large and I do not think that would favor the petite complexion of the new Queen (notice that even the sashes seem too big for her); 3) Queen Sofia's presence, who is still alive, is closely associated with the other tiaras; 4) It seems to me that Letizia will only use jewelry of the Royal House, when strictly necessary. When a diadem is required, it will always opt for the simpler one.
Por isso meus caros, fiquemos contentes pelas tiaras estarem de volta a Espanha, sim?
So my dear, let´s rejoice for tiaras are back to Spain, shall we?
So my dear, let´s rejoice for tiaras are back to Spain, shall we?
Finalmente ontem, os convidados retribuíram a hospitalidade com uma recepção oferecida no Palácio Real El Prado para o Rei Felipe e Rainha Letizia.(Abro aqui uns parêntesis porque nunca percebi estas recepções. O casal mexicano ficou instalado num Palácio espanhol. E oferece uma recepção aos "donos" desse Palácio, após um jantar de Estado no dia anterior. Não entendo. Mas gosto.)
Finally yesterday, the guests repaid the hospitality with a reception at the El Prado Royal Palace for King Felipe and Queen Letizia. (I open a parenthesis here because I never realized these receptions. The Mexican couple was installed in a Spanish palace. And offers a reception to the"owners" of this Palace, after a state dinner the day before. I do not understand. But I like it.)
Finally yesterday, the guests repaid the hospitality with a reception at the El Prado Royal Palace for King Felipe and Queen Letizia. (I open a parenthesis here because I never realized these receptions. The Mexican couple was installed in a Spanish palace. And offers a reception to the"owners" of this Palace, after a state dinner the day before. I do not understand. But I like it.)
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© Casa de S.M. el Rey |
Nestas recepções não se espera vestido longo nem tiaras. Mas tivemos uns apontamentos no mínimo estranhos. A começar pela escolha dos vestidos das damas. Letizia optou por um vestido estilo smoking Felipe Varela que usou em 2013 em Oviedo. Adorei aquele vestido (apesar de muitas pessoas o acharem demasiado curto), mas não para este tipo de recepção. Já a primeira-dama optou por um vestido também preto, mas longo, por isso....estranho!
On this kind of receptions are not expected long gown or tiaras. But we had a few notes here, at least strange. Starting with the choice of the dresses of the ladies. Letizia opted for a tuxedo style dress from Felipe Varela that she first wore in 2013 in Oviedo. I loved that dress (although many people find it too short), but not for this kind of reception. For another hand, the colombian First lady chose a dress also black, but long. So .... weird!
On this kind of receptions are not expected long gown or tiaras. But we had a few notes here, at least strange. Starting with the choice of the dresses of the ladies. Letizia opted for a tuxedo style dress from Felipe Varela that she first wore in 2013 in Oviedo. I loved that dress (although many people find it too short), but not for this kind of reception. For another hand, the colombian First lady chose a dress also black, but long. So .... weird!
Letizia optou por um penteado que juntamente com o cabelo liso solto, e com o penteado tiara, torna-se mais um dejà vu no mundo do estilo de cabelos reais. Kate e Vicky tenham atenção: têm competição.
Letizia opted for a hairstyle, that together with her straight loose hair style, and her tiara hairstyle, it is deja vu on the hairstyle royal world. Kate and Vicky pay attention: you have competition.
Letizia opted for a hairstyle, that together with her straight loose hair style, and her tiara hairstyle, it is deja vu on the hairstyle royal world. Kate and Vicky pay attention: you have competition.
Reino Unido / United Kingdom
Também a nossa querida Lilibeth foi anfitriã esta semana. A convite da Rainha Elizabeth II e do Príncipe Philip, o Presidente do México, Enrique Peña Nieto e a Primeira Dama, Angelica Riveraa de Peña chegaram ontem a Londres, onde foram recebidos com toda a pompa pelo casal real, acompanhados pelo Príncipe de Gales e pela Duquesa da Cornualha.
Also our dear Lilibeth hosted this week. At the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto and the First Lady, Angelica Riveraa of Peña arrived yesterday to London, where they were received with all the pomp by the royal couple, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall.
O Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa receberam o casal presidencial no Hotel Intercontinental.
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess received the presidential couple at the Intercontinental Hotel.
Also our dear Lilibeth hosted this week. At the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto and the First Lady, Angelica Riveraa of Peña arrived yesterday to London, where they were received with all the pomp by the royal couple, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall.
O Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa receberam o casal presidencial no Hotel Intercontinental.
