A mais esperada Visita de Estado (de sempre!) - Part 1 / The most anticipate State Visite (ever!) - Part 1
Preparem-se! Hoje temos muito que falar. Este é o primeiro de dois posts de hoje.
Uma das mais esperadas visitas de estado aconteceu esta semana. Cheia de alegria, esplendor, carinho e elegância, assim foi a visita de Willem-Alexander e Máxima da Holanda, ao reino da Dinamarca.
E o que podemos esperar quando as damas holandesas e dinamarquesas se juntam? É o que vamos ver de seguida.
Get ready! Today we have much to talk about. This is the first of two posts today.
One of the most awaited state visits happened this week. Full of joy, splendor, warmth and elegance, so was the visit of Willem-Alexander and Máxima of the Netherlands, to the Kingdom of Denmark.
And what can we expect when the Dutch and Danish ladies join together? That´s what we are going to talk about right away!
Get ready! Today we have much to talk about. This is the first of two posts today.
One of the most awaited state visits happened this week. Full of joy, splendor, warmth and elegance, so was the visit of Willem-Alexander and Máxima of the Netherlands, to the Kingdom of Denmark.
And what can we expect when the Dutch and Danish ladies join together? That´s what we are going to talk about right away!
Dia 1 /Day 1
Ainda antes da sua chegada à Dinamarca, foi partilhada na página oficial da Casa Real Holandesa nas redes sociais, uma fotografia de WA & M, antes de embarcarem no avião.
Even before their arrival to Denmark, was shared on the official Dutch Royal House channel in social networks, a photograph of WA & M, prior to boarding the plane.
Even before their arrival to Denmark, was shared on the official Dutch Royal House channel in social networks, a photograph of WA & M, prior to boarding the plane.
Era notória a satisfação dos dois com a iminente visita. "Prontos para a Dinamarca. Saudações".
Was notorious the satisfaction of the two with the impending visit. "Ready to Denmark. Regards."
Was notorious the satisfaction of the two with the impending visit. "Ready to Denmark. Regards."
Como é costume na Dinamarca, a família real em peso foi receber os ilustres visitantes ao aeroporto. A Rainha Margrethe II e o Príncipe Henrik, acompanhados do Casal da Coroa Frederik e Mary, do Príncipe Joachim, Princesa Marie e Princesa Benedikte, receberam um feliz casal real, que não escondeu a sua alegria ao pisar solo dinamarquês.
As usual in Denmark, the royal family in weight received the distinguished visitors to the airport. Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik accompanied by the Crown Princely Couple Frederik and Mary, Prince Joachim, Princess Marie and Princess Benedikte received a happy royal couple, who did not hide their joy when they stepped on Danish soil.
As usual in Denmark, the royal family in weight received the distinguished visitors to the airport. Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik accompanied by the Crown Princely Couple Frederik and Mary, Prince Joachim, Princess Marie and Princess Benedikte received a happy royal couple, who did not hide their joy when they stepped on Danish soil.
Um dos momentos altos foi o sentido abraço entre WA e Fred. E as primeiras reverências de Mary ao casal real holandês.
One of the highlights was the bear hug between WA and Fred. And the first reverence of Mary to the Dutch royal couple.
One of the highlights was the bear hug between WA and Fred. And the first reverence of Mary to the Dutch royal couple.
Passando para o look das damas: Temos de tudo, pessoal!
Moving to the look of the ladies: We have it all, folks!
Moving to the look of the ladies: We have it all, folks!
Confesso que apesar do casaco de Maxima me lembrar constantemente um cavaleiro templário, adorei o tons de azul e cinza. A Rainha homenageou o país anfitrião ao escolher, durante a visita, peças do designer dinamarquês Claes Iversen, sediado na Holanda. Este conjunto foi o primeiro que veríamos. A completar...safiras, what else?
I confess that despite the Maxima coat constantly remind me a Knight Templar, I loved the shades of blue and gray. The Queen paid tribute to the host country to choose, during the visit several pieces from the Danish-born designer Claes Iversen, based in the Netherlands. This set was the first that we would see. For a perfect match ... sapphires, what else?
I confess that despite the Maxima coat constantly remind me a Knight Templar, I loved the shades of blue and gray. The Queen paid tribute to the host country to choose, during the visit several pieces from the Danish-born designer Claes Iversen, based in the Netherlands. This set was the first that we would see. For a perfect match ... sapphires, what else?
