Richard III - o enterramento oficial / Richard III - the official burial
Ontem viveu-se um momento histórico no Reino Unido. Os restos mortais do afamado Rei Richard III foram finalmente colocados para descansar com todas as cerimónias que um monarca britânico tem direito. Mas morreu algum Rei inglês? Passemos a explicar...
Yesterday was lived an historic moment in the UK. The remains of the famous King Richard III were finally laid to rest with all the ceremonies that a British monarch is entitled to. But whait some English King died recently? Let me explain ...
Yesterday was lived an historic moment in the UK. The remains of the famous King Richard III were finally laid to rest with all the ceremonies that a British monarch is entitled to. But whait some English King died recently? Let me explain ...
Apresento-vos Richard, Duque de Gloucester, nascido a 2 de Outubro de 1452, foi Rei de Inglaterra de 1483 até à sua morte em 1485. Foi o último Rei da Casa de York e o último da dinastia Plantagenta e uma figura fulcral da Guerra das Rosas. Conhecido pelo seu mau feitio e má fama, ou será mesmo assim?
I present to you Richard, Duke of Gloucester, born on 2 October 1452, King of England from 1483 until his death in 1485. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenta dynasty and a key figure of War of the Roses. Known for his bad temper and bad reputation, or it could be all lies?
A sua subida ao trono vem na sequência de um golpe que se seguiu à morte do seu irmão, o Rei Edward IV, em Abril de 1483 . Richard torna-se Regente e Protector dos seus sobrinhos, Edward V de 12 anos e do seu irmão de 9 anos, Richard, Duque de York. Três meses depois, Richard apresenta provas de que os sobrinhos são ilegítimos e que o casamento do irmão com a Rainha-Viúva Elizabeth Woodville era bígamo e como tal, toda a descendência não teria direitos sucessórios ao trono. Os jovens Príncipes que se encontravam alegadamente sobre protecção de Richard na Torre de Londres nunca mais foram vistos e passaram para a História como os Príncipes da Torre e o novo Rei Richard III passou para a História como o tio que, cego de poder, mandou assassinar os próprios sobrinhos para se tornar Rei.
His accession to the throne comes following a coup that followed the death of his brother King Edward IV in April 1483. Richard becomes Regent and Protector of his nephews, Edward V of 12 years and his brother young Prince Richard, Duke of York, 9. Three months later, Richard presents evidence that the nephews are illegitimate and that his brother's marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, the Widow-Queen was a bigamist and as such, all the descendants would not have succession rights to the throne. The young princes who were allegedly under Richard's protection in the Tower of London were never seen and gone down in history as the Princes of the Tower and the new King Richard III went down in history as the blind power uncle who, allegedly, ordered the murder oh his own nephews to become King.
I present to you Richard, Duke of Gloucester, born on 2 October 1452, King of England from 1483 until his death in 1485. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenta dynasty and a key figure of War of the Roses. Known for his bad temper and bad reputation, or it could be all lies?
A sua subida ao trono vem na sequência de um golpe que se seguiu à morte do seu irmão, o Rei Edward IV, em Abril de 1483 . Richard torna-se Regente e Protector dos seus sobrinhos, Edward V de 12 anos e do seu irmão de 9 anos, Richard, Duque de York. Três meses depois, Richard apresenta provas de que os sobrinhos são ilegítimos e que o casamento do irmão com a Rainha-Viúva Elizabeth Woodville era bígamo e como tal, toda a descendência não teria direitos sucessórios ao trono. Os jovens Príncipes que se encontravam alegadamente sobre protecção de Richard na Torre de Londres nunca mais foram vistos e passaram para a História como os Príncipes da Torre e o novo Rei Richard III passou para a História como o tio que, cego de poder, mandou assassinar os próprios sobrinhos para se tornar Rei.