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess received the presidential couple at the Intercontinental Hotel.
Seguiu-se o habitual cortejo de carruagens em direcção ao Palácio de Buckingham.
Followed by the usual procession of carriages towards Buckingham Palace.
Followed by the usual procession of carriages towards Buckingham Palace.
De noite, a Rainha ofereceu um Banquete de Estado em honra dos seus convidados. Sem surpresas a soberana usou branco e escolheu a fantástica tiara Queen Alexandra's Kokoshnik e um fantástico colar de diamantes.
Mas a estrela da noite foi mesmo a primeira-dama mexicana. Uau! UAU!!
At the evening, the Queen hosted a State Banquet in honor of their guests. Unsurprisingly the sovereign wore white and chose the fantastic Queen Alexandra's Kokoshnik tiara and a fantastic diamond necklace.
But the star of the night was indeed the Mexican First Lady. Wow! WOW !!
At the evening, the Queen hosted a State Banquet in honor of their guests. Unsurprisingly the sovereign wore white and chose the fantastic Queen Alexandra's Kokoshnik tiara and a fantastic diamond necklace.
But the star of the night was indeed the Mexican First Lady. Wow! WOW !!
Anne, a Princesa Real também esteve presente, juntamente com o Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa da Cornualha que ocuparam os seus lugares habituais na mesa principal. Infelizmente não existem muitas fotografias no evento que contou com cerca de 150 convidados.
Anne, the Royal Princess was also present, along with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall who occupied their usual places at the head table. Unfortunately there are not many photos on the event that was attended by about 150 guests.
Anne, the Royal Princess was also present, along with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall who occupied their usual places at the head table. Unfortunately there are not many photos on the event that was attended by about 150 guests.
Também um dos nossos casais reais favoritos está em visita de Estado. Carl Gustaf e Sílvia da Suécia estão em visita à vizinha Finlândia.
Á chegada foram recebidos pelo casal Presidencial, o Presidente Sauli Niinisto e a sua esposa, a Primeira-Dama Jenni Haukio.
Also one of our favorite royal couples is on State Visits dutie. Carl Gustaf and Silvia of Sweden are on a visit to the neighboring Finland.
Upon arrival they were greeted by the Presidential couple, President Sauli Niinistö and his wife, the First Lady Jenni Haukio.
Also one of our favorite royal couples is on State Visits dutie. Carl Gustaf and Silvia of Sweden are on a visit to the neighboring Finland.
Upon arrival they were greeted by the Presidential couple, President Sauli Niinistö and his wife, the First Lady Jenni Haukio.
De noite, mais um Banquete de Gala.
At the evening, one more State Banquet.
At the evening, one more State Banquet.
Sílvia optou por conjugar um vestido coral com o belo Leuchtenberg Parure.
Sílvia choose a coral gown and the gorgeous Leuchtenberg Parure.
Sílvia choose a coral gown and the gorgeous Leuchtenberg Parure.
Na minha opinião uma opção que não foi feliz. Além das cores chocarem entre si, o vestido já tinha uma parte de cima bastante trabalhada que colide drasticamente com o enorme colar do conjunto. Além disso, a Rainha (e o Rei) optaram por usar o colar da Ordem Finlandesa da Rosa Branca, em detrimento da faixa, o que só aumenta o caos generalizado de pedras, cores e brilho na parte de cima do vestido de Sílvia.
In my opinion an option that was not happy. That´s a colour crach. The gown has already a very busy neckline which drastically collides with the large saphire necklace. In addition, the Queen (and King) have chosen to use the collar of the Finnish Order of the White Rose, instead of the respective sashe, which only increases the general chaos of stones, colors and brightness at the top portion of Silvia's dress,
In my opinion an option that was not happy. That´s a colour crach. The gown has already a very busy neckline which drastically collides with the large saphire necklace. In addition, the Queen (and King) have chosen to use the collar of the Finnish Order of the White Rose, instead of the respective sashe, which only increases the general chaos of stones, colors and brightness at the top portion of Silvia's dress,
Ainda assim, Salve Sílvia, por nos mostrar uma vez mais, este belo conjunto de safiras!
Still, Save Sílvia, for showing us once more, this beautiful set of sapphires!
Still, Save Sílvia, for showing us once more, this beautiful set of sapphires!
Quem para vocês esteve melhor, na categoria Visitas de Estado ? Não vale votar na senhora Rivera!
Who was best for you, on State Visits category? It´s not valid to vote on Lady Rivera !
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