Daisy, sendo Daisy, optou por um look muito....característico. Misturamos um pouco de roxo, com acessórios pretos. Adicionamos um toque de pele, plumas, uns sapatos duvidosos e voilá. Temos a Rainha da Dinamarca.
Daisy, Daisy being, opted for a...very characteristic look. Mix a little purple, with black accessories, add a touch of fur and feathers and a very doubtful pair of shoes and voilá, we have the Queen of Denmark.
Daisy, Daisy being, opted for a...very characteristic look. Mix a little purple, with black accessories, add a touch of fur and feathers and a very doubtful pair of shoes and voilá, we have the Queen of Denmark.
A Princesa da Coroa Mary foi a mais elegante na recepção ao misturar dois tons que eu adoro: camel e roxo. Em estilo Jackie O, a futura Rainha da Dinamarca esteve sublime com um casaco novo e luvas a condizer com mala, a condizer com o chapéu, a condizer com tudo....
Crown Princess Mary was the most elegant at the arrival, by mixing two shades that I love: camel and purple. Very Jackie O style, the future Queen of Denmark was sublime with a new coat and gloves to match her clutch, to match the hat, to match pretty much everything ....
Crown Princess Mary was the most elegant at the arrival, by mixing two shades that I love: camel and purple. Very Jackie O style, the future Queen of Denmark was sublime with a new coat and gloves to match her clutch, to match the hat, to match pretty much everything ....
Marie, também seguiu a onda das combinações de cores, e os seus acessórios bordeux combinaram na perfeição com o seu casaco branco.
Marie also followed the wave of color combinations, and her bordeux accessories combined perfectly with her white coat.
Marie also followed the wave of color combinations, and her bordeux accessories combined perfectly with her white coat.
Os dois casais reais posaram à chegada ao Palácio de Fredensborg para a Recepção.
The two royal couples during their arrival to Fredensborg Palace for a Reception.
The two royal couples during their arrival to Fredensborg Palace for a Reception.
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kongehuset.dk |
Da parte da tarde acompanhados por Frederik e Mary, o Rei e Rainha da Holanda participaram no Seminário "Sustentabilidade da Qualidade das nossas Sociedades" na Universidade de Aalborg em Copenhaga.
In the afternoon, the King and Queen of the Netherlands, joined by Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary attended to the Seminar "Sustainability of Quality of our Societies" at Aalborg University in Copenhagen.
In the afternoon, the King and Queen of the Netherlands, joined by Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary attended to the Seminar "Sustainability of Quality of our Societies" at Aalborg University in Copenhagen.
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kongehuset.dk |
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Máxima e Mary não mudaram de roupa, mas deixaram ver os vestidos que tinham por baixo dos casacos. Um novo vestido Prada para a herdeira dinamarquesa e um vestido azul-escuro com um magnifico broche de safiras e diamantes para a Rainha consorte da Holanda.
Máxima and Mary did not change clothes, but left us to see the dresses that were below the coats. A new Prada dress for the Danish heir and a dark blue dress with a magnificent brooch with sapphires and diamonds for the consort Queen of the Netherlands.
Máxima and Mary did not change clothes, but left us to see the dresses that were below the coats. A new Prada dress for the Danish heir and a dark blue dress with a magnificent brooch with sapphires and diamonds for the consort Queen of the Netherlands.
As duas damas reais foram ainda surpreendidas à saída da Universidade por uma cidadã polaca que presenteou Máxima e Mary com dois ramos de flores. O ramo dado a Mary tinha uma fotografia da Princesa com a senhora que lhe entregou as flores. Parece que já se tinham cruzado anteriormente.
The two royal ladies were caught by surprise where they were off the University by a Polish national who gave to Maxima and Mary two bouquets of flowers. The bouquet given to Princess Mary had a picture with the lady who gave her the flowers and the Crown Princess. It seems that they already had crossed each other before.
The two royal ladies were caught by surprise where they were off the University by a Polish national who gave to Maxima and Mary two bouquets of flowers. The bouquet given to Princess Mary had a picture with the lady who gave her the flowers and the Crown Princess. It seems that they already had crossed each other before.
