Pascua Militar 2014
Os membros da realeza voltam aos poucos das férias de Natal. E nós também.
Hoje foi a vez da Família Real Espanhola comparecer ás habituais cerimónias da Páscoa Militar.
The royals came back gradually from the Christmas holidays. So do we.
Today it was the turn of the Spanish Royal Family attend at the usual ceremonies of the Military Easter.
Um acto que está profundamente enraizado da vida militar espanhola, segundo o site da Casa Real:
An act that is deeply rooted in the Spanish military life, according to the website of the Royal House:
"A sua origem remonta ao reinado de Carlos III, quando a 6 de Janeiro de 1782, se recuperou a localidade balnear de Mahón, que estava no poder dos ingleses. Como símbolo de júbilo, Carlos III ordenou aos Vice-Reis, Capitães-Generais, Governadores e Comandantes Militares que na festa da Epifania se reunissem as várias guarnições, chefes e oficiais do exército em seu nome."
"Its origin dates back to the reign of Charles III, when on the January 6th, 1782, the seaside town of Mahon was recovered, which was in power from the English. As symbol of joy, Carlos III ordered the Vice Kings, Captains General, governors and military commanders that on the Epiphany feast should gather the several garrisons, Army chiefs and officers in his name. "
As cerimónias marcaram o regresso do Rei Juan Carlos a actos oficiais, ainda de muletas e com aparência debilitada. Ao seu lado a Rainha Sofia e o Príncipe e Princesa das Astúrias.
The ceremonies marked the return of King Juan Carlos to official acts, still on crutches and with poor appearance. On his side Queen Sofia and the Prince and the Princess of Asturias.
The ceremonies marked the return of King Juan Carlos to official acts, still on crutches and with poor appearance. On his side Queen Sofia and the Prince and the Princess of Asturias.
Após as honras militares e Hino Nacional na Plaza de la Armería, em frente do Palácio Real, os Reis e os Príncipes dirigiram-se para a Saleta de Gasparini, onde saudaram as autoridades do Ministério da Defesa.
After the National Anthem and military honors in the Plaza de la Armería in front of the Royal Palace, the Kings and Princes headed for the Gasparini Room, where they welcomed the authorities of the Ministry of Defence.
After the National Anthem and military honors in the Plaza de la Armería in front of the Royal Palace, the Kings and Princes headed for the Gasparini Room, where they welcomed the authorities of the Ministry of Defence.
Mais tarde na Sala do Trono, o Rei proferiu o seu discurso.
Later in the Throne Room, King delivered his speech.
Later in the Throne Room, King delivered his speech.
Entre várias palavras, o Rei disse:
Among several words the King said:
Among several words the King said:
" Todos vocês que aqui estão na Sala do Trono representam a grande família militar e cada um dos vossos companheiros que diariamente desempenham um importantíssimo papel em todo o território nacional, os que navegam nas águas do Índico, o que patrulham as fronteiras do sul entre o Líbano e Israel, os que enfrentam operações no continente africano, os que percorreram os perigosos caminhos do Afeganistão e em tantos outros lugares. Obrigado pelo vosso compromisso e pelo vosso trabalho"
"All of you here in the Throne Room represent the large military family and each one of your companions plays daily an important role in the whole national territory, sailing in the waters of the Indian, patroling the southern borders between Lebanon and Israel, facing operations on the African continent, traveling for the dangerous roads of Afghanistan and in many other places. Thank you for your commitment and for your work "
As damas da casa real espanhola, estiveram bastante simples e sóbrias, como é hábito nesta cerimónia. A princesa das Astúrias voltou a repetir um lindo conjunto azul Felipe Varela que tinha usado em 2012 neste mesmo evento.
The ladies of the Spanish Royal House, were quite simple and sober, as usual at this ceremony. The Princess of Asturias wore again a beautiful blue set by Felipe Varela, previous seen in this same event in 2012.
The ladies of the Spanish Royal House, were quite simple and sober, as usual at this ceremony. The Princess of Asturias wore again a beautiful blue set by Felipe Varela, previous seen in this same event in 2012.
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