Alguns looks da semana / Some looks from the week
Nunca sei se devo reunir todos os visuais da semana num post e partilhar convosco as minhas preferências ou apenas publicar algo quando acho que é digno de registo. É um caso a pensar.
Durante esta semana, algumas das nossas meninas reais apresentaram looks muito diferentes entre si e achei que deveria falar sobre isso.
I never know if I should gather all the looks of the week in a post and share with you my preferences or just post something when I find it noteworthy. It's an issue in thinking process..
During this week, some of our real girls showed looks very different and I thought I should talk about it.
I never know if I should gather all the looks of the week in a post and share with you my preferences or just post something when I find it noteworthy. It's an issue in thinking process..
During this week, some of our real girls showed looks very different and I thought I should talk about it.
Melhor em mudança de roupa / Best in clothes change
Em dois eventos no mesmo dia, dois visuais muito distintos. Ambos são repetições, ambos foram vistos pela primeira vez em 2009, ambos os visuais foram completados com pérolas, ambos são Natan.
Apesar do vermelho ser uma cor que tem tudo a ver com Máxima, eu devo ser das poucas pessoas que raramente gosta das escolhas vermelhas da nova Rainha da Holanda. Este conjunto não foi excepção.
Já o modelo preto e branco leva o meu aplauso, principalmente pela conjugação perfeita de sapatos e clutch. Uma óptima segunda escolha para o dia.
Two events on the same day, two very different looks. Both are repetitions, both were first seen in 2009, both the visuals were acessorized with pearls, both are Natan.
Although red is a color that has everything to do with Máxima, I must be one of the few people who rarely likes the red choices of the new Queen of the Netherlands. This set was no exception.
The black and white outfit, for another hand has my applause, mainly by the perfect combination of shoes and clutch. A great second choice for the day.
Melhor em "Hei, eu estou aqui!" / Best in "Hey I´m here!"
The Duchess of Cambridge chose a yellow coat by Emilia Wickstead to attend the first garden party of the year, in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. A tradition that began in the reign of Queen Victoria and followed up to the present day. 7 months pregnant Catherine completed the look with a Jane Corbett hat aready seen before, beige shoes and clutch by Russell & Bromley and pearl earrings. The visual would be a repetition of so many looks of the Duchess. But this color, coupled with the growing belly, and that hat stand out in the crowd ... As all eyes were not stuck in Duchess already... I liked the color not much more. I'm starting to think this is the British way of dressing and there is not much more we can do...
Melhor em Doçura / Best in Tenderness
A princesa da Coroa da Suécia compareceu ao lançamento do livro Prinsessan Estelles bönbok (Livro de Orações da princesa Estelle) da autora Kerstin Kyhlberg Engvall, no Haga Parque. Que coisa mais fofa... Para a ocasião Vicky optou por tons suaves num vestido rosa e casaco cinza da marca sueca Mayla. A completar o visual um lindo broche, sapatos Miu Miu e clutch em camurça cinza. Um casaco muito semelhante em forma ao usado pela Duquesa de Cambridge, mas que deixa ver mais alguma peça de roupa.
The Crown Princess of Sweden attended the launch of the book Prinsessan Estelles bönbok (Prayer Book of Princess Estelle) from the author Kerstin Kyhlberg Engvall, at the Haga Park. What cutest thing ... For the occasion Vicky opted for soft tones in a pink dress and gray coat of the swedish brand Mayla. To complete the look a beautiful brooch, Miu Miu shoes and clutch in gray suede. A coat very similar in shape to that wore by the Duchess of Cambridge, but Vicky wore it better (we can see the dress underneath it, we can see that is actually something below the coat)...
Melhor em Discrição / Best in Low Profile
A princesa das Astúrias compareceu a um evento esta semana cujo visual é bastante diferente de todos vistos até agora. A princesa sempre discreta optou por um visual elegante e ainda assim confortável. Se o blazer branco da Mango já era nosso conhecido, as calças curtas Hugo Boss e a mala de mão em padrão pele de crocodilo em tom prata da Uterque, são novas aquisições. A completar o look peep-toes em nude da Magrit.
Simples, elegante, minimalista = Leti.
The Princess of Asturias attended an event this week with a look that is quite different from the previous royal ladies. The princess always discreet opted for an elegant yet comfortable look. If the white blazer from Mango was already known to us, the short pants by Hugo Boss and the Uterque handbag in crocodile skin pattern in silver tone, are new acquisitions. Completing the look peep-toes in nude by Magrit.
Simple, elegant, minimalist = Leti.
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