His accession to the throne comes following a coup that followed the death of his brother King Edward IV in April 1483. Richard becomes Regent and Protector of his nephews, Edward V of 12 years and his brother young Prince Richard, Duke of York, 9. Three months later, Richard presents evidence that the nephews are illegitimate and that his brother's marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, the Widow-Queen was a bigamist and as such, all the descendants would not have succession rights to the throne. The young princes who were allegedly under Richard's protection in the Tower of London were never seen and gone down in history as the Princes of the Tower and the new King Richard III went down in history as the blind power uncle who, allegedly, ordered the murder oh his own nephews to become King.
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The Princes in the Tower by Paul Delaroche |
O seu reinado foi curto, contudo. A instabilidade vivida e as dúvidas acerca do assassinato dos herdeiros de Edward IV reacenderam a Guerra das Rosas. A derrota e morte na Batalha de Bowworth Field abriu caminho para a subida ao trono do Henry VII (descendente da casa de Lencastre) e ínicio da dinastia Tudor.
His reign was short, however. The experienced instability and doubts about the murder of Edward IV's heirs relighted the War of the Roses. Richard'd defeat and death at the Battle of Bowworth Field paved the way for the ascent to the throne of Henry VII (descendant of the Lancaster House) and beginning of the Tudor dynast
His reign was short, however. The experienced instability and doubts about the murder of Edward IV's heirs relighted the War of the Roses. Richard'd defeat and death at the Battle of Bowworth Field paved the way for the ascent to the throne of Henry VII (descendant of the Lancaster House) and beginning of the Tudor dynast
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The York Rose on the left and the Lancaster Rose on the right |
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The Tudor Rose |
Richard III foi o último rei inglês a morrer numa batalha. Em 2012 foi encontrado um esqueleto num parque de estacionamento de Leicester. 10 túmulos foram descobertos no terreno do complexo medieval.
Richard III was the last English king to die in battle. In 2012 was found a skeleton in Leicester car park. 10 tombs were discovered in the medieval complex terrain.
Após vários estudos em 2013 foi anunciada a descoberta dos restos mortais de Richard. A identidade do esqueleto foi confirmada com recurso a desenhos forenses comparados com retratos e documentos da época, datação de isótopos e ainda testes genéticos que compararam o DNA do esqueleto com descendentes do monarca.
After several studies in 2013 it was announced the discovery of the remains of Richard III. The identity of the skeleton was confirmed using forensic drawings compared with pictures and documents of the time, dating isotopes and yet genetic tests comparing the remains's DNA with the monarch's matrinilial descendants.
Richard III was the last English king to die in battle. In 2012 was found a skeleton in Leicester car park. 10 tombs were discovered in the medieval complex terrain.
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After several studies in 2013 it was announced the discovery of the remains of Richard III. The identity of the skeleton was confirmed using forensic drawings compared with pictures and documents of the time, dating isotopes and yet genetic tests comparing the remains's DNA with the monarch's matrinilial descendants.
Ontem foi dia de dar as honras fúnebres a um dos reis mais populares do Reino Unido, cuja personalidade inspirou dramaturgos, poetas, escritores e cineastas e que ainda hoje inspira acesos debates. Estudos recentes começam a por em causa a sua alegada malvadez, nomeadamente o seu envolvimento na morte dos sobrinhos. Verdade ou ficção, o facto é que foram vários ontem que quiseram prestar a sua última homenagem a Richard III de York, Rei de Inglaterra.
Yesterday was day to give the funeral honors to one of the most popular kings in England whose personality inspired playwrights, poets, writers and filmmakers and which still inspires heated debates. Recent studies are beginning to jeopardize his alleged wickedness, including his involvement in the death of his nephews. Truth or fiction, the fact is that yesterday there were several who wanted to pay their last tribute to Richard III of York, King of England.
Apesar de não estar presente, por razões de conveniência, a Rainha enviou uma mensagem a ser lida nesta ocasião.
Although not present, for convenience, the Queen sent a message to be read on this occasion.