Ora bem, eis que a noite cai na capital dinamarquesa e é tempo para: TIARAS!!
A Rainha Margrethe II e o Príncipe Henrik ofereceram um Banquete de Estado em honra do Rei e da Rainha da Holanda no Palácio de Christiansborg.
Now, behold, night falls in the Danish capital and it is time for: TIARAS !!
Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik offered a State Banquet in honor of the King and Queen of the Netherlands in the Christiansborg Palace.
Now, behold, night falls in the Danish capital and it is time for: TIARAS !!
Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik offered a State Banquet in honor of the King and Queen of the Netherlands in the Christiansborg Palace.
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kongehuset.dk |
Muitos detalhes para contar aqui.
Many details to tell here.
Many details to tell here.
Duas Rainhas de azul. 4 M's para analisar. Ordens Reais novas para celebrar.
Esta foi mesmo uma ocasião especial. E sabemos disso quando a Rainha da Dinamarca estreia um vestido novo.
Two Queens in blue. 4 M's to analyze. New Royal Orders to celebrate.
This was indeed a very special occasion. And we know that when the Queen of Denmark debut a new dress.
Two Queens in blue. 4 M's to analyze. New Royal Orders to celebrate.
This was indeed a very special occasion. And we know that when the Queen of Denmark debut a new dress.
É isso mesmo! Fiel ao seu estilo de vestido de baile, Daisy escolheu um vestido imponente azul claro de manga comprida com aplicações de renda que completou com o diadema de pérolas Poire e o seu impressionante conjunto de Pérolas e Diamantes da Rainha Louise. Como manda a etiqueta, tanto Magrethe como Henrik usaram a Ordem do Leão da Holanda.
That´s right! True to her own ball gown style, Daisy chose an imposing light blue dress with long sleeves with lace applications completed with the Pearl Poire Tiara and her impressive Queen Louise's Pearls and Diamonds Parure. As the protocol didacts, either Magrethe as Henrik used the Order of the Netherlands Lion!
That´s right! True to her own ball gown style, Daisy chose an imposing light blue dress with long sleeves with lace applications completed with the Pearl Poire Tiara and her impressive Queen Louise's Pearls and Diamonds Parure. As the protocol didacts, either Magrethe as Henrik used the Order of the Netherlands Lion!
Naquela que foi a Primeira Visita de Estado a uma monarquia europeia, desde que é Rainha, Máxima resolveu trazer tudo o que nos relembre exactamente isso.
E a melhor oposta foi repetir (quase integralmente) o look do dia da Entronização de 2013.
In what was the First State Visit to a European monarchy, since she is Queen, Máxima decided to bring everything that recall us exactly of that fact.
And the best best was to repeat (almost entirely) the look of the Enthronement day in 2013.
In what was the First State Visit to a European monarchy, since she is Queen, Máxima decided to bring everything that recall us exactly of that fact.
And the best best was to repeat (almost entirely) the look of the Enthronement day in 2013.
Pudemos ver novamente (e em mais detalhe) o vestido azul de Jan Taminiau que assenta que nem uma luva da nossa Maxi girl. A cor azul real, os detalhes de renda, nas mangas e costas são uma verdadeira obra-prima da moda e gritam "RAINHA" em todo o seu esplendor. Para aumentar a dose de preciosidade, a Rainha usou pela primeira vez as insígnias da Ordem do Elefante, a mais alta condecoração dinamarquesa.
We could see once again (and in more detail) the fantastic blue dress by Jan Taminiau fitting like a glove in our Maxi girl. The royal blue color, the lace details on the sleeves and back are a true masterpiece of fashion and shout "QUEEN" in all its splendor. To increase the dose of preciousness, the Queen first used the insignia of the Order of the Elephant, the highest Danish Order.
We could see once again (and in more detail) the fantastic blue dress by Jan Taminiau fitting like a glove in our Maxi girl. The royal blue color, the lace details on the sleeves and back are a true masterpiece of fashion and shout "QUEEN" in all its splendor. To increase the dose of preciousness, the Queen first used the insignia of the Order of the Elephant, the highest Danish Order.
Confesso que esperava que Máxima usasse rubis. Mas a completar, a Rainha holandesa usou novamente o imponente Diadema de Safiras da Rainha Emma, na sua versão mais poderosa (ligeiramente diferente da versão usada em 2013).
