Rei Willem-Alexander e Rainha Máxima da Holanda/ Welcome King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands
30 de Abril / 30th April
Acto de Abdicação/ Abdication Act
Esta amanhã a Rainha Beatrix da Holanda assinou o acto de abdicação numa cerimónia simples, emocionante que todos os apaixonados pela realeza viram de forma igualmente emocionada. História estava a ser feita e nós assistimos ( pausa nostálgica).
This morning the Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands signed the act of abdication in a simple ceremony, exciting, emotional, that all passionate about the royals watched equally thrilled. History was being made and we watched ( nostalgic pause).
O documento de abdicação foi assinado por Beatrix, por Willem-Alexander e por Máxima, que nesse momento se tornavam nos mais recentes monarcas de todo o Gotha.
The abdication document was signed by Beatrix by Willem-Alexander and Máxima, who at that time became the most recent monarchs from all Gotha.
Os novos Reis da Holanda e a Princesa Beatrix apareceram ao balcão para proferir umas palavras e saudar a multidão que aguardava anciosamente no exterior. Após uns minutos, Beatriz abandonou o balcão e as Princesas Catharina-Amalia, Alexia e Ariane surgiram para juntamente com os pais saudarem os súbitos.
The new Kings and Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands came to the balcony to utter words and salute the crowd waiting anxiously outside. After a few minutes, Beatriz left the balcony and the Princesses Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariane emerged to greet the people along with their parents.
A rainha Máxima escolheu um modelo Natan em rosa pálido de saia e blusa. A saia tinha bordados e prata e a blusa de mangas de balão, um grande laço no ombro esquerdo. Como jóias a Rainha usou algumas peças históricas de diamantes e pedras rosada, brincos, um grande anel e broche à cintura e o cabelo apanhado num belo penteado. As meninas vestiam vestidos iguais amarelos Pili Carrera.
Queen Máxima wore Natan. It was a soft pink ensemble, the top including puffed sleeves and a large bow at the left shoulder. The skirt was also in powder pink with flashes of silver in the sparkling embroidery. Máxima accessorized with neatly coiffed hair and pink jewels, and diamonds: earrings, brooch at the waist, and major ring. The girls wore equal yellow dresses by Pili Carrera.
Logo de seguida o primeiro retrato oficial do casal é divulgado.
Logo de seguida o primeiro retrato oficial do casal é divulgado.
Straight after the first official portrait of the couple is disclosed.
Máxima está a usar um vestido fuscia usado no Prinsjesdag em 2012 da autoria de Natan. Na cabeça a Mellerio Ruby Tiara.
Máxima is wearing a dress in fuscia used on 2012 Prinsjesdag by Natan. In her head the Mellerio Ruby Tiara.
Máxima está a usar um vestido fuscia usado no Prinsjesdag em 2012 da autoria de Natan. Na cabeça a Mellerio Ruby Tiara.
Máxima is wearing a dress in fuscia used on 2012 Prinsjesdag by Natan. In her head the Mellerio Ruby Tiara.
Declaração Solene ao trono Holandês/ Solemn declaration to the Dutch throne
E foi assim: numa cerimónia digna de um filme, o novo Rei da Holanda prestou juramento perante centenas de convidados numa cerimónia na Nova Igreja da Holanda. Após um discurso emocionado para a sua mãe, a agora Princesa Beatrix, o Rei Willem-Alexander jurou governar de acordo com a Constituição e valores da Democracia. De seguida ouviu o juramento de todos os membros do Parlamento Holandês, e representantes dos Governos de Aruba, Curação e Sint Maarten.
And so it was: a Ceremony worthy of a movie, the new King of the Netherlands was sworn before hundreds of guests at a ceremony at the New Church of Holland. After an emotional speech to his mother, now Princess Beatrix, Willem-Alexander King swore to rule according to the Constitution and the values of Democracy. Then heard the oath of all members of the Dutch Parliament, and representatives of the Governments of Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten.
Antes disso a família real holandesa encabeçada pelas três filhas do novo Casal de monarcas tinha percorrido o caminho desde o Palácio até à Igreja. Reparem nos vestidos, apesar de igual tecido, são diferentes. Amorosas!
Before that the Dutch royal family headed by the three daughters of the new monarchs couple had traveled the road from the palace to the church. Pay attention to their dresses. Same fabric and pattern but yet different between them. Lovely!
Os últimos a chegar foram Willem-Alexander e Máxima.
