Best of 2014 - Catherine
A votação esteve aberta e vocês decidiram que a primeira dama real a ser avaliada pelo melhor (e também pelo pior) de 2014 seria Catherine, Duquesa de Cambridge.
Bem, confesso que me fizeram um favor. Kate é bastante fácil de analisar (falando, obviamente de estilo).
The vote was open and you decided that the first royal lady to be evaluated for the best (and also for the worst) of 2014 would be Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.
Well, I confess that you did me a favor. Kate is quite easy to analyze (speaking of course about style).
The vote was open and you decided that the first royal lady to be evaluated for the best (and also for the worst) of 2014 would be Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.
Well, I confess that you did me a favor. Kate is quite easy to analyze (speaking of course about style).
2014 foi um ano um tanto estranho a meu ver para Kate. Se por um lado mais se esperava da mulher de William em termos de agenda oficial (a verdade é que a popularidade da Duquesa oscilou um pouco) por outro lado a verdade é que no seu posto de esposa do segundo na linha de sucessão, a duquesa tem sido...apropriada. Na primeira metade do ano 2014, o Tour na Nova Zelândia e Austrália em Abril foi o ponto alto da espaçada agenda de Kate. A apresentação do pequeno G. aka Cheeks ao Hemisfério Sul foi um sucesso e pareceu claro que a grande prioridade da duquesa seria a família. E se bem o pensou, melhor o fez, pois para grande surpresa é anunciada em Agosto a vinda do bebé Cambridge #2.
2014 was a year rather odd in my view to Kate. On the one hand more was expected from William's wife in terms of official agenda (the truth is that the popularity of the Duchess swayed a little) on the other hand the truth is that on her role as the wife of the second in line, the Duchess has been ...appropriate. In the first half of 2014, the Royal Tour in New Zealand and Australia in April was the highlight of Kate's spaced agenda. The presentation of little G. aka Cheeks to the Southern Hemisphere was a success and it seemed clear that the main priority of the Duchess would be the family. And if she thought it, better she did it, as it was announced, with great surprise, in August the coming of Baby Cambridge # 2.
2014 was a year rather odd in my view to Kate. On the one hand more was expected from William's wife in terms of official agenda (the truth is that the popularity of the Duchess swayed a little) on the other hand the truth is that on her role as the wife of the second in line, the Duchess has been ...appropriate. In the first half of 2014, the Royal Tour in New Zealand and Australia in April was the highlight of Kate's spaced agenda. The presentation of little G. aka Cheeks to the Southern Hemisphere was a success and it seemed clear that the main priority of the Duchess would be the family. And if she thought it, better she did it, as it was announced, with great surprise, in August the coming of Baby Cambridge # 2.
A segunda gravidez marcou de certa forma uma mudança de estilo. Mais relaxado, mais divertido, mais feminino, mas também mais apropriado. Se na primeira metade do ano, Kate não surpreendeu, nos últimos meses tivemos agradáveis surpresas. Mas calma, nada demasiado arrojado. Afinal estamos a falar de Catherine.
The second pregnancy marked somehow a change of style. More relaxed, more fun, more girly, but also more appropriete. If the first half of the year, Kate did not amaze me in recent months we had pleasant surprises. But wait, nothing too bold. After all we are talking about Catherine.
The second pregnancy marked somehow a change of style. More relaxed, more fun, more girly, but also more appropriete. If the first half of the year, Kate did not amaze me in recent months we had pleasant surprises. But wait, nothing too bold. After all we are talking about Catherine.
Ao contrário do ano passado e dada a ainda pequena barriga da duquesa, não irei eleger modelos antes e depois da gravidez.
Unlike last year and given her still small belly, I will not elect models before and after pregnancy.
Unlike last year and given her still small belly, I will not elect models before and after pregnancy.
Categoria "Eu sou Princesa"
Category "I´m Princess"
Quem participa no T&T conhece bem a minha luta com o estilo do cabelo de Kate. Por isso este look de gala com que a Duquesa nos brindou em Novembro durante a Royal Variety Performance é sublime em todos os aspectos. O vestido em renda preta (que daria início a uma longa parada de vestidos semelhantes) é bastante elegante e enquadra-se perfeitamente no estilo da Duquesa. E o penteado que deixa ver os fantásticos brincos de topázio foram a cereja no topo do bolo. Melhor apenas se houvesse uma tiara na imagem.
Who is involved in T & T knows my struggle with Kate's hair style. So this gala look the Duchess presented us in November during the Royal Variety Performance is sublime in every way. The dress in black lace (which would start a long parade of similar dresses) is very elegant and fits perfectly in the style of the Duchess. And the hairstyle that lets us see the fantastic topaz earrings were the icing on the cake. Only a tiara would improve this picture.