I confess that I hoped Máxima would wear her rubies. But to complete, the Dutch Queen wore again the imposing Queen Emma's Sapphires Tiara, in its most powerful version (slightly different than the version used back in 2013).
I confess that I hoped Máxima would wear her rubies. But to complete, the Dutch Queen wore again the imposing Queen Emma's Sapphires Tiara, in its most powerful version (slightly different than the version used back in 2013).
Just Regal!
Just Regal!
As Princesas dinamarquesas por sua vez, pobres coitadas, estão limitadas às suas tiaras habituais. Ainda assim, estiveram muito bem.
The danish Princesses, poor dears, are very limited to their regular tiaras.
Still they were great!
The danish Princesses, poor dears, are very limited to their regular tiaras.
Still they were great!
A Princesa da Coroa Mary repetiu o seu lindo vestido branco que usou no Banquete de Ano Novo desde ano. O design é da dinamarquesa Birgitt Hallstein. Frederik e Mary usaram pela primeira vez as insígnias da Ordem do Leão da Dinamarca, a mais alta condecoração holandesa.
Crown Princess Mary wore again her white gown she first wore at New Years Banquet this year. The gown is a Birgitt Hallstein design. Both Frederik and Mary wore for the first time de Order of the Netherlands Lion, the highest dutch order.
Crown Princess Mary wore again her white gown she first wore at New Years Banquet this year. The gown is a Birgitt Hallstein design. Both Frederik and Mary wore for the first time de Order of the Netherlands Lion, the highest dutch order.
A completar o seu Diadema de Casamento (esperava ver a versão pérolas) e brincos de águas-marinhas (com pulseira e anel a condizer). Um look simples e muito elegante, apesar de não ter apreciado muito a escolha dos brincos, mas que ainda assim combinou com o tema azul das restantes damas.
For finished her look her Wedding Tiara (I expected to see the pearl version) and her aquamarine earrings (with a matching bracelet and ring). A simple and very elegant look, despite not having much appreciated the choice of earrings, but still combined with the blue theme of the other ladies.
For finished her look her Wedding Tiara (I expected to see the pearl version) and her aquamarine earrings (with a matching bracelet and ring). A simple and very elegant look, despite not having much appreciated the choice of earrings, but still combined with the blue theme of the other ladies.
Marie, também repetiu um vestido do Banquete de Ano Novo de 2014. Mais um vestido a seguir o tema azul, desta vez em azul-cinza, com saia sereia e top peplum. Joachim e Marie também foram condecorados com uma ordem inferior holandesa, a Ordem da Coroa.
Marie also repeated a New Year Banquet dress from 2014. More to follow the blue dress theme, this time in blue-gray, with mermaid skirt and a peplum top. Joachim and Marie were also decorated with a Dutch lower order, the Order of the Crown.
Marie also repeated a New Year Banquet dress from 2014. More to follow the blue dress theme, this time in blue-gray, with mermaid skirt and a peplum top. Joachim and Marie were also decorated with a Dutch lower order, the Order of the Crown.
A completar o seu habitual Diadema Princesa Dagmar.
And her usual Princess Dagmar floral Tiara.
And her usual Princess Dagmar floral Tiara.
A princesa Benedikte, irmã da Rainha Margrethe acompanhada pelo marido, o Príncipe Richard de Berleburg também foram agraciados com a Ordem da Coroa. A princesa usou o seu imponente Diadema Fringe.
Princess Benedikte, sister of Queen Margrethe accompanied by her husband, Prince Richard of Berleburg were also awarded the Order of the Crown. The princess used her imposing Fringe Tiara.
O discurso do Rei pode ser lido aqui, e da Rainha aqui. Muito simbólicos, dados os laços de amizade e carinho que envolvem os dois países.
The King's speech can be read here, and the Queen's here. Very symbolic, given the friendship and affection of ties involving the two countries.
The King's speech can be read here, and the Queen's here. Very symbolic, given the friendship and affection of ties involving the two countries.
Um fantástico fim de primeiro dia. O que mais me impressionou foi a relação tão próxima destas duas famílias. Um brinde a isso!
A fantastic end of the first day. What most impressed me was as close relation of these two families. Cheers to that!
A fantastic end of the first day. What most impressed me was as close relation of these two families. Cheers to that!
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