Yesterday was day to give the funeral honors to one of the most popular kings in England whose personality inspired playwrights, poets, writers and filmmakers and which still inspires heated debates. Recent studies are beginning to jeopardize his alleged wickedness, including his involvement in the death of his nephews. Truth or fiction, the fact is that yesterday there were several who wanted to pay their last tribute to Richard III of York, King of England.
As cerimónias decorreram da Catedral de Leicester, para onde o caixão foi levado no passado Domingo.
The ceremonies took place in Leicester Cathedral, where the coffin was taken last Sunday.
O caixão ficaria em câmara ardente na Catedral. Durante estes dias foram vários os populares que se vestiram a rigor para as cerimónias fúnebres deste Rei.
The coffin would be in burning chamber in the Cathedral. During these days there were several popular that dressed up for the funeral of the King.
The coffin would be in burning chamber in the Cathedral. During these days there were several popular that dressed up for the funeral of the King.
E a cidade também.
As also the city.
As also the city.
Finalmente ontem teve lugar o Serviço de Enterramento dos restos mortais de Richard III, na presença do Arcebispo da Cantuária.
Finally yesterday took place the burial service of the remains of Richard III in the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Finally yesterday took place the burial service of the remains of Richard III in the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
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MATT SHORT via Leicester City Council |
Entre os membros da família real britânica presentes destaque para a Condessa de Wessex, em representação da Rainha, e do Duque e Duquesa de Gloucester (Richard também foi Duque de Gloucester, e o actual duque também se chama Richard...ahh...confuso!).
Among the members of the British royal family, the Countess of Wessex, representing the Queen, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester (Richard was also Duke of Gloucester, and the current Duke also called Richard ... ahh ... confused!).
Among the members of the British royal family, the Countess of Wessex, representing the Queen, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester (Richard was also Duke of Gloucester, and the current Duke also called Richard ... ahh ... confused!).
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Duke of Gloucester, Leicester City Council |
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The Countess of Wessex and the Duchess of Gloucester, Leicester City Council |
Quando o caixão foi colocado na sepultura, pequenas amostras de solos de Fotheringahy, Middleham e Bosworth foram lançados sobre o caixão e foi oferecida uma oração por todos os que perderam a vida durante a Guerra das Rosas.
When the coffin was placed in the grave, small samples of soil from Fotheringahy, Middleham and Bosworth were dropped on the coffin and was offered a prayer for all those who lost their lives during the War of the Roses.
When the coffin was placed in the grave, small samples of soil from Fotheringahy, Middleham and Bosworth were dropped on the coffin and was offered a prayer for all those who lost their lives during the War of the Roses.
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MATT SHORT via Leicester City Council |
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IAN DAVIS via Leicester City Council |
O conhecido actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, ao que tudo indica um distante descendente de Richard leu o poema "Richard" durante a homilia.
The well-known actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, who it seems to be a distant descendant of Richard read the poem "Richard" during the homily.
The well-known actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, who it seems to be a distant descendant of Richard read the poem "Richard" during the homily.
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MATT SHORT Leicester City Council via Bryony Jones Instagram |
Apesar de não estar presente, por razões de conveniência, a Rainha enviou uma mensagem a ser lida nesta ocasião.
Although not present, for convenience, the Queen sent a message to be read on this occasion.
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via Bryony Jones Instagram |
O túmulo, agora é uma das grandes atracções de Leicester e poderão saber mais aqui.
The tomb, is now one of the great attractions of Leicester and can learn more here.
Muitas rosas brancas, símbolo da casa de York estiveram presentes neste dia.
Many white roses, the symbol of the House of York present on this day.
The tomb, is now one of the great attractions of Leicester and can learn more here.
Muitas rosas brancas, símbolo da casa de York estiveram presentes neste dia.
Many white roses, the symbol of the House of York present on this day.
Um dia para a História.
An Historical Day.
An Historical Day.
Se quiserem uma série para o fim de semana que retrate (mais ou menos) esta história, fiquem com a The White Queen, inspirada no livro de Philippa Gregory.
If you want a series for the weekend which tells (more or less) this story, stay with The White Queen, inspired by Philippa Gregory's novel.
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