The last to arrive were Willem-Alexander and Máxima.
Na primeira fila, a Princesa Beatrix, com a Princesa Catharina-Amalia, agora princesa de Orange, e as Princesas Alexia e Ariane da Holanda.
Watching in the first row, Princess Beatrix, the Princess Catharina-Amalia, now Princess of Orange, and her sisters Princess Alexia and Ariane of the Netherlands.
O Discurso do Rei /King's Speech
Members of the States General,
Today I stand before this joint session of Parliament to be sworn in and invested as your new King. You have gathered here in the nation’s capital for this purpose as the elected representatives of the people. This symbolizes our constitutional bonds.
Over the course of two centuries, the Dutch monarchy has become inextricably linked with our parliamentary democracy. This investiture and the oath I am about to take confirm this connection, which is enshrined in the Charter for the Kingdom and the Constitution.
Democracy is based on mutual trust. The people’s trust in the government – one that respects the law and offers its citizens prospects for the future. But also the government’s trust in the people – citizens who feel a shared responsibility for the public interest and are willing to stand up for one another. All holders of public office, whether they are elected, appointed or designated, must contribute to that trust. That is how democracy is maintained.
In her final Christmas address as Queen, my mother said, ‘Achieving mutual trust is an ongoing challenge, both in the big things and the small.’ For 33 years, she gave her trust, and repaid the trust placed in her. This provided the basis for her authority. She stood for the values enshrined in the Constitution. Values to which she swore to remain faithful on 30 April 1980. Values to which she gave expression whenever she felt it necessary. After all, the fact that the monarch has no political responsibility does not mean that he or she bears no responsibility at all. That would render meaningless the oath I am about to take in this joint session of the States General.
My dear Mother,
As Queen you were fully conscious of the responsibilities attached to your position. You were utterly dedicated to the duties of your office. But, you were also a daughter, a wife, a mother and head of the family. And, you have always sought to do full justice to each of those responsibilities. Sometimes you felt torn, but you combined your many duties with great inspiration. You never refused a request for help. Even in times of personal sorrow you supported us all in the most loving and dependable manner.
With the help of my father, you developed your own style as Queen. You never chose the easy path of fleeting popularity. You navigated stormy waters, charting a sure and steady course in the knowledge that you were part of a long tradition.
Now, I follow in your footsteps. And, I have a clear picture of my duties. No one knows what the future may hold. But, wherever my path leads, and however long it may be, I will always carry with me your warmth and your wisdom.
I know that I speak for many in the Netherlands and in the Caribbean parts of our Kingdom when I say: thank you for all the wonderful years in which you served as our Queen.
Each monarch fulfills his duties in his own fashion. He is a different person from his predecessor, and he is of a different time. The monarchy is not a static institution. Within the bounds of our constitutional rules it has always managed to adapt to changing circumstances. The States General and the ministers have always given the monarch the necessary scope.
At the same time, the monarchy is a symbol of continuity and unity. It is a direct link with our constitutional past. It is a historical tapestry, which together we are still weaving today. The basis for the values we share can be found in our history. One of those values is the monarch’s role as servant of the people. The King performs the duties of his office in the service of the community. This deeply rooted principle was laid down by the States General as early as 1581, in the Act of Abjuration, the birth certificate of what would eventually become the Netherlands.
I succeed to the throne at a time when many in the Kingdom feel vulnerable and uncertain. Vulnerable in their jobs or their health. Uncertain about their income or the environment in which they live. It now seems less self-evident that the next generation will be better off than the last.
As individuals, we seem to have little influence over the events that shape our lives. Therefore our power lies not in isolating ourselves but in working together. As families and as friends. As residents of a street or neighborhood. As citizens of our Kingdom. And as inhabitants of an Earth confronted with countless challenges that can only be met by working together at international level.
Unity and diversity. Individuality and adaptability. An appreciation of traditional healthy curiosity about what the future will bring: these are the qualities which over the centuries have made us who we are today.
Our need to explore frontiers and set new boundaries has taken us a long way. We have five remarkable Dutch individuals here who are symbols of that. Today they fulfill a traditional role,* but they are also living proof of what we are capable of achieving.
Behind them stand hundreds of thousands of others who have each distinguished themselves in their own way. Their efforts are invaluable, too. The hope of our country rests in the combined power of all these people with all their talents, big and small. For centuries, our greatest strengths have been our inventiveness, our diligence and our openness. With such qualities, we have a great deal to offer the world.
