Aberturas de Parlamento e Casamento Real / Parliament Openings and Royal Wedding
Que dia!!
Quando vos disse ontem que hoje iríamos ter um casamento real, estava esquecida das agendas das outras casas reais que não o Luxemburgo, e portanto esqueci-me completamente que tinham lugar hoje dois eventos importantes na Holanda e na Suécia. Mas vamos por partes.
Vamos falar de casamentos sim?
What a day!
When I said yesterday that today would be a royal wedding, I was forgotten of the agendas of other royal houses than Luxembourg, so I completely forgot that took place today two important events in the Netherlands and Sweden. So, let´s go with this.
But first, let's talk about weddings yes?
What a day!
When I said yesterday that today would be a royal wedding, I was forgotten of the agendas of other royal houses than Luxembourg, so I completely forgot that took place today two important events in the Netherlands and Sweden. So, let´s go with this.
But first, let's talk about weddings yes?
Teve hoje lugar na localidade de Königstein im Taunus, na Alemanha o casamento civil do Príncipe Félix, segundo na linha de sucessão ao trono do Grão-Ducado do Luxemburgo, com a sua namorada de longa data Claire Lademacher. A cerimónia bastante privada contou apenas com a presença dos familiares mais próximos dos noivos.
Ii took place today in the town of Königstein im Taunus, Germany, the civil marriage of Prince Felix, second in line to the throne of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, with his long-term girlfriend Claire Lademacher. The very private ceremony counted only with the presence of close relatives of the bride and groom.
Ii took place today in the town of Königstein im Taunus, Germany, the civil marriage of Prince Felix, second in line to the throne of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, with his long-term girlfriend Claire Lademacher. The very private ceremony counted only with the presence of close relatives of the bride and groom.
A noiva escolheu um simples e belo vestido da autoria do designer holandês Jan Taminiau, um dos estilistas favoritos da Rainha Máxima da Holanda (já voltaremos a falar dele mais à frente). O vestido descrito pelo estilista na sua página oficial no Facebook era feito de lã crepe, com um cinto e adornado na parte de cima com renda francesa e tinha um pequeno bolero a condizer (que pelos vistos a agora Princesa Claire optou por não usar). A completar o look uns bonitos brincos de água-marinhas (a parte azul esteve garantida) e o seu bouquet era composto por rosas e hortências brancas. Uma noiva cheia de classe! Fresca, radiante, estupenda! Félix também muito elegante num fato escuro com uma gravata laranja, de certo uma homenagem às cores da casa de Nassau.
The bride chose a simple and beautiful dress designed by the Dutch designer Jan Taminiau, one of the Queen Máxima's favorite designers (we will talk about him later). The dress described by the designer on his official Facebook page was made of wool crepe, with a belt and adorned at the top with French lace and had a small matching bolero (which apparently the now Princess Claire chose not to wear). To complete the look a cute pair of aquamarine earrings (the"something blue" part was secured) and her bouquet was made of white roses and hortensia flowers. A very classy bride! Fresh, radiant, stunning! Felix also very elegant in a dark suit with orange tie, in a homage to the colors of the House of Nassau
The bride chose a simple and beautiful dress designed by the Dutch designer Jan Taminiau, one of the Queen Máxima's favorite designers (we will talk about him later). The dress described by the designer on his official Facebook page was made of wool crepe, with a belt and adorned at the top with French lace and had a small matching bolero (which apparently the now Princess Claire chose not to wear). To complete the look a cute pair of aquamarine earrings (the"something blue" part was secured) and her bouquet was made of white roses and hortensia flowers. A very classy bride! Fresh, radiant, stunning! Felix also very elegant in a dark suit with orange tie, in a homage to the colors of the House of Nassau
Entre os convidados reais, destaque para os pais do noivo. A Grã-Duquesa Maria-Teresa numa (literalmente) brilhante criação de Edouard Vermeulen para a casa Natan.
Among the royal guests, the Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa wore a (literally) brilliant creation of Edouard Vermeulen to Natan.
O filho mais novo dos soberanos do Luxemburgo, o Príncipe Sébastien (à esquerda) foi uma das testemunhas do noivo, aqui acompanhado pela Grã-Duques Hereditários do Luxemburo, o Príncipe Guillaume e a Princesa Stéphanie, que usou um vestido coral Prada. Blah..Ainda não foi desta que acertaste Steph...
The youngest son of the sovereign couple of Luxembourg, Prince Sébastien (left) was one of the witnesses of the groom, accompanied here by the Hereditary Grand Dukes, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie, who wore a coral Prada dress. Blah..Not quite yet, Steph...
