Grande dia do Príncipe George / Prince George big Day
Chegou finalmente o grande primeiro dia para o príncipe George de Cambridge primeiro filho dos Duques de Cambridge, nascido a 22 de Julho.
Finally reached the first big day for Prince George of Cambridge first child of the Dukes of Cambridge, born on July 22.
Hoje de manhã foi divulgado no site dos Duques de Cambridge os detalhes finais da cerimónia que terá lugar hoje às três da tarde (hora local de Londres e Lisboa), na Capela Real do Palácio de St. James.
This morning it was posted on the website of the Dukes of Cambridge the final details of the ceremony that will take place today at three o'clock (local time in London and Lisbon), in the Chapel Royal of St. James's Palace.
Entre os convidados estarão:
Finally reached the first big day for Prince George of Cambridge first child of the Dukes of Cambridge, born on July 22.
Hoje de manhã foi divulgado no site dos Duques de Cambridge os detalhes finais da cerimónia que terá lugar hoje às três da tarde (hora local de Londres e Lisboa), na Capela Real do Palácio de St. James.
This morning it was posted on the website of the Dukes of Cambridge the final details of the ceremony that will take place today at three o'clock (local time in London and Lisbon), in the Chapel Royal of St. James's Palace.
Entre os convidados estarão:
- A Rainha e o Duque de Edimburgo
- O Príncipe de Gales, a Duquesa da Cornualha e o Príncipe Harry
- Michael e Carole Middleton e os filhos James e Pippa Middleton.
The following guests will attend Prince George’s Christening today:
- The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh
- The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry
- Mr and Mrs Michael Middleton, Mr James Middleton and Miss Pippa Middleton
Entre os restantes convidados estarão os padrinhos e os respectivos cônjuges:
- Olivier Baker (colega da Universidade de St. Andrews dos Duques)
- Emilia Jardine-Paterson (colega da Duquesa do Colégio Marlborough)
- Conde Grosvenor (filho do Duque de Westminster)
- Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton (Secretário Privado dos Duques de Cambridge e do Príncipe Harry entre 2005-2012)
- Honorável Julia Samuel ( amiga íntima da Princesa de Gales)
- Zara Tindall (filha da Princesa Anne e prima de William)
- William van Cutsem (amigo de infância do Duque de Cambridge)
Along the guests will be Prince George’s Godparents and their spouses:
- Mr Oliver Baker (Oliver Baker attended the University of St Andrews with The Duke and Duchess)
- Mrs David Jardine-Paterson (Emilia Jardine-Paterson attended Marlborough College with The Duchess)
- Earl Grosvenor (Hugh) (Earl Grosvenor is the son of The Duke of Westminster)
- Mr Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton (Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton served as Private Secretary to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry from 2005-2012 and continues to serve part-time as Principal Private Secretary and Equerry)
- The Hon Mrs Michael Samuel (Julia Samuel was a close friend of The Princess of Wales)
- Mrs Michael Tindall (Zara Tindall is The Duke of Cambridge’s cousin)
- Mr William van Cutsem (William van Cutsem is a childhood friend of The Duke of Cambridge)
O Príncipe George irá usar a réplica do Real Vestido de Baptismo, feito por Angela Kelly, estilista da Rainha.
Prince George will wear the hand made replica of the Royal Christening Robe, made by Angela Kelly, Dressmaker to The Queen.
Será usada água do rio Jordão e a Pia Baptismal dos Lírios durante o serviço.
The Lily Font and water from the River Jordan will be used during the baptism.
Após o serviço, o Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa da Cornualha oferecerão um chá privado em Clarence House, durante o qual será oferecido aos convidados bolo do baptizado, que foi retirado de um dos andares do bolo de casamento dos duques de Cambridge.
Following the service, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will give a private tea in Clarence House. Guests will be served slices of christening cake, which is a tier taken from The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding cake.
O fotografo oficial será Jason Bell. As fotografias serão tiradas em Clarence House após o serviço religioso e divulgadas no dia 24 de Outubro.
The official photographer will be Jason Bell. Pictures will be taken at Clarence House after the religious service and released on 24 October.
A cerimónia não será transmitida em directo, mas de certo que vários meios de comunicação social irão acompanhar a chegada dos protagonistas e convidados ao Palácio de St. James e a Clarence House. Caso se justifique farei updates a este post. Caso contrário publicarei apenas amanhã as fotografias oficiais juntamente com a minha opinião.
The ceremony will not be broadcast live, but certainly several media sources will accompany the arrival of the Cambridge's and guests to St. James's Palace and Clarence House. If necessary I will make updates to this post. Otherwise only tomorrow I will make a post with thee official photos along with my opinion.
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