As King, I want to encourage people to make active use of their opportunities. However great our diversity, however different our beliefs or dreams, and however varied our backgrounds, in the Kingdom of the Netherlands everyone can have a voice and can contribute to society on an equal footing.
I will take pride in representing the Kingdom, and in helping to uncover new opportunities. I want to establish ties, make connections and exemplify what unites us, the Dutch people, and not only in times of great joy or deep sorrow. Thus, as King, I can strengthen the bond of mutual trust between the people and their government, maintain our democracy and serve the public interest.
I accept this office with gratitude. I am grateful for the upbringing my parents gave me, and for the freedom I have been given to prepare for this role. Many people have helped show me the way, both in their words and in their deeds, and I would like to thank them all.
Successive governments, with the support of the States General, have given me the opportunity to play a role in various fields and so to undertake many activities both in and on behalf of the Netherlands. This work has given me a sense of what I can contribute in my position. It has also allowed me to gain a deep insight into issues, such as responsible water management, which are fundamental to our country.
My experiences at home and abroad have made me the person I am. I can say with confidence, both to myself and to the world: I accept this office with full conviction. And in doing so, I acknowledge how deeply happy I am to have the support of my wife, Máxima. She is conscious of the personal constraints her position sometimes entails. She has embraced our country and become a Dutchwoman among the Dutch people. She stands ready to apply the full range of her abilities in the service of my reign and the Kingdom at large.
Members of the States General,
Today, we stand before one another to affirm our mutual responsibilities and obligations. The Charter for the Kingdom and the Constitution are our common foundation. Through good times and bad, let us build on that foundation in the full confidence that together we can face the future with our heads held high.
With that conviction, I aim to fulfill my duties as King with all the strength I am granted.
I swear to the peoples of the Kingdom that I shall constantly preserve and uphold the Charter for the Kingdom and the Constitution.
I swear that I shall defend and preserve the independence and the territory of the Kingdom to the best of My ability; that I shall protect the freedoms and rights of all its citizens and residents, and shall employ all means placed at My disposal by the law to support and promote the Kingdom’s welfare, as is incumbent upon a good and faithful King.
So help Me God!
O azul parece ter sido a escolha de eleição para a antiga Rainha, actual Rainha e futura Rainha dos Países Baixos.
Máxima, Rainha da Holanda, escolheu como estava previsto uma criação do designer holandês Jan Timiniau. Um belíssimo vestido azul-real com mangas,, decote e saia bordadas a lantejoulas e com uma capa que lembrava um manto real.
Blue seems to be the preferred choice for the former Queen, current Queen and future Queen of the Netherlands.
Máxima, Queen of the Netherlands, chose a creation of the Dutch designer Jan Timiniau. A very beautiful dress in royal blue with embroidered sleeves, neckline and skirt. The outfit has a very nice coat that resembled a royal robe.
Máxima, Queen of the Netherlands, chose a creation of the Dutch designer Jan Timiniau. A very beautiful dress in royal blue with embroidered sleeves, neckline and skirt. The outfit has a very nice coat that resembled a royal robe.
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Jan Timiniau |
Como se especulava o código de vestuário para as damas seria vestido comprido e chapéu. Mas a grande dúvida foi se esse código também se aplicaria à Rainha Máxima. O vestido longo confirmou-se. Na cabeça no entanto a nova Rainha levava uma belíssima tiara, até então apenas vista na Rainha Beatrix. Já aqui tinha referido o quando as safiras assentam bem a Máxima. Ela fez-me a vontade e usou a magnífica Mellerio Sapphire Tiara. Uma peça linda, que Máxima usou como ninguém até agora, porque dado o penteado tão característico de Beatrix, muitas vezes o cabelo não deixava ver a base da tiara. Máxima resolveu o assunto da melhor maneira. Uma verdadeira Rainha!
As speculated the dress code for the ladies was long dress and hat. But the big question was whether this code would also apply to the new Queen. The long dress was confirmed. On her head, however the new Queen wore a beautiful tiara, previously only seen on Queen Beatrix. I had already referred here that the sapphires matched well with Máxima. She made me happy by wearing the magnificent Mellerio Sapphire Tiara. A lovely piece that Máxi used as anyone until now, because due Beatrix typical hairstyle often the hair didn't let us to see this tiara basic i previous occasios. Máxima nealed that. A true Queen!
Uma fotografia oficial de grupo.