Ainda do lado do noivo, a Princesa Alexandra (à esquerda), usando também um vestido castanho brilhante Prada, em linha envasé e com umas listas coloridas em baixo, ao lado da cunhada a Princesa Tessy, elegantíssima num vestido azul Lynn Adler e do Príncipe Louis e dos seus filhos Gabriel e Noah vestidos segundo a tradição da Baviera.
Still from the groom's side, Princess Alexandra (left), also wearing a shiny marron dress by Prada, with a colorful striped pattern, next to her sister-in law Princess Tessy, on a very elegant blue dress from Lynn Adler and Prince Louis and their sons Gabriel and Noah dressed according to Bavarian tradition.
Esperemos pela cerimónia religiosa no próximo Sábado, mal posso esperar para ver a escolha da nova Princesa do Luxemburgo para o dia do seu casamento.
Felicidades ao novo casal real!!
Let's wait for the religious ceremony next Saturday. I can not wait to see the choice of the new Princess of Luxembourg for her wedding day.
Congrats to the new royal couple!
Na Suécia foi dia de abertura de Parlamento Sueco em Estocolmo.
Como é hábito a família real em peso compareceu a este evento.
In Sweden was the Opening day of the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm.
As usual the royal family attended this event.
Na primeira fila apenas lugar para os soberanos e para a Princesa da Coroa Vitória e para o Príncipe Daniel. No hemiciclo o Príncipe Carl Philip com a Princesa Madeleine e o marido Christopher O'Neill.
In the first row only place for the sovereigns and for Crown Princess Victoria and her husband, Prince Daniel. On the top row from the Chamber, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine with her husband Christopher O'Neill.
As damas vestiram sobriamente, como é hábito em tons preto e branco. A rainha Silvia ganha pela roupa, Vicky ganha pelos acessórios e Madde ganha pelo penteado. Justo, não acham?
The ladies dressed soberly, as usual in this event, all in black and white tones. Queen Silvia wins for the outfit, Vicky won by the accessories and Madde won for her hairstyle. Fair enough, don´t you think?
E finalmente que melhor maneira de finalizar este post do que com o Prinsjesdag? A apresentação oficial do Orçamento para o próximo ano. Parece aborrecido? Isso, meus amigos é porque não vivemos na Holanda.
And finally, what better way to end this post than with the 2013 Prinsjesdag? The official presentation of the budget for next year. Looks boring to you? That, my friends is because we don´t live in the Netherlands.
Foi o primeiro Prinsjesdag do Rei Willem-Alexander e da Rainha Máxima.
A chegada ao Parlamento na famosa carruagem de ouro, apenas usada neste dia.
It was the first Prinsjesdag for the new King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima.
The arrival at the Parliament in the famous golden carriage, only used on this day .
Presentes também estiveram o irmão do Rei, o Príncipe Constantijn com a esposa, a Princesa Laurentien.
Also present were the King's brother, Prince Constantijn and his wife, Princess Laurentien.
No fim, os Reis e os Príncipes acenaram ao balcão do Paleis Noordeinde às centenas de pessoas.
In the end, the Kings and Princes show up to the balcony to wave to hundreds of people at the Paleis Noordeinde.
Máxima voltou a escolher o seu estilista golden-star, Jan Taminiau (que hoje teve um dia em grande, vestindo uma noiva real e uma Rainha). A Rainha da Holanda deslumbrou neste vestido dourado, digno de uma rainha com um vistoso chapéu camel, brincos de ouro e diamantes e um bonito broche, que fazem parte do conjunto Bornéu (ver aqui artigo).
Maxima choose once again her golden-star stylist , Jan Taminiau (which had a great day today, dressing a royal bride and a Queen). The Queen of the Netherlands dazzled in this gold dress, fit for a queen with a dashing camel hat, gold and diamond earrings and a pretty brooch, which are part of the Borneo set (see article here).
Adoro o Prinsjesdag!!
Qual foi o vosso evento favorito de hoje?
I love the Prinsjesdag!
What was your favorite event today?
I love all your posts! When I read them I fill full of beauty and happiness, I understand the importance of the outfit for this moments.
ResponderEliminarOh, what a wonderful comment. Thanks a lot. I love to write about the royal outfits too. But above all, about the History we saw in every outfit appearance. Some royal events are full fill of symbolism and tradition. The appearance counts a lot. And I simple love that! Thanks for reading and comment. Come back allways!!