2014 e o que podemos esperar em 2015? / 2014 and what can we expect for 2015?
2014 chegou ao fim e os observadores da Realeza tiveram um ano em cheio. Cheio de emoção, grandes momentos e algumas surpresas.
Qual foi o vosso momento favorito em 2014?
2014 came to an end and Royal watchers had a great year to follow. Full of emotion, great moments and some surprises.
What was your favorite moment in 2014?
2014 came to an end and Royal watchers had a great year to follow. Full of emotion, great moments and some surprises.
What was your favorite moment in 2014?
A vaga de abdicações de 2013 encontrou, para surpresa geral, o Reino de Espanha em 2014. Juan Carlos cumpriu um dos meus desejos para 2014 e cedeu o seu lugar a Felipe. A cerimónia de abdicação e proclamação foram bastante emocionantes. Espanha ganhou um novo Rei,uma nova Rainha e uma nova Princesa das Astúrias.
The 2013 abdication wave found, to everyone's surprise, the Kingdom of Spain in 2014. Juan Carlos met one of my wishes for 2014 and gave way for his son, Felipe. The ceremony of abdication and proclamation were quite exciting. Spain has a new King, a new Queen and a new Princess of Asturias.
The 2013 abdication wave found, to everyone's surprise, the Kingdom of Spain in 2014. Juan Carlos met one of my wishes for 2014 and gave way for his son, Felipe. The ceremony of abdication and proclamation were quite exciting. Spain has a new King, a new Queen and a new Princess of Asturias.
Casamentos / Weddings
Tivemos alguns. Andrea Casiraghi casou pelo religioso com a sua esposa Tatiana Santo Domingo numa invernal cerimónia de conto de fadas na Suiça.
O príncipe Amadeo da Bélgica casou com Elisabetta Rosboch von Wolkenstein e a Bélgica ganhou uma nova princesa. O distante Japão e o exótico Marrocos também tiveram as alegrias de um casamento real em 2014.
We had a few. Andrea Casiraghi married by religious with his wife Tatiana Santo Domingo in a winter fairytale ceremony in Switzerland.
Prince Amadeo of Belgium married Elisabetta von Wolkenstein Rosboch and Belgium has a new princess. The distant Japan and the exotic Morocco also had the joys of a royal wedding in 2014
We had a few. Andrea Casiraghi married by religious with his wife Tatiana Santo Domingo in a winter fairytale ceremony in Switzerland.
Prince Amadeo of Belgium married Elisabetta von Wolkenstein Rosboch and Belgium has a new princess. The distant Japan and the exotic Morocco also had the joys of a royal wedding in 2014
Noivados / Engagements
Um dos mais esperados do ano. 2015 trás mais um casamento real da Suécia. Yeah.
One of the most anticipated of the year. 2015 bring another royal wedding of Sweden. Yeah.
One of the most anticipated of the year. 2015 bring another royal wedding of Sweden. Yeah.
Nascimentos e Baptizados
Um ano rico em bebés reais. A Suécia viu nascer (ou melhor os EUA é que viram) um nova Princesa, filha da Princesa Madeleine e de Christopher O'Neill, que seria baptizada em Junho exactamente um ano depois do casamento dos pais. Charlene do Mónaco anunciou a gravidez e os gémeos Jacques e Gabriella viriam a nascer em Dezembro. A Princesa Claire do Luxemburgo deu à luz a Princesa Amalia, que seria baptizada em Julho.
A very rich year in royal babies. Sweden saw be born (or rather the US..) a new princess, daughter of Princess Madeleine and Mr. Christopher O'Neill who would be baptized in June exactly one year after the marriage of the parents. Charlene of Monaco announced her pregnancy and Jacques and Gabriella, her baby twins would be born in December. The Luxembourg Princess Claire gave birth to Princess Amalia, who would be baptized in July.
Celebrações/ Celebrations
A very rich year in royal babies. Sweden saw be born (or rather the US..) a new princess, daughter of Princess Madeleine and Mr. Christopher O'Neill who would be baptized in June exactly one year after the marriage of the parents. Charlene of Monaco announced her pregnancy and Jacques and Gabriella, her baby twins would be born in December. The Luxembourg Princess Claire gave birth to Princess Amalia, who would be baptized in July.
Celebrações/ Celebrations
2014 marcou as comemorações do centenário da Primeira Guerra Mundial e o 70º aniversário do Dia-D, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Vários membros da realeza estiveram activamente presentes em várias celebrações ao longo do ano.
2014 marked the celebrations of the centenary of the First World War and the 70th D-Day anniversary, during World War II. Several members of royalty were actively present in various celebrations throughout the year.
2014 marked the celebrations of the centenary of the First World War and the 70th D-Day anniversary, during World War II. Several members of royalty were actively present in various celebrations throughout the year.
10 anos passaram sobre dois casamentos reais, que uniram dois herdeiros e duas plebeias. Mary e Letizia entraram para a História da Realeza mundial em 2004 e assumiram os seus papéis de esposa, mãe, e futura Rainha consorte. Um aniversário muito especial que analisámos ao detalhe no T&T.
10 years passed over two royal weddings which have united two heirs and two plebeian. Mary and Letizia joined the History of world Royalty in 2004 and took their roles as wife, mother, and future Queen consort. A very special birthday that we looked to detail in here T & T.
Em Julho, o pequeno George aka Cheeks (bochechas) completou um ano e novas fotos foram divulgadas.
In July, little George aka Cheeks celebreted his first birthday and new photos were released.
10 years passed over two royal weddings which have united two heirs and two plebeian. Mary and Letizia joined the History of world Royalty in 2004 and took their roles as wife, mother, and future Queen consort. A very special birthday that we looked to detail in here T & T.
Em Julho, o pequeno George aka Cheeks (bochechas) completou um ano e novas fotos foram divulgadas.
In July, little George aka Cheeks celebreted his first birthday and new photos were released.
Viagens oficiais/ Official Trips
Com tantos novos monarcas as viagens introdutórias sucederam-se em 2014. A parte disso, destaques para a primeira Viagem de Estado de Willem-Alexander e Maxima ao Japão, onde a Princesa da Coroa Masako tomou parte dos eventos pela primeira vez em anos (é conhecida a boa relação de amizade entre Maxima e Masako), pela apresentação oficial do pequeno George à Nova Zelândia e Austrália e para o Tour de Agosto que levou Frederik e Mary da Dinamarca, mais os seus quatro filhos até à Gronelândia.
With so many new monarchs, the introductory trips succeeded in 2014. Apart from that, highlights for the first State Visit of Willem-Alexander and Maxima to Japan, where Crown Princess Masako took part in the event for the first time in years (it is known the good relation of friendship between Maxima and Masako), for the official presentation of the little George to New Zealand and Australia and the Summer Tour that led Frederik and Mary of Denmark, plus their four children to Greenland.
With so many new monarchs, the introductory trips succeeded in 2014. Apart from that, highlights for the first State Visit of Willem-Alexander and Maxima to Japan, where Crown Princess Masako took part in the event for the first time in years (it is known the good relation of friendship between Maxima and Masako), for the official presentation of the little George to New Zealand and Australia and the Summer Tour that led Frederik and Mary of Denmark, plus their four children to Greenland.
2014 marca a despedida da Rainha Fabiola deste mundo. Um funeral com honras de Estado, mesmo contra os seus desejos, tal foi a necessidade do Rei Philippe homenagear a sua tia querida. Um funeral que não deixou esquecidas as origens bem espanholas de Fabiola. Um funeral que levantou muitas críticas à Família real inglesa, por falta de comparência de membros da casa de Windsor.
2014 marks the farewell of Queen Fabiola of this world. A funeral with state honors, even against her wishes, because this is how King Philippe wanted to honor his beloved aunt. A funeral that left not forgotten the Spanish origins of Fabiola.A funeral which raised much criticism for the British royal Family, for the lack of attendance of members of the House of Windsor.
2014 marks the farewell of Queen Fabiola of this world. A funeral with state honors, even against her wishes, because this is how King Philippe wanted to honor his beloved aunt. A funeral that left not forgotten the Spanish origins of Fabiola.A funeral which raised much criticism for the British royal Family, for the lack of attendance of members of the House of Windsor.
- Harry de Gales: Pela simpatia, carisma e sentido de serviço que demonstrou durante os Invictus Games.
- Letizia de Espanha: Como Rainha a sua voz tem sido enaltecida e o seu papel de consorte tem sido consolidado ao fim de poucos meses de reinado
- Felipe VI de Espanha: Pela coragem, sabedoria e extremo sentido de ética e servidão que tem demonstrado desde o dia da sua proclamação, no país e na própria família.
- Harry of Wales: For his sympathy, charisma and sense of service he has shown throughout the Invictus Games.
- Letizia of Spain: As Queen her voice has been praised and her role as consort has been consolidated within a few months of reign
- Felipe VI of Spain: For the courage, wisdom and extreme sense of ethics and servitude that has shown since the day one of his proclamation, for Spain and in his own family.
- Harry of Wales: For his sympathy, charisma and sense of service he has shown throughout the Invictus Games.
- Letizia of Spain: As Queen her voice has been praised and her role as consort has been consolidated within a few months of reign
- Felipe VI of Spain: For the courage, wisdom and extreme sense of ethics and servitude that has shown since the day one of his proclamation, for Spain and in his own family.
O que podemos esperar em 2015? What can we expect in 2015?
O que sabemos?/ What do we know?
- Os Duques de Cambridge serão pais pela segunda vez em Abril
- A Princesa Madeleine da Suécia e Chris O'neill serão pais pela segunda vez no Verão.
- O Príncipe Carl Philip da Suécia e Sofia Helqvist casarão a 13 de Junho na Capela Real em Estocolmo.
- O Príncipe Carl Philip da Suécia e Sofia Helqvist casarão a 13 de Junho na Capela Real em Estocolmo.
- A Rainha Elizabeth II sucederá em Setembro à Rainha Victoria, como a monarca com o reinado mais longo de sempre!
- Willem Alexander e Maxima irão em Visita de Estado à Dinamarca.
- Jacques e Gabriella do Mónaco serão oficialmente apresentados a 7 de Janeiro e a data do baptizado poderá ser divulgada em breve.
- The Dukes of Cambridge will be parents for the second time in April
- Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Chris O'neill will be parents for the second time in the summer.
- Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Helqvist will get married on June 13rd at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm.
- Queen Elizabeth II will suceed, in September, to Queen Victoria, as the monarch with the longest reign ever!
- Willem Alexander and Maxima will be on State Visit to Denmark.
- Jacques and Gabriella of Monaco will be officially presented on 7 January and the date of their baptized may be disclosed soon.
- The Dukes of Cambridge will be parents for the second time in April
- Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Chris O'neill will be parents for the second time in the summer.
- Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Helqvist will get married on June 13rd at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm.
- Queen Elizabeth II will suceed, in September, to Queen Victoria, as the monarch with the longest reign ever!
- Willem Alexander and Maxima will be on State Visit to Denmark.
- Jacques and Gabriella of Monaco will be officially presented on 7 January and the date of their baptized may be disclosed soon.
Os rumores / The rumours
- Ao que tudo indica a Princesa Caroline do Mónaco será mais uma vez avó (Tatiana Santo Domingo parece estar à espera do seu segundo filho).
- Pierre Casiraghi poderá casar em Abril com a sua namorada de longa data Beatrice Barromeo.
- Pierre Casiraghi poderá casar em Abril com a sua namorada de longa data Beatrice Barromeo.
- Continuam ao rubro as apostas do próximo monarca a abdicar. Entre Margrethe II da Dinamarca e Harald V da Noruega, o meu voto irá para o tio Harald.
- Apparently Princess Caroline of Monaco will be grandmother for the third time (Tatiana Santo Domingo seems to be expecting her second child).
- Pierre Casiraghi may marry in April with his longtime girlfriend Beatrice Barromeo.
- Continue running high the stakes of the next monarch to abdicate. Among Margrethe II of Denmark and Harald V of Norway, my vote will go to Uncle Harald.
- Apparently Princess Caroline of Monaco will be grandmother for the third time (Tatiana Santo Domingo seems to be expecting her second child).
- Pierre Casiraghi may marry in April with his longtime girlfriend Beatrice Barromeo.
- Continue running high the stakes of the next monarch to abdicate. Among Margrethe II of Denmark and Harald V of Norway, my vote will go to Uncle Harald.
A minha lista de desejos/ My Wish list
A avaliar pela quantidade de desejos pedidos e realizados o ano passado, até tenho receio de escrever mais alguma coisa. Ora aqui vai:
- Um segundo filho para Victoria&Daniel, mesmo que adoptado.
- Um bebé para Stephanie&Guillaume
- Victoria, por favor, SOLTA o cabelo
- Um par de calças elegante para Catherine
- Uma nova tiara para Letizia (nova nela)
- Um noivado surpresa entre um apaixonado Harry e uma doce e inteligente morena.
- Um casamento para Beatrice de York
Judging by the amount of granted wishes made last year, I am afraid to write anything else. Well here goes:
- A second child to Victoria & Daniel, even if adopted.
- A baby for Stephanie & Guillaume
- Victoria, please LOOSE your hair
- A pair of stylish trousers for Catherine
- A new tiara for Letizia (new on her, if you know what I mean...)
- An engagement surprise among a passionate Harry and a sweet and smart brunette.
- A marriage to Beatrice of York
Judging by the amount of granted wishes made last year, I am afraid to write anything else. Well here goes:
- A second child to Victoria & Daniel, even if adopted.
- A baby for Stephanie & Guillaume
- Victoria, please LOOSE your hair
- A pair of stylish trousers for Catherine
- A new tiara for Letizia (new on her, if you know what I mean...)
- An engagement surprise among a passionate Harry and a sweet and smart brunette.
- A marriage to Beatrice of York
E vocês? Qual a vossa lista de desejos reais para 2015?
And you? What is your royal wish list for 2015?
É só pena que o Harry goste de loiras descoloradas...
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