An official group picture.
Desfile de Barco/ River Pageant
A nova Rainha para as comemorações que se estenderam até de noite, escolheu mais um modelo Jan Timiniau em tom vinho. Um vestido lindo, que Máxima vez brilhar ainda mais com o seu penteado no qual usou estrelas de diamantes como ganchos.
The new Queen for the celebrations that stretched into the night, chose another Jan Timiniau's dress in bordeux lace. A gorgeous dress that Maxima was able to glow extra-more with her hairstyle which she used diamond stars as hair pins.
A Família estava muito feliz e unida. E houve um momento super divertido e sem precedentes. Quando o barco da família Real se encontrava parado para assistir à actuação da Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra e do DJ Armin van Buuren, do qual os novos Reis são fãs, a multidão foi supreendida quando W-A e Máxima fizeram questão de subir ao palco para saudarem a Orquestra, juntamente com as suas filhas, quebrando todo o Protocolo.
The family was very happy and united. And there was a super fun time and unprecedented. When the boat was standing royal family to attend the performance of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and DJ Armin van Buuren, which the new Kings are fans, the crowd was surprised when WA and Máxima made their way to the stage to greet the Orchestra along with their daughters, breaking all protocol.
Agradecimentos: Mais um grande evento que foi seguido com grande emoção por mim, e também por vários leitores deste blog e de várias grupos no Facebook, com os quais estive em permanente contacto e loucura. Assim sendo e sem nenhuma ordem em particular obrigada Tesouras&Tiaras, All about Royalty, Royal Jewels Fan Club, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, Dress like a Lady, Daily News about Crown Princess Mary of Denmark e a todos os seus membros pela partilha, informação e sentimento que souberam impor em cada publicação e comentário. Vocês são os melhores!!
Thanks: Another great event that was followed with great emotion for me, and also by several readers of this blog and several Facebook groups with whom I was in permanent contact and madness. Thus, without any particular order i would like to thank to FB people on Tesouras & Tiaras, All about Royalty, Royal Jewels Fan Club, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, Dress Like a Lady, Daily News about Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and all its members for every share, information and feelling that they were able to pass in each post or comment. You are the best!!!
Uma fotografia oficial de grupo.
An official group picture.
A nova Rainha para as comemorações que se estenderam até de noite, escolheu mais um modelo Jan Timiniau em tom vinho. Um vestido lindo, que Máxima vez brilhar ainda mais com o seu penteado no qual usou estrelas de diamantes como ganchos.
The new Queen for the celebrations that stretched into the night, chose another Jan Timiniau's dress in bordeux lace. A gorgeous dress that Maxima was able to glow extra-more with her hairstyle which she used diamond stars as hair pins.
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Jan Timiniau |
A Família estava muito feliz e unida. E houve um momento super divertido e sem precedentes. Quando o barco da família Real se encontrava parado para assistir à actuação da Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra e do DJ Armin van Buuren, do qual os novos Reis são fãs, a multidão foi supreendida quando W-A e Máxima fizeram questão de subir ao palco para saudarem a Orquestra, juntamente com as suas filhas, quebrando todo o Protocolo.
The family was very happy and united. And there was a super fun time and unprecedented. When the boat was standing royal family to attend the performance of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and DJ Armin van Buuren, which the new Kings are fans, the crowd was surprised when WA and Máxima made their way to the stage to greet the Orchestra along with their daughters, breaking all protocol.
De seguida foi oferecida uma Recepção a convidados.
Then was offered a reception to guests.
Agradecimentos: Mais um grande evento que foi seguido com grande emoção por mim, e também por vários leitores deste blog e de várias grupos no Facebook, com os quais estive em permanente contacto e loucura. Assim sendo e sem nenhuma ordem em particular obrigada Tesouras&Tiaras, All about Royalty, Royal Jewels Fan Club, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, Dress like a Lady, Daily News about Crown Princess Mary of Denmark e a todos os seus membros pela partilha, informação e sentimento que souberam impor em cada publicação e comentário. Vocês são os melhores!!
Thanks: Another great event that was followed with great emotion for me, and also by several readers of this blog and several Facebook groups with whom I was in permanent contact and madness. Thus, without any particular order i would like to thank to FB people on Tesouras & Tiaras, All about Royalty, Royal Jewels Fan Club, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, Dress Like a Lady, Daily News about Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and all its members for every share, information and feelling that they were able to pass in each post or comment. You are the best!!!
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