Who is involved in T & T knows my struggle with Kate's hair style. So this gala look the Duchess presented us in November during the Royal Variety Performance is sublime in every way. The dress in black lace (which would start a long parade of similar dresses) is very elegant and fits perfectly in the style of the Duchess. And the hairstyle that lets us see the fantastic topaz earrings were the icing on the cake. Only a tiara would improve this picture.
Menção honrosa para este look pelo efeito estou-a-divertir-me-tanto-com-este-vestido e pela combinação perfeita e nada comum de cores das sandálias.
E obviamente para este, porque ALERTA ESMERALDAS!
Honorable mention for this look by the I'm-having-so-much-fun-with-this-dress effect plus gorgeous sandals colour match
And obviously for this, because ESMERALDAS ALERT!
Honorable mention for this look by the I'm-having-so-much-fun-with-this-dress effect plus gorgeous sandals colour match
And obviously for this, because ESMERALDAS ALERT!
Categoria "Requinte é Classe"
Category " Polish is Classy"
Sim, eu sei que pode parecer surpreendente esta minha escolha, mas tenham em conta a minha dificuldade nesta categoria. A verdade é que todos os looks possíveis vencedores para aqui são muito semelhantes. Muito semelhantes! Mas há simplesmente algo neste look,usado no Serviço anual da Ordem da Jarreteira, que eu adoro. Adoro a cor, o tecido, o comprimento. Soberbo.
Yes, I know that my choice may seem surprising, but take into account my difficulty in this category. The truth is that all possible winner looks for here are very similar. Really similar. But there is just something about this look, used in the Order of the Garter annual service, which I love. The color, the fabric, the length. Superb.
Menções honrosas para a linda "banana" na chegada à Austrália, para um simples vestido vermelho que se revelou um dos melhores looks do ano e para o casaco-vestido usado na sua primeira aparição oficial após o anúncio da segunda gravidez.
Honorable mentions for the gorgous "banana" on the arrival in Australia, for a simple red dress that revealed one of the best looks of the year and the coat-dress worn in her first official appearance after the second pregnancy announcement.
Menções honrosas para a linda "banana" na chegada à Austrália, para um simples vestido vermelho que se revelou um dos melhores looks do ano e para o casaco-vestido usado na sua primeira aparição oficial após o anúncio da segunda gravidez.
Honorable mentions for the gorgous "banana" on the arrival in Australia, for a simple red dress that revealed one of the best looks of the year and the coat-dress worn in her first official appearance after the second pregnancy announcement.
Categoria "Grrr..."
Category "Grrr..."
Confesso que o vencedor desta categoria esteve em dúvida depois do dia de Natal, mas não adianta, porque até hoje ainda estou para entender este look. Nada combina aqui. Admiro a capacidade (ou apenas iniciativa ) de Kate em misturar alta costura com marcas mais acessíveis. Mas esta linda saia Jenny Packham merecia melhor. É nestas alturas em que reviro os olhos a títulos como "ícone de estilo".
Perto disto até o vestido vamp parece melhor.
I confess that the winner of this category was in doubt after Christmas Day, but it´s pointless, because until know I didn´t get anything about this look. Nothing matches here. I admire the Kate's ability (or only the initiative) to mix high fashion with more affordable brands. But this beautiful Jenny Packham skirt deserved better. It is in these times that I roll my eyes to titles such as "style icon".
Next to this even the vampish dress looks better.
não não não a categoria "Grrr...'' deve ser o que ela usou no encontro com o rei Philippe e rainha Mathilde, sem dúvidas aquele foi o pior do ano, espero nunca mais vê-la com aquilo...
ResponderEliminarObrigada pelo comentário. Ahahahah. Também podia ser.
Eliminarnenhuma das menções.... acho que foi um ano pavoroso com excepções...
ResponderEliminarObrigada pelo comentário.
EliminarStyle is truly about personal taste because I would never have picked any of these outfits from any of these royal ladies. They had so many other outstanding outfits through out the year. But, to each is own!
ResponderEliminarThanks for your comment. I agree 100% with you. This is my own selection. That's it. Style is very relative if you ask me. I'm not a style expert, I just can tell what I like and what I don´t. And that´s the beauty of two people looking at the same, don´t see actually the same thing. :)
ResponderEliminarHappy New Year. I hope you will continue to blog through out 2015. A good theme for 2015 would be "Style is relative" I think those of us, like yourself, who like to royal watch know this and take it in stride. Looking forward to another exciting year in royal watching! Best Wishes
ResponderEliminarHappy New Year for you too. And that´s a very good ideia. Style is quite relative in fact. Thanks for your